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Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 2, Chapter 39: General Hood's northward march; Sherman in pursuit; battle of Allatoona (search)
By the 5th we had reached the vicinity of the battlefield, Kenesaw Mountain. As soon as Sherman heard that a division of the enemy had been seen marching northward not far from the railroad line he divined that the subdepot at Allatoona Pass was the coveted prize. This occurred to him before he had passed Vining's Station. On account of the breakup of the railroad and telegraph lines by Hood's men, we were obliged to depend upon day and night signaling. Sherman sent one dispatch from Vining's to the top of Kenesaw, which was repeated from Kenesaw to Allatoona Pass. This dispatch was then telegraphed to General J. M. Corse, at Rome, Ga. It was repeated by Vandever, commanding near Kenesaw. But, in fact, there were two dispatches, the first, to wit: Commanding Officers, Allatoona, Kingston, and Rome: The enemy moving on Allatoona, thence to Rome. Sherman. Second dispatch: General Corse, Rome: Sherman directs you to march forward and join Smith's division with yo