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James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley 41 1 Browse Search
William Alexander Linn, Horace Greeley Founder and Editor of The New York Tribune 14 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 7 results in 3 document sections:

William Alexander Linn, Horace Greeley Founder and Editor of The New York Tribune, Chapter 4: the founding of the New York Tribune (search)
preparation views on good journalism local competition the first number growth of business McElrath as publisher Greeley's courage in printing the news attacks and counter-attacks the Cooper lGreeley did, and he was fortunate in finding one. Very soon after this note was written, Thomas McElrath surprised him with an offer to become his partner in the new enterprise, and this Greeley gladly accepted, and the announcement of the new firm was made on July 31. McElrath contributed $2,000 in cash as an equivalent for a half-interest. Not until this arrangement was made did Greeley consider the paper fairly on its feet. The new partner was a member of the firm of McElrath & Bangs, who kept a bookstore under the printing-office in which Greeley had set up the Testament, and his nator was always lacking. This partnership continued for more than ten years. Greeley has called McElrath's business management never brilliant nor specially energetic, but so safe and judicious that i
William Alexander Linn, Horace Greeley Founder and Editor of The New York Tribune, Chapter 6: the tariff question (search)
ey's recommendation. From that time to the date of his nomination for President, Greeley, with the Tribune at his back, was the foremost advocate of a protective tariff in this country, addressing a larger constituency than any of the tariff advocates in Congress. He was early recognized as an authority on the subject, Weed placing only Hezekiah Niles above him. He was the author of an article in the Merchants' Magazine of May, 1841, which replied to a free-trader's argument, and he and McElrath began, in 1842, the publication of a magazine called The American Laborer, whose purpose was the inculcation of the protective doctrine. In November, 1843, he and Joseph Blunt defended the affirmative side in a debate in the Tabernacle in New York city on the question, Resolved, That a protective tariff is conducive to our national prosperity, Samuel J. Tilden and Parke Godwin taking the negative. As he printed his argument on this occasion in his autobiography in 1868, it may be accepte
ull Run, 190-192; reply to Greeley's Prayer of Twenty Millions, 197; Greeley's opposition to his renomination, 199-202; part in Niagara Falls negotiation, 203-208; suppressed editorial on, 210; Greeley's final view of, 212, 213. Log Cabin (newspaper), how started, 50; its character, 50-52; big circulation, 52. Lottery ticket selling, 26. Lovejoy, E. P., murder of, 136. -, Owen, on emancipation proclamation, 198 note. M. Madisonian (newspaper), invitation to Greeley, 57. McElrath, T., partner in the Tribune, 62. Mercier, Greeley's approach to, 193. Mileage abuse, Greeley's attack on, 99-103. Missouri compromise, 127. Missouri, Liberal Republican movement in, 226-230. Morning Post, 25. N. Nebraska question, 163-165. Negro education, Northern opposition to, 132. Newspapers,--early, in the United States, 27; New York city in 1842, 58; Greeley on the Satanic press, 66. New York city in 1830, 1; literary tastes in 1828, 28; bank suspensions in