Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson. You can also browse the collection for James Montgomery or search for James Montgomery in all documents.

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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Chapter army life and camp drill (search)
fore Higginson had written of Montgomery: Montgomery in Kansas is a noble person, born and reareden relieved by a senior officer. Last night Montgomery said, To-night the town will be shelled. He and never waked from half-past 9 to six. Montgomery is splendid, but impulsive and changeable; nther people from riding. March 28. Colonel Montgomery has just returned from upriver, as far adiers whom they surprised asleep on picket. Montgomery took all their guns, then shook one on the sskirts, then ran, and would not stop, though Montgomery raised his pistol. But M. would n't shoot, t produced a thrill of triumph; and now that Montgomery's regiment is just off (which did stealing feter resting-place for a discarded body. Montgomery was then making some capital raids near Georn wrote of him: Advanced Picket, June 5 Montgomery's raid was a most brilliant success, though phen seemed to confound their criticisms on Montgomery's guerillas with Cunnel Higginson's reg'lars[11 more...]
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Index. (search)
107. Longfellow, Samuel, 47-49. Lowell, James Russell, 8, 94. 113; evening with, 11-13; at Atlantic dinners, 107-12; as editor, 111; anecdote of, 262, 263. Lowell, Maria, sketch of, 12,13, 111. M McClellan, Gen., 271. McDougall, Bishop, 292, 293. Maggi, Lt.-Col., anecdote of, 212. Malbone, 253. May, Samuel, 4. Miller, Joaquin, in England, 287. Millerites, the, account of, 51. Milne, Mr., 96; invites Lucy Stone to lecture, 98. Monarch of Dreams, 335, 336. Montgomery, Col., James, in Civil War, 186, 188-91, 206-09. Morton, Edward, 115. Mott, Lucretia, 272. Moulton, Mrs. L. C., in Newport, 228; in London, 287. Mt. Katahdin, excursion to; 117-20. Murfree, Miss (C. E. Craddock), 267. N Nantucket, described, 92, 93. Nasby, Petroleum, 244. Negroes, accounts of, 183, 184, 193, 194, 197, 199, 207-21; on tactics, 203, 204. Newburyport, early, 5-43. Newport, R. I., early, 224-32, 235-74; Town and Country Club, 230, 231, 234; scenery of, 247