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Cape Cod (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
Colver, Nathaniel, Rev. [b. Orwell, Vt., May, 1794; d. Chicago, Sept. 25, 1870], joins plot against Lib., 2.263, 266; hates non-resistance, 282; opposes enrolment of women, 297; debate with H. C. Wright, 328; Baptist delegate to World's Convention, 356, lodges with G., 383, opposes admission of women, 370, 382, favors anti-pro-slavery-church resolutions, 380; report on return, 411; at Chardon St. Convention, 421, 425-427; maligns G. abroad, 429-431, characterized by G., 430. Come-outers (Cape Cod), 2.421, 425, 426, 429. Commercial Advertiser (N. Y.), edited by W. L. Stone, 1.387; incites mobbing of G., 384, 387, reports Utica mob, 2.42. Commercial Gazette (Boston), a low paper, 2.35; comments on G.'s libel of Todd, 1.189, on Judge Thacher's libel charge, 310; wants G. indicted, 450, and thrown overboard, 482, and colonizationists proscribed, 450; on anti-abolition sentiment, 521; favors non-intercourse, 2.5; excites mob against Thompson, 6, 7, 10, 12; loses its patronage, 35.
Franklin County (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
o Niles [b. Cohocton, N. Y., about 1811], 2.118. Fowler, Orson S. [b. Cohocton, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1809], 2.119. Fox, Charles James [1749-1806], 1.379, 465, tribute from Burke, 2.130.-See, also, the Postscript after the Preface to Vol. I. Fox, George, anti-slavery, 2.110, 423. Francis, F. Todd's vessel, 1.165, carries slaves to New Orleans, 166, 169, 186, 197. Francisco slave case, 1.282. Franklin, Benjamin, Pres. Penn. A. S. Soc., 1.89, 425; proverb on removals, 2.51. Franklin Co., Mass., clerical A. S. convention, : 243. Free Church (Boston), organization and building, 1.481; turned out of Julien Hall, 2.124; pastor Fitch, 136, 139; opposed to Clerical Appeal, 159; failing attendance imputed to G., 175; Phelps settled over it, 285, 286. Free Enquirers, Society of, 1.212, 226. Free Inquirer (N. Y.), 2.142. Free Press (Newburyport, Mass.), founded by G., 1.59, 60, sold, 70. Free Press (Tarboroa, N. C.), 1.238. Free produce, measures, 1.152, 2.53; esta
Calhoun, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
, Sarah Thurber [1799-1850].—Letters from G., 2.229, 238. Benton, Thomas Hart [1782-1858], upholds slavery in Texas, 1.153, denounces abolition pictures, 232; makes light of Cherokee outrage, 271; slow to discern A. S. agitation, 416; opposes Calhoun's bill for censorship of mails, 2.74; praises Northern doughfaces, 80; fears Southern ultraism, 81. Bethune, George Washington, Rev. [1805-1862], 1.447. Bexley, Lord [1766-1851], 1.367. Bible Society. See Am. Bible Society. Biblical RepePresident, 122, 148; leading colonizationist, 91; favors State aid, 148; colonization address reviewed by G., 148; steps to release G. from jail, 90; support promised by G. in Lib., 201; letter from Madison, 309; mail tampered with, 501, opposes Calhoun's bill for censorship of mails, 2.74; pro-slavery speech in Senate, 282; loses A. S. political support. 1.190, 2.309, 315, 317; loses Presidential nomination, 282, 434. Clerical Appeal, (a) 2.136-143, 52, 167, 198, (b) 156, (c) 158: repudiat
Canterbury (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 9
nd Reuben, 494; seeks advice of G., 315, visits him, 316, visits N. Y., 317, changes white school to colored, 318, excites the town, 319, called an abolition auxiliary, 323, and an amalgamationist, 484, tabooed, 317, 321; black law against her, 1.321, 2.243; imprisoned, 1.321; school attacked, 321, fired, 424, suppressed, 321, 447; defenders, 392, 416, 424, 476, 2.21; defence printed by G., 1.431, tribute from G., 321, 341; begs him to use mild language, 322, meets him at Brooklyn, 341, at Canterbury, 390; thanked by Nat. A. S. Convention, 413, gifts from Scotland, 434; marries C. Philleo, 321; describes Benson family, 424, names their home, 426.—Letters to G., 1.315, 316, 322, S. S. Jocelyn, 1.342, W. P. G., 1.318. Crandall, Reuben, Dr. [d. about Feb. 1, 1838, at Kingston, Jamaica], 1.494. Crawford, William H. [1772-1834], 1.54. Cresson, Elliott [1796-1854], Colon. emissary to England, 1.301, 328, at his own expense, 374; avoids abolition meetings, 355, visits Wilberforce, 3
Torrington (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
421. Brooks, Charles Timothy, Rev. [1813-1883], 1.463. Brooks, Nathan, 2.287. Brooks, Peter Chardon [1767-1849], 1; 488. Brougham, Henry [1779-1868], on slavery, 1.211; on G. Thompson's A. S. services, 435, and oratory, 436; urges him to the law, 436. Brown, David Paul [b. 1795; d.——], dissuaded from colonization, 1.413; mobbed in N. Y., 447; introduces Thompson in Philadelphia, 2.2; speech at Penn. Hall, 214, 215. Brown, Goold [1791-1857], 1.287, 288. Brown, John [b. Torrington, Conn., May 9, 1800; d. Charlestown, Va., Dec. 2, 1859], 2.184.—Portrait in Webb's Life. Brown, Moses [b. Sept. 23, 738; d. Providence, R. I., Sept. 8, 1836], host of G., 1.286, 288. Brown, Nicholas, captain of Francis, 1.165; denounced by G., 1.166; kindness to slaves, 169, 195; witness in Todd's suit, 195, G.'s comments, 197. Brown, Sylvanus, 2.426. Brownson, Orestes Augustus, Rev. [1803-1876], thinks currency the main question, 2.246; odious to J. Q. Adams, 224. Buckingham, J<
New Haven (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
n [1795-1841], 2.378. Jewett, Daniel E., delegate to Nat. A. S. Convention, 1.394, 407. Jocelyn, Nathaniel [b. New Haven, Conn., Jan. 31, 1796; d. there Jan. 13, 1881], career, 1.344; paints portrait of Ashmun, 339, of G., 341, 344, 345. Jocelyn, Simeon Smith, Rev. [b. New Haven, Conn., Nov. 21, 1799; d. Tarrytown, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1879, ministry to colored people of New Haven, 1.149, 260; admits G. to his pulpit, 204; invites him to Philadelphia, 259; plan of colored college, 259; speakhittier, 183. New Hampshire, Legislative resolves on A. S. agitation, 2.76. New Hampshire Observer, 2.112. New Haven (Conn.), rejects colored college, 1.260. New Jersey, law giving jury trial to fugitives, 2.128. New Orleans, great Son Newburyport, 1824-1831, 1.55. Swift, John, 2.216, 218. Tappan, Arthur [b. Northampton, Mass., May 22, 1786; d. New Haven, Conn., July 23, 1865], career, 1.91, meets Lundy, 91, releases G. from jail, 190; aid to Lib., 237, to G. against kidnappi
William Branch (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
stimulus to kidnapping, 1.324, 342; legislative appeal to North, 2.76. Georgian (Savannah), on Walker's Appeal, 1.160; on Garrison and Denison, 2.198. Gibbons, James Sloan [b. Wilmington, Del., July 1, 1810], protests against sale of Emancipator, 2.345, 351; reflected to Exec. Com., 355; reports Emancipator perishing, 418; sacrifice to support Standard, 420. Giddings, Joshua Reed [1795-1864], 1.496.— Portrait in Autographs of Freedom, vol. 2, and in W. Buell's Sketch. Giles, William Branch [1762-1830], message on Walker's Appeal, 1.160, 161.—Letter from H. G. Otis, 1.161. Gill, John, Rev., 2.110. Gill, Richard W., prosecuting counsel against G., 1.168; argument, 171; card from G., 179. Gilman, W. & J., 1.55, 56. Gilmer, George R. [1790-1859], 1.60. Glittering generalities of Declaration of Independence, 1.141. God Speed the Right, 2.394. Goodell, William [1792-1878], career, 1.91; meets Lundy, 91, edits Nat. Philanthropist, 124, walks and talks with G.,
Le Roy (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
, 2.42; G. Shepard, 1.204; L. Sunderland, 1.236; A. Tappan, 1.202, 237, 300, 312; L. Tappan, 1.472, 473, 2.88, 163, 169; G. Thompson, 1.450, 453, 520, 2.44; J. H. Tredgold, 2.375; F. Wayland, 1.242; R. D. Webb, 2.402, 403; A. W. Weston, 2.240; J. G. Whittier, 1.369, 393; N. Winslow, 1.312, 384; E. Wright, 1.434, 2.62, 168, 178; H. C. Wright, 2.115, 343. Garrison, William Lloyd, jr. [b. 1838], birth, 2.208, 364, growth, 213. Gates, Seth Merrill [b. Winfield, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1800; d. Le Roy, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1877],: 380, 381. Gayle, John [1792-1859], correspondence with Marcy, 2.75, 85. Gazette. See Vermont Gazette. Gazette (Baltimore), 1.228. Gazette (Greenfield), 2.424. Gazette (Salem), communications from G., 1.54; abuse of Thompson, 440; some manliness, 521. Genius of Universal Emancipation, founded in Ohio by B. Lundy, 1.88, removed to Tennessee, 89, to Baltimore, 90; joined by G., 140; enlarged, 141; declining support, 162; suspended as weekly, 171; proposed
Stoughton (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
intree, Mass., Sept. 15, 1833], President Western Reserve College, 1.300; drops Colonization Soc., 299; death, 418. Storrs, George, Rev. [b. Lebanon, N. H., Dec. 13, 1796; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1879], mobbed, 2.67, 77, opposes enrolment of women, 297. Story, Joseph [1779-1845], professor at Harvard, 1.302; invited to Faneuil Hall meeting, 487; advises non-prosecution of Boston rioters, 2.37; court scene reported by G., 223.—Portrait in Memorial Hist. Of Boston, vol. 4. Stoughton (Mass.), colored pew-owner ejected, 1.253. Stow, Baron, Rev. [1801-1869], at Peace Convention, 2.227, withdraws, 228. Stuart, Charles, exposes Am. Colonization Soc., 1.262; tribute from Cropper, 262; opposes Colon. Soc., 301, 434, and Cresson, 305; on G.'s labors against Cresson, 367; at Exeter Hall, 377; circular for Manual Labor School, 434, 443; arrives in U. S., 422, 434; at Am. A. S. S. anniversary, 446; reproves G.'s language, 457; literary style, 461; mobbed, 2.67, 86, address to
Glasgow (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 9
n England and Scotland, 82, 83; debate with R. J. Breckinridge, 1.449, 2.83; remembered by Mass. A. S. S., 86; accuses Channing of plagiarism, 89; Garrison namesake, 99; expected part in World's Convention, 354; not favorable to admission of women, 371, 372; not invited to speak at meeting of Brit. and Foreign A. S. S., 382; non-committal as to schism in U. S., 385, 398, 410; temperance speech, 396; sits to Haydon, 389; journeys north with G., 383, 388, 395; at Rechabite festival, 396, at Glasgow reception, 399; farewell to G., 402; adviser of Collins, 417; labors in British India, 1.498.—Letters to R. Purvis, 1.433, 434, G., 1.450, 453, 520, 2.44, H. C. Wright, 2.58; from L. Tappan, 1.457, R. D. Webb, 2.403. Thompson, H. B., 2.24. Thompson, Henry, 1.167; agent of F. Todd, 168, witness in libel suit, 169, card from G., 179. Thompson, John W., 1.167. Thomsonian doctors hung, 1.485; G.'s Thomsonianism made a charge against him, 2.281. Thorneley, Thomas, 1.349. Thoughts on
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