Found 1,484 total hits in 1,017 results.
216 n., 225 n.
Dunster, John, 156
Dunton, John, 54
Durang, C., 221, 221 n., 223 n., 226, 226 n., 231 n.
Dutchman's fireside, the, 311
Dwight, Theodore, 164
Dwight, Timothy, 156, 163-165, 167, 172, 175, 187, 190, 191, 208, 212, 233, 292
Dyer, Mary, 8
Dying Indian, the, 183
Early American realism, 289
Early opera in America, 216 n.
Early plays at Harvard, 216 n.
Early Virginia play, an, 216 n.
Echo, the, 175, 261
Edgar Huntly, 291
Edict by the King of Prussia, an, 98, 102
Edinburgh review, the, 90, 206, 207
Edwards, Jonathan, 9, 57-71, 72, 73, 76, 80, 85, 104, 163, 284, 329, 330, 348, 355, 356
Eighth of January, the, 222, 226
Elegy on the times, 171
Elementa Philosophica, 81, 84, 85, 85 n.
Elijah's translation, 158
Eliot, George, 279
Eliot, John, 25, 41-43, 46, 156
Ellet, Mrs., Elizabeth, 224
Elliott, Jonathan, 147 n.
Ellis, H. M., 233 n.
Ellsworth, Oliver, 148
Embargo, 150, 261, 262
Embarkment for Cythera, 110
rd, 243
McDonough, Thomas, 222
McFingal, 139, 171-173, 182
McKinnon, John D., 163
McLane, Louis, 250
MacDonald, W., 125 n., 130 n., 134 n., 141 n.
Madison, 146, 148, 149, 170
Madoc, 212
Magnalia, 51
Malebranche, 58
Mallet, David, 215
Man at home, the, 290
Mandeville, Bernard, 91
Mandeville, 292
Manners of the times, the, 175
Manual of American literature, a, 324 n.
Map of Virginia, etc., A, 16
Marco Bozzaris, 282
Mardi, 321
Margaret, 324
Maria's grave, 177
Marion, Francis, 225, 315, 316
Marion, 220
Markoe, Peter, 175
Marks of a work of the true spirit, 62
Marmion, 220, 224, 261
Marryat, Captain, 207
Martin, Luther, 147, 148
Martin Faber, 314
Martineau, Harriet, 190, 191
Mason, George, 148
Mason, Captain John, 24
Mason, John, 167
Mason, William, 178, 278
Masque of Alfred, the, 215
Massachusettensis, 137
Massachusetts Agents, 5
Massachusetts Circular Letter, The, 132
Massachusetts Hi
Horatio, etc., 95
Dialogue concerning the present state of affairs in Pennsylvania, 106
Dialogue on free will and Providence, 68
Dickens, 207, 279
Dickenson, G. K., 223
Dickinson (or Dickenson), Jonathan, 7
Dickinson (or Dickenson),16-217, 218
Godfrey, Thomas, Jr., 122, 161, 176, 177
God's controversy with New England, 157
God's Protecting Providence, etc., 7
Godwin, Parke, 260 n., 262 n., 266 n., 269 n., 272 n., 276, 277, 277 n., 282 n.
Godwin, William, 288, 243
Progress of Dullness, 172
Prompter, 233
Prose (of Bryant), 277 n., 282 n.
Prose sketches and poems, 319
Providence gazette, 128
Publications of the colonial Society of Massachusetts, 120 n.
Puffendorf, 53
Purchas, 16
Putn, the, 177
Wolcott, Roger, 152
Wolfe, General, 166
Wolsey, Cardinal, 49
Wollaston, William, 93
Wonder-working Providence of Zion's Saviour in New England, 23
Wood, W. B., 221, 223 n.
Woodbridge, Rev., John, 154
Woodbridge, T., 55
n, T. O., 186
Berkeley, Bishop, 57, 58, 67, 81, 83, 84, 191, 214, 266
Berkeley, Gov., William, 25
Bernard, Governor, 125, 132
Bernard, John, 189, 292
Betrothal, the, 223, 230
Beverley, Robert, 26
Bianca Visconti, 224
Biddle, Nicholas, 204, 205
Biglow papers, the, 176
Bird, Robert Montgomery, 221-222, 224, 225, 231, 308, 309, 311, 319
Blackmore, Sir, Richard, 158, 159, 161
Blackwood's magazine, 206, 208, 292
Blair, James, 263, 271
Blake, William, 358
Blanche of Brandywine, 226
Bland, Edward, 5, 6, 10
Bleecker, Mrs., Ann Eliza, 179
Blessington, Lady, 242
Blockheads, the, 217
Blumenbach, J. F., 186
Body of liberties, 39
Boehme, Jacob, 188
Bohn, Henry, 252
Boker, George Henry, 222-223, 224, 230
Bonneville, Captain, 210
Boone, Daniel, 189, 190, 319
Booth (the elder), 224
Border Beagles, 317
Borrow, George, 321
Bose, 267
Boston, 175
Boston gazette, the, 93, 119, 129, 137
Boswell, 70
Boucher, Jonathan, 138-139
34, 237, 238, 244, 254, 256
Address to the Freemen of South Carolina, an, 148
Address to the House of burgesses, 142
Address to the people of the state of New York, an (John Jay), 148
Address to the people of the state of New York (Melancthon Smith), 148
Address to the Supreme being, 161
Ad Thamesin, 3
Adulastate of New York (Melancthon Smith), 148
Address to the Supreme being, 161
Ad Thamesin, 3
Adulateur, the, 217
Adventures of Captain Bonneville, 210
Adventures of Joseph Andrews, the, 12
Adventures of Robin day, the, 311
Advertisements for the Unexperienced planters of New-England, 17
Advice to such as would remove to America, etc., 101
Afloat and ashore, 302, 305
Ages, the, 262
Agrippa, Letters of, 148
Jonathan in England, 228
Jonathan Oldstyle, 233
Jones, Joseph S., 224 n., 228
Jonson, Ben, 150-151
Joseph Dennie and his circle, 233 n.
Journal (N. Y.), 149
Journal (Patrick Gass), 205
Journal (Woolman), 86, 87 n., 88 n.
Journal kept by John Bartram of
Journal of the Continental Congress, 144
Company, Lord, 18
Bancroft, George, 332
Banks, Joseph, 91, 193
Barbe-Marbois, Marquis de, 201
Barclay, Robert, I16
Barker, James N., 220, 224, 225, 227
Barlow, Joel, 164, 169-171, 174, 261
Barnard, John, 156
Barnes, 221
Barrett, Lawrence, 223
Barrow, Robert, 8
Bartram, John, 194-195, 201
Bartram, William, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191,192, 194, 195-198,212,213
Batchelor's Hall, 161
Byteman, Mrs. Sidney F., 230
Battle of Brooklyn, the, 218
Battle of Lovell's Pond, the, 166
Battle of the kegs, 167
Baviad, 178
Bay Psalm Book, the, 156
Beattie, William, 163
Beauchamp, Colonel, 224
Beauchampe, 225 n., 317
Beauties of Santa Cruz, the, 181
Beaux-Stratagem, the, 117
Beers, Professor H. A., 243, 243 n.
Beginnings of American dramatic literature, the, 215 n.
Benevolence of the Deity, 77 n., 78 n.
Benjamin, Park, 241
Bentham, Jeremy, 309
Bentley, Richard, 252, 255
Beppo, 282
Berber, the, 320
Bergman, T. O., 186
voyage, etc., A, 9
Morals of Chess, the, 101
More, Henry, 70 n.
Morris, Colonel G. P., 241, 279
Morris, William, 261
Morse, Jedidiah, 187
Morse, S. F. B., 301
Morton, Nathaniel, 20, 22, 23, 27
Morton, Sarah Wentworth, 178, 285
Mose in California, 229
Mose in China, 229
Mourt's Relation, 19
Mowatt, Anna Ogden, 223, 229, 230
Murray, John, 249, 252, 255, 321
Murray, Mrs., Judith, 233
Murray, Lindley, 292
Muscle Seatoniance, 263 n.
Musings (Dana), 240
MystMose in China, 229
Mourt's Relation, 19
Mowatt, Anna Ogden, 223, 229, 230
Murray, John, 249, 252, 255, 321
Murray, Mrs., Judith, 233
Murray, Lindley, 292
Muscle Seatoniance, 263 n.
Musings (Dana), 240
Mystery of flowers, the, 267 n.
Nadowessiers Todtenlied, 212
Napoleon, 170, 185, 211
Narrative of surprising Conversions, 61
Narrative of the troubles with the Indians of New England, 25
Nathan Hale, 167
Nation, the, 216 n., 262 n., 289 n.
Nativity, 265
Nature, 328, 334, 346, 352, 358
Neal, John, 208, 292, 307, 308, 309-310
Ned Myers, 302
Neidig, W. J., 216 n.
Neighbour, 233
Neill, Rev. Edward D., 18 n.
Nelson, Admiral, 246
New American magazine, the, 123
tian morals, 104
Chronological history of New England, 20, 28
Church, Benjamin, 25, 162, 171
ophy, a, 82
General Historie of Virginia, New England, and the summer Isles, the, 17
General ment of Pennsylvania, an, 97
History of New England (Gookin), 25
History of New England (Hubbard), 25, 27
History of New England, a (Withrop), 22, 23 n.
History of New Jersey, 27
Hi, 310
Lionel Lincoln, 297, 300
Lists of New England Magazines, 120 n.
Literary history of thal, 246
New American magazine, the, 123
New England Courant, the, 93, 94, 112-113
New EnglaNew England magazine, the, 215 n.
New England magazine of knowledge and pleasure, the, 122
New EnglanNew England magazine of knowledge and pleasure, the, 122
New England weekly journal, the, 113-114
New England's crisis, 152
New England's memorial, 20, 23, 27New England's memorial, 20, 23, 27
New England's prospect, 151
New Englands Trials, 16
New-Englands true interests; not to chusetts Bay, a, 126
Vindication of the New England churches, 52
Virgil, 165
Virgin of [13 more...]
arolina, 26
New York as it is, 229
New York by Gaslight, 229
New York merchant and his Clerks, the, 228
New York Mirror, 241, 242
New York Tribune, the, 342
Newton, 81
Nick of the woods, 222, 319
Night piece, 176
Niles' weekly Register, 208
Nimphidia, 281
Noah, I. M., 220, 226, 231
Norris, John, 70 n.
North, Lord, 141, 142
North American review, the, 208, 240 n., 262, 278, 341
Northrup, C. S., 324 n.
Norton, Charles Eliot, 354, 356
Notes on the state of Virginia, etc., 199, 201, 202
Notions of the Americans picked up by a travelling bachelor, 208, 301
Novanglus, 137
Novelists, the, 324 n.
Noyes, Rev., Nicholas, 153
Nuttall, Thomas, 189
Oakes, Rev., Urian, 153
Oak-Openings, the, 304
Objections to the proposed Federal Constitution, 148
Objections to the taxation of our American colonies, etc., The, 129
Observations concerning the Increase of mankind, etc., 97
Observations leading to a fair examination of the