ing, 28; at Channing's Church, 31,32; hisessential quality, 34; aggressiveness, 34ff.; first editorial in the Liberator, 35-41; early history, 41, 42; persuaded by Lundy to enter on what was to be his life-work, 42, 43; edits Genius of Universal Emancipation, 43, 46; address at Park St. Church (1829) 43, 44, compared with Emerson's of G., quoted, 106-108, 159 if., 203 ff.
Garrison, Mrs., Fanny Lloyd, G.'s mother, 41.
Gay, Sydney H., 210. Genius of Universal Emancipation, the, edited by Lundy, 42; by G., 43, 46.
Georgia, Legislature of, offers reward for arrest and conviction of G., 48, 49, 256.
Goodell, William, 127.
Grant, Professor, 214, 215. iana Purchase, 9, Io.
Louisiana territory, slavery in, 9.
Lovejoy, Elijah P., murder of, and its effect,128 if.; Emerson on, 231, 232; 117, 119, 238.
Lundy, Benjamin, 42, 43, 46.
Lunt, George, 124, 125, 127.
Lunt Committee, 124 f.
Luther, Martin, 35, 193.
Lyman, Theodore, Mayor of Boston, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 121