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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli 90 2 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 16 0 Browse Search
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1 12 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2 12 0 Browse Search
Archibald H. Grimke, William Lloyd Garrison the Abolitionist 8 0 Browse Search
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall) 8 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1 6 0 Browse Search
John Jay Chapman, William Lloyd Garrison 4 0 Browse Search
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches 4 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 4 4 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall). You can also browse the collection for A. Bronson Alcott or search for A. Bronson Alcott in all documents.

Your search returned 4 results in 2 document sections:

Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), To Mrs. S. B. Shaw. (search)
only woman who did speak was so flippant and conceited that I was ashamed of her. In the same excursion, I spent a day and night at Concord, with the Alcotts. Mrs. Alcott was a friend of my youth, and the sister of my dear friend, S. J. May. We had a charming time, talking over the dear old eventful times. I like L. and her art When they bought the place the house was so very old that it was thrown into the bargain, with the supposition that it was fit for nothing but fire-wood. But Mr. Alcott has an architectural taste more intelligible than his Orphic Sayings. He let every old rafter and beam stay in its place, changed old ovens and ash-holes into ving much better resemblance to the place whence it was brought than does the Virgin Mary's house, which the angel carried from Bethlehem to Loretto. The capable Alcott daughters painted and papered the interior themselves. And gradually the artist-daughter filled up all the nooks and corners with panels on which she had painted
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall), Index. (search)
Index. A. Abdy, Edward S., Mrs. Child's letters to, VIII. Adams, John Quincy, indebted to Mr. Child for facts on the Texas question, VIII.; maintains the right to proclaim emancipation in war time, 151. Adams, Samuel, Miss Whitney's statue of, 257. Advertisements of fugitive slaves, 128, 129. Alcott, A. Bronson, and family, 239. Allen, Mr., of Alabama, testifies to horrors of slavery, 131. Allyn, Rev. Dr., letter to, 9. American Anti-Slavery Society, formation of, VIII. American Missionary Association, refuses to circulate Mrs. Child's Freedmen's book, 201. Andrews, William P., sonnet to Mrs. Child, XXIII. An English governess at the Siamese Court, 210. Animals, the treatment of, 214. Anti-Slavery Society (Mass.), annual meeting of, mobbed, 148-150. Appeal in behalf of that Class of Americans called Africans, by Mrs. Child, IX., 48, 195. Armstrong, General, and Hampton Institute, 241. Arnold, Edwin, 257. Aspirations of the world, b