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T. W. Higginson 366 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson 261 5 Browse Search
Wentworth Higginson 142 2 Browse Search
Worcester (Massachusetts, United States) 138 0 Browse Search
Francis Higginson 121 5 Browse Search
John Brown 116 2 Browse Search
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Jamaica, L. I. (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
1870, and Manchester, Eng., 1873, and as Woman's Suffrage Tracts, No. 4, Boston, 1871. Letter to a Dyspeptic. (In Atlantic Monthly, April.) Same. (In his Outdoor Papers. 1863.) A Charge with Prince Rupert. (In Atlantic Monthly, June.) Def. VII. Murder of the Innocents. (In Atlantic Monthly, Sept.) Same. (In his Outdoor Papers. 1863.) 1860 (Worcester) A Visit to John Brown's Household in 1859. (In Redpath. Public Life of Captain John Brown.) Def. II. Maroons of Jamaica. (In Atlantic Monthly, Feb.) Same. (In his Travellers and Outlaws. 1889.) Maroons of Surinam. (In Atlantic Monthly, May.) Same. (In his Travellers and Outlaws. 1889.) Theodore Parker. (In Atlantic Monthly, Oct.) Def. II. Fayal and the Portuguese. (In Atlantic Monthly, Nov.) Def. VI. 1861 (Worcester) Barbarism and Civilization. (In Atlantic Monthly, Jan.) Same. (In his Outdoor Papers, 1863.) Gymnastics. (In Atlantic Monthly, March.) Same. (In his Outdoor
Charles (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
.) Reprinted in Carlyle's Laugh and Other Surprises, 1909. Sellar's Roman Poets of the Republic. (In Atlantic Monthly, Oct.) Short March with the Guard. [Verses.] (In Sword and Pen, Dec. 9.) Book notices and editorials. (In Christian Register, Literary World, Woman's Journal.) 1882 Young Folks' History of the United States. New ed., with additional chapters. Speech at Rev. Samuel Johnson's funeral. (In Samuel Johnson: A Memorial.) Pph. (With Others.) Testimony on Charles River Railroad, Feb. 13. Pph. The Brook Farm Period. (In Demorest's Monthly, July.) First Americans. (In Harper's Monthly Magazine, Aug.) Visit of the Vikings. (In Harper's Monthly Magazine, Sept.) Spanish Discoverers. (In Harper's Monthly Magazine, Oct.) The last three articles were published later in Higginson's Larger History of the United States (1885), and in Higginson and Mac-Donald's History of the United States (1905). The Baby Sorceress. [Sonnet.]. (In Century Ma
Cleveland (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
orcester) Speech. (In State Disunion Convention, Worcester, Jan 15. Proceedings.) Pph. and Broadside. Speech at Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Massachusetts AntiSlav-ery Society. (In Liberator, Jan. 16, and a Broadside.) Statement on Spiritual Manifestations, April 15. Broadside. The New Revolution: A Speech before the American Anti-Slavery Society, May 12. Pph. Circular Letter, July 8, calling for State Disunion Convention. Leaflet. Call for a Northern Convention at Cleveland, Oct. 28-29. Leaflet. 1858 (Worcester) Woman in Christian Civilization: New York Address. (In Religious Aspects of the Age. By various authors.) Saints and their Bodies. (In Atlantic Monthly, March.) Def. VI. Speech at Fifth Anniversary of the New York Anti-Slavery Society. (In Liberator, May 28.) Mademoiselle's Campaigns. (In Atlantic Monthly, July.) Def. VII. Waterlilies. (In Atlantic Monthly, Sept.) Def. VI. Physical Courage. (In Atlantic Monthly, Nov.) Sam<
Cambridge City (Indiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
Magazine, Sept.) Spanish Discoverers. (In Harper's Monthly Magazine, Oct.) The last three articles were published later in Higginson's Larger History of the United States (1885), and in Higginson and Mac-Donald's History of the United States (1905). The Baby Sorceress. [Sonnet.]. (In Century Magazine, Nov.) Def. VI. Editorials and other articles. (In Index, Nation, Woman's Journal.) 1883 Dedicatory Address at unveiling of the statue of John Bridge, Sept. 20, 1882. (In Cambridge City Document, 1883.) Why do Children dislike History? (In Methods of Teaching History. Hall's Pedagogical Library, vol. I.) Report on the Parker Library. (In Boston Public Library. 31st Annual Report.) Pph. Old English Seamen. (In Harper's Monthly Magazine, Jan.) French Voyageurs. (In Harper's Monthly Magazine, March.) Negro Race in America. (In Atlantic Monthly, April.) Conway's Emerson at Home and Abroad. (In Century Magazine, April.) An English Nation. (In
Newport (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
lantic Monthly, Friend of Progress.) 1865 (Newport) Leaves from an Officer's Journal. (In At Articles. (In Independent, Nation.) 1868 (Newport) Newport Free Library, President's Report,of Longfellow, Lowell, and others. 1869 (Newport) Malbone. Same. (In Atlantic Monthly, J New York Tribune, Woman's Journal.) 1871 (Newport) Atlantic Essays. Madam Delia's Expectadex, New York Tribune (including letters from Newport and from Harvard College), Woman's Journal.) 1872 (Newport) A Day of Scottish Games. (In Scribner's Monthly, Jan.) In a Wherry. (In Aorials. (In Index, Woman's Journal.) 1874 (Newport) The Baby of the Regiment. (In Whittier, . (In Independent, Woman's Journal.) 1875 (Newport) English Statesmen. (Brief Biographies ofClark, comp. Harvard Book, vol. 2.) 1876 (Newport) History of the Public School System in RhApril, was by Mrs. Maria E. MacKaye. 1877 (Newport) [Education in] Rhode Island. (In Kiddle
Paris, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
Army Life in a Black Regiment. Def. III. Same. Tr. into French under the title Vie militaire dans un regiment noir. Paris, 1884. Decoration Day Address, Mount Auburn, May 30. Broadside. Same. (In Reed and others, eds. Modern Eloquence, Parliament of Religions, vol. I, Chicago, 1893; tr. under the title, L'affinite des religions, by Mrs. Maria E. MacKaye, Paris, 1898. Plutarch's Morals. (In Radical, March.) Unpublished Letters from Theodore Parker. (In Radical, May.) Bu) Edited the 3 other volumes in this series. Young Folks' History of the United States. Tr. into French (2 editions), Paris, 1875; into German, Stuttgart, 1876; into Italian, 1888. Questions on Higginson's Young Folks' History of the United Sncle Tom's Cabin. New ed.) [Sketches of] Brown, Cooper, and Thoreau. (In Carpenter, ed. American Prose.) Literary Paris Twenty Years Ago. (In Atlantic Monthly, Jan.) On the Outskirts of Public Life. (In Atlantic Monthly, Feb.) The Fir
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
ewburyport) Address to the Voters of the Third Congressional District of Massachusetts. Pph. Birthday in Fairyland. Pph. Same. (In Phillips. Laurel Leaver) Does Slavery Christianize the Negro? (Anti-Slavery Tract, no. 4.) Massachusetts in Mourning: A Sermon preached in Worcester, June 4. Pph. Scripture Ido1897.) (With Mrs. Florence W. Jaques.) List of battles and casualties of Massachusetts regiments during the war of the Rebellion. (In New England Historical and Oct. 24). How to Read Magazines. (In Golden Rule, Nov. 15.) 1895 Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the War of 1861-65. Vol. 2. The Fairy Courser. (In Boston Evening Transcript, Harper's Bazar, Nation, et al.) 1896 Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the War of 1861-65. Vol. I. Prefatory note.e essays previously printed. The Alliance between Pilgrim and Puritan in Massachusetts: An Address delivered before the Old Planters' Society, Salem, June 9, 1900<
Portugal (Portugal) (search for this): chapter 17
urage. (In Liberator, Sept. 7.) Signed H. Speech at Anniversary of Boston Mob Convention. (In Liberator, Nov. 2.) At Fayal began a book, the Return of Faith, of which only one chapter was afterwards published as the Sympathy of Religions (1871). 1856 (Worcester—trip to Kansas) Speech at Anniversary of West Indian Convention. (In Liberator, Aug. 8.) Going to Mount Katahdin. (In Putnam's Monthly Magazine, Sept.) Purporting to be written by one of the ladies of the party. Portugal's Glory and Decay. (In North American Review, Oct.) Letters from Kansas to New York Tribune. Published later as an anti-slavery tract (no. 20), under the title A Ride through Kansas, and also published independently. 1857 (Worcester) Speech. (In State Disunion Convention, Worcester, Jan 15. Proceedings.) Pph. and Broadside. Speech at Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Massachusetts AntiSlav-ery Society. (In Liberator, Jan. 16, and a Broadside.) Statement on Spiritual Manifes
Winchester (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 17
ed to 500 copies. (With William J. Rolfe.) Cambridge Public Library Report. Pph. Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came. (In Poet-Lore, April-June.) Articles. (In Boston Evening Transcript, Independent, Outlook, et al.) 1902 [Life of] Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. (In American Men of Letters.) [Life of] John Greenleaf Whittier. (In English Men of Letters.) Horace Elisha Scudder: A Memorial. (In American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Proceedings.) Pph. Speech at Winchester, Eng., Sept. 18, 1900. (In Bowker. King Alfred's Millenary.) American Genius and Life. (With others.) (In The Most American Books, in Outlook, Dec. 6.) (Ed.) Story without an End. By F. W. Carove; tr. by Sarah Austin. Preface by Higginson. (Ed.) Walks with Ellery Channing. [Extracts from manuscript diaries of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Introduction by Higginson.] (In Atlantic Monthly, July.) Reviewed Scudder's Life of Lowell. (In Harvard Graduates' Magazine, March.) Articles. <
Fayal (Portugal) (search for this): chapter 17
bration of West Indian Emancipation. (In Liberator, Aug. 11.) African Proverbial Philosophy. (In Putnam's Monthly Magazine, Oct.) 1855 (Worcester—winter in Fayal) Worcester School Committee Report, Dec. 31, 1854. Speech at New England Anti-Slavery Convention. (In Liberator, June 8.) Anti-Slavery Colporteurage. (In Liberator, Sept. 7.) Signed H. Speech at Anniversary of Boston Mob Convention. (In Liberator, Nov. 2.) At Fayal began a book, the Return of Faith, of which only one chapter was afterwards published as the Sympathy of Religions (1871). 1856 (Worcester—trip to Kansas) Speech at Anniversary of West Indian Convention. (.) Maroons of Surinam. (In Atlantic Monthly, May.) Same. (In his Travellers and Outlaws. 1889.) Theodore Parker. (In Atlantic Monthly, Oct.) Def. II. Fayal and the Portuguese. (In Atlantic Monthly, Nov.) Def. VI. 1861 (Worcester) Barbarism and Civilization. (In Atlantic Monthly, Jan.) Same. (In his O
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