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Entity | Max. Freq | Min. Freq | ||
Josiah Porter | 99 | 3 | Browse | Search |
Lee | 86 | 10 | Browse | Search |
George B. McClellan | 62 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Jonathan Sedgwick | 58 | 2 | Browse | Search |
Joe Hooker | 56 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Phil Sheridan | 54 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Horatio G. Wright | 54 | 2 | Browse | Search |
Early | 52 | 4 | Browse | Search |
Maryland (Maryland, United States) | 52 | 0 | Browse | Search |
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) | 48 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of A. J. Bennett, private , First Massachusetts Light Battery, The story of the First Massachusetts Light Battery , attached to the Sixth Army Corps : glance at events in the armies of the Potomac and Shenandoah, from the summer of 1861 to the autumn of 1864.. Search the whole document.
Found 176 total hits in 50 results.
Warrenton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
Meadow Mills (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
Cumberland Valley (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
Chapter 12:
From Gettysburg to Brandy Station
march to Frederick
in Cumberland Valley
return to Virginia
Warrenton Sulphur Springs
stone House Mountain
retreat to Centreville
race between the two armies
return to Warrenton
affair at Rappahannock Station
return to Brandy Station
A hard forced march from Gettysburg to Frederick, via Emmetsburg, Maryland, commenced on the night of the 5th of July; we encountered on the way Sisters of Charity, proceeding to the hospitals in Pennsylvania to minister to the wounded, as is ever their wont when the occasion for their services occurs.
Our arrival at Frederick was in the midst of rain, that had been falling more or less through the previous twelve hours, and we were quite hungry.
After a brief halt in this town, where we saw the Tenth Massachusetts Battery and had the pleasure of greeting Capt. Sleeper, who had been our third in command, it became apparent that we were not
Piedmont, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
Centreville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
Goose Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
Brandy Station (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
Chapter 12:
From Gettysburg to Brandy Station
march to Frederick
in Cumberland Valley
return to Virginia
Warrenton Sulphur Springs
stone House Mountain
retreat to Cen he two armies
return to Warrenton
affair at Rappahannock Station
return to Brandy Station
A hard forced march from Gettysburg to Frederick, via Emmetsburg, Maryland ld be verified or fulfilled?
It was an exciting race; for a good stretch of the way, past Brandy Station, we sped, sometimes at a trot, always at quickstep.
It must have been past noon when our di of the column; we were soon on the south side of the river and were rapidly marching toward Brandy Station, as though bent upon placing ourselves in Lee's rear.
Now it was the turn of the Confederat igilance until the last nail was driven.
While thus alluding to the humors of the camp at Brandy Station, it occurs to us to notice the curious mistakes that would arise in conversation between pa
Gainesville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 15