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T. W. Higginson 366 0 Browse Search
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Two Points (Minnesota, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
rs are like real men and women to me, though not one of them was, strictly speaking, imitated from life, as a whole. Yet two of the characters in Malbone were suggested by real persons. Many of Aunt Jane's witty sayings had originated with Mrs. Higginson, and Philip Malbone was drawn from memories of Hurlbut, the author's early friend. On September 25, he had ended the story and sent it to Fields, and quoted in his diary a passage from Browning's Paracelsus:— Are there not . . . Two points in the adventure of a diver, One—when, a beggar, he prepares to plunge, One—when, a prince, he rises with his pearl? Festus, I plunge! In November he had finished working over the manuscript and says:— There is, with all my fussy revising and altering, always a point where a work seems to take itself into its own hands . . . and I can no more control it than an apple-tree its fallen apples. The advent of Malbone was announced to the writer's sisters with this comment:—
Block Island (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
and still burnt with powder. Colonel Higginson had been more or less associated in Worcester with Dr. E. E. Hale, who was for a time the only clergyman in that city who was willing to exchange with the pastor of the Free Church. I had such an amusing glimpse, he wrote, of Edward Hale and his numerous offspring. I was at the Redwood library [Newport] and heard the tramp of many feet and supposed it an excursion party; then his cheery voice. . . . They had stopped on their way from Block Island to the Narragansett region where they live. I showed them a few things and presently they streamed out again, I bidding them farewell. Going toward the door I met the elder girl returning, and looking for something as if she had dropped a glove or a handkerchief. I said, Are you looking for anything? and she said, smiling shyly, For a pair of twins! It was even so. Hale, counting up his party on the sidewalk, missed nothing but a pair of twins and sent her back to find them in some c
Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 13
years he could still be easily heard. As a presiding officer he was always in demand, having a gift of lighting up a dull occasion by ready wit or anecdote, of tactfully suppressing long-winded speakers, and of gracefully preserving harmony between conflicting opinions. Invitations to lecture which involved a night's absence were usually declined while in Newport, on account of his wife's failing health, but this rule was sometimes broken; and on one of these occasions, he wrote from Washington, D. C.:— Last night my lecture was a real success, they say, and I repeat it because I am prone to humility about speaking and put all my conceit into my writing. It seemed rather an ordeal to speak before Congressmen and Washington people, they have such a surfeit of it; and Gen. Grant had taken a special interest in the lecture and made his friends buy tickets. Again from Ann Arbor, Michigan, he wrote: To-day I have been in some of the classes—one most tumultuous class of 350 l
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
s were published. In 1876, a German version was printed, and it was translated into Italian in 1888. In May, 1879, the book was adopted by the Boston public schools. This seemed to the author a real access of fortune—yet I always think how little money can give after all. One of the best endorsements of the book came from a boy of eight, the son of a Harvard professor, who declared, I like your History of the United States about as well as the Odyssey. Another came from a teacher in North Carolina: My class is intensely interested in it [Young Folks' History]. The book has in it more to arouse the child's patriotism than any book that I have ever seen . . . .The teaching profession is under many obligations to you. In 1905, an edition of this History was, by private generosity, printed in raised letters for the blind. The Higginsons made an occasional attempt at housekeeping, and during the latter part of Mrs. Higginson's life they were able to keep up this mode of living, wh
Newport (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
ort Days The removal of his home to Newport, Rhode Island, was not altogether acceptable to Colosame Committee with a black man. However, Newport virtually adopted the stranger, making him chry in the thought that each day is going. Newport afforded great opportunities for the old recrefreshed my soul—they are so rare here. To Newport and to Mrs. Dame's table drifted in those day as well as authors and artists were drawn to Newport, and when President Hayes visited Rhode Islanforeign notabilities often found their way to Newport. To-day, wrote Colonel Higginson on June 1ous writing. Some of these papers describing Newport life were later published in a volume entitler beguiling, Who punctuates his paragraphs On Newport's shining shore. At one of these meetings also urged to apply for the collectorship of Newport, which he declined to do. Some of the attentin view of the diminished society around me in Newport. In April he felt rather tired of writing[2 more...]
Concord (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
rest and satisfaction of it, which pays for itself. His lectures nearer home often gave him pleasant glimpses of the life of old friends. At Amesbury, he wrote to his sisters, I staid with Whittier who . . . seems brighter than I expected in his loneliness. . . . He has a singular companion—a wonderful parrot, 30 years old, an African parrot Quaker colored with a scarlet tail. The only sensible and intelligible parrot I ever saw, and we had much conversation. And when he lectured in Concord he wrote:— I staid at Mr. Emerson's and it was very sweet to see him with his grandchildren . . . tending the baby of 7 months on his knee and calling him a little philosopher. The Sons of Temperance claimed Colonel Higginson's aid, anti-slavery conventions were still in vogue, and he went several times to Washington and Cleveland to preside at Woman Suffrage Conventions. Mrs. Higginson's letters to the Brattleboro family always contained characteristic comments on her husband's
Malbone (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
6 pages Ossoli. Like this very well, but grudge the time taken from Malbone, about which I was beginning to feel very happy. I do not think that anything except putting on uniform and going into camp has ever given me such a sense of new strange fascinating life, as the thought that I can actually construct a novel. It is as if I had learned to fly. In April he decided not to interrupt Malbone again, but to postpone Army Life if necessary, and adds:— Told Fields about Malbone—and he was very sympathetic and asked many questions and said must have it in Atlantic. Before the book appeared, the author reflected:— It is impossible for me to tell what will be thought of this book, whether it will be found too shallow or too grave, too tragic or too tame; I only know that I have enjoyed it more than anything I ever wrote (though writing under great disadvantages) and that the characters are like real men and women to me, though not one of them was, strictly sp<
Venice (Italy) (search for this): chapter 13
it altogether and I can now only look back on Nature as the setting or frame of my life. . . . Sat by Fort Greene after breakfast and thought how much lovelier autumn than summer and what a relief when one gets to it. It gives a sense of permanent enjoyment—no more hurry in the thought that each day is going. Newport afforded great opportunities for the old recreations, and sailing, rowing, and swimming became once more daily delights. On a friend's boat Colonel Higginson rigged a red Venetian sail to light up the harbor, and children were often found to share his excursions. These sometimes took the form of fishing for mackerel. On one occasion he wrote:— I got 5 children back with no injury or loss beyond a hat, a sack and a pair of india-rubbers. This I think was doing well. Exercise was his panacea for all ills, and if he felt under a cloud a longish walk was the remedy. After a walk of nine miles, he reported, On leaving I was rather depressed, but came back s
Decorah (Iowa, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
two places people came 12 miles to hear me, because they had subscribed from the beginning. I heard of a little town in northern Iowa (Caspar) where there were 50 houses and (before the war) 25 copies .. The remotest places I liked best; it was so strange to dip down on these little western towns and find an audience all ready and always readers of the Atlantic so glad to see me. One man, an original subscriber to the Atlantic Monthly, brought his family 20 miles to hear me. This was at Decorah near the Minnesota border and 10 miles from a railway. He also met a young farmer who said:— He and his father always looked for my articles in the Atlantic and cut those leaves first—the best compliment I ever had. . .. My lecture is on American Society a modification of one on American Aristocracy which I gave at Brattleboro before the war. It goes very well and I get $100 a night and make about $450 by the trip—beside the interest and satisfaction of it, which pays for itself. <
Rhode Island (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
a buffoon, though with earnestness underneath; and when afterwards at his own house in Hartford, I heard him say grace at table, it was like asking a blessing over Ethiopian minstrels. But he had no wine at his table and that seemed to make the grace a genuine thing. This hasty estimate of the popular humorist was a passing one, and the acquaintance developed into a cordial friendship. Public men as well as authors and artists were drawn to Newport, and when President Hayes visited Rhode Island in 1877, the Colonel wrote to his sisters:— He looks just like his pictures, and gives a great impression of manly equilibrium and quiet strength. I was pleased with the quiet way he said to me when the people were calling and I told him he would have to make a speech: No:—there is nothing easier than to keep silence. I shall never forget it; it was a key to the whole man. His nieces afterwards told me, He never brings business to the dinner table — the business being the governme<
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