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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 58 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 54 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 52 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 42 0 Browse Search
Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing) 42 0 Browse Search
James Russell Lowell, Among my books 32 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 28 0 Browse Search
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen 26 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli 26 0 Browse Search
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches 20 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 13 results in 8 document sections:

Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 3: Girlhood at Cambridge. (1810-1833.) (search)
partment of modern languages; George Bancroft was a tutor. The town in which these men lived and taught may have been provincial in population, but it was intellectually metropolitan; where McGregor sits, there is the head of the table. Moreover, by a happy chance, the revolutions of Europe were sending to this country, about that time, many highly cultivated Germans and Italians, of whom Harvard College had its full share. Charles Follen taught German; Charles Beck, Latin; Pietro Bachi, Italian; Friedrich Grater gave drawing lessons. England, too, contributed to the American Cambridge the most delightful of botanists and ornithologists,--his books being still classics,--Thomas Nuttall. He organized the Botanic Garden of the college, and initiated the modern tendency toward the scientific side of education. From some of these men Margaret Fuller had direct instruction; but she was, at any rate, formed in a society which was itself formed by their presence. And, since young pe
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 6: school-teaching in Boston and Providence. (1837-1838.) (search)
interest taken in her behalf by persons here in our city whose favor is a passport to success. To her has been given with the gift of intellect that of prudence, and when these are united in one person, success must follow in their train. April. Miss Fuller left town this week for Groton, where she intends passing a few weeks, for recruiting her health to enter the Green Street School at Providence. Here, during the last winter, she has been engaged in teaching the French, German, and Italian languages to private classes, also Latin and French in my school. Ms. by Mr. Alcott. Her connection with Mr. Alcott's school, like the school itself, was destined to be short-lived. Mr. Alcott's characteristic methods of dealing with children through minute questioning, joined with some peculiar theories as to punishment, called out an amount of indignation which, at this distance of time, appears almost incredible. The little volume called Record of a school, followed by the two vo
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 8: conversations in Boston. (search)
ing up the life of thought upon the life of action. .... I believe I have written as much as any one will wish to read. I am ready to answer any questions which may be put, and will add nothing more here except, Always yours truly, S. M. Fuller. Ms. The conversations began November 6, 1839, at Miss Peabody's rooms in West Street — those rooms where many young men and women found, both then and at a later day, the companionship of cultivated people, and the best of French, German, Italian, and English literature. The conversations continued for five winters, closing in April, 1844. Their theory was not high-flown but eminently sensible, being based expressly on the ground stated in the circular, that the chief disadvantage of women in regard to study was in not being called upon, like men, to reproduce in some way what they had learned. As a substitute for this she proposed to try the uses of conversation, to be conducted in a somewhat systematic way, under efficient lead
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 14: European travel. (1846-1847.) (search)
ing that her accent was like that of an Italian, though this from French lips can never be much of a compliment. Yet with her deep love for Italy she was probably pleased at the thought of speaking French like an Italian, just as Englishmen are said to be pleased at speaking it like Englishmen — which, to do them justice, they usually accomplish. On February 25, 1847, she left Paris for Italy, and in early spring established herself for a time in Rome. In summer she went to the different Italian cities, then to Switzerland. In October she settled herself for the winter in Rome, whose wonderful inspiration she profoundly felt. She says of her own first experiences there, All mean things were forgotten in the joy that rushed over me like a flood. She felt, as so many Americans feel in Europe, an impulse to separate herself for a time from all English-speaking people and plunge into a wholly untried atmosphere. She had new and interesting friends, such as the Milanese Madame Arco
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 15: marriage and motherhood. (1847-1850.) (search)
nd a carriage for her; and this failing, they walked together to her residence, conversing with some difficulty, as he knew no English and she had not yet learned Italian. At the door they parted, and she told her friends the adventure. A day or two after this, she observed the same young man walking before the house, as if meditnew acquaintance, the young Italian,--well known by this time as Giovanni Angelo, Marquis Ossoli. He sympathized ill her zeal for what then seemed the promise of Italian liberty, and it is thought by those who best knew them that she did much in strengthening his purpose to throw off the traditions of his family, and pledge himselbefore me two old-fashioned daguerreotypes of him, and a lock of his hair, the characteristic blue-black hair of his nation. The pictures represent a thoroughly Italian face and figure: dark, delicate, slender; by no means the man, one would say, to marry at thirty an American woman of thirty-seven, she being poor, intellectual,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 16: letters between husband and wife. (search)
Chapter 16: letters between husband and wife. By a happy fatality, the only Italian papers of Margaret Ossoli's that are preserved are the letters that passed between her and her husband, during their various separations, before and after the birth of their child. The originals are now, partially at least, in the possession of Miss Edith Fuller, in Cambridge; and a translation of the whole, made by Miss Elizabeth Hoar, is in my possession. I wish that they could all be published, for more loving and devoted letters never passed between husband and wife. Fragments of them appeared in the Memoirs; but I have avoided making use of any which are there printed, except in one or two cases where scattered portions alone have appeared. The preference has been given to those written about the time of her child's birth, because there is no period which tests more deeply the depth and the heroism of conjugal affection than those anxious weeks. At the birth of a first child, every moth
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 17: closing scenes. (search)
copious slander, chief product of this, as of every little hive of men. The baronesses and countesses, in the extreme of Italian undress, are peeping through the blinds; at half-past 7, if the band plays, they will put on their best dresses (alas! thought of taking him, if anything should happen to us. Should I live, I don't know whether I should wish him to be an Italian or American citizen. It depends on the course events take here politically. Ms. And now the pen that had so often d 17, 1850, the only other passengers being Horace Sumner, of Boston,--a younger brother of Charles Sumner, -and a young Italian girl, Celeste Paolini. Misfortune soon began; Captain Hasty sickened and died of malignant small-pox, and was buried bee me now, faded and wave-stained. It is a memorandum that was written long before by Margaret Ossoli, during one of her Italian intervals of separation from her child, and folded round a lock of her husband's hair. The paper is as follows:-- 4th
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 18: literary traits. (search)
views; and, for this country, an unusual refinement and extent of culture. We have been accustomed to hear Mr. Lowell so extravagantly lauded by the circle of his friends, that we should be hopeless of escaping the wrath of his admirers, for any terms in which our expressions of sympathy could be couched, but for the more modest and dignified tone of his own preface, which presents ground on which the world at large can meet him. With his admirers, we have often been reminded of a fervent Italian who raved at one of our country-women as a heartless girl, because she would not go to walk with him alone at midnight. But Mr. Lowell himself speaks of his work as becomes one conversant with those of great and accomplished minds. Later in the same year (1845), however, in that essay on American literature which appeared for the first time in her Papers, she wrote the words which created so much indignation, and which simply show that no critic can look forward with infallible judgment