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New England (United States) 286 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.). Search the whole document.

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Appomattox (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.21
Story, Joseph, 71, 72, 76-78, 118 Story, W. W., 276 Story of a bad boy, 405 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 199, 211, 214, 351, 352, 382, 401 Stranger in Lowell, the, 52 Strauss, 209 Stuart, Moses, 208, 209, 211 Such is the death the soldier dies, 331 Sumner, Charles, 51, 143, 144, 319 Sun (N. Y.), 186, 187, 357 n. Sunday, 5 Sunrise, 343 Supernaturalism of New England, the, 52 Susan Coolidge. See Woolsey, Sarah Sut Lovengood. See Harris, G. W. Surrender at Appomattox, the, 279, 285 Swamp Fox, the, 306 Swift, 5, 102, 203 Swinburne, 51, 245, 271, 271 n. Sword of Robert Lee, the, 291, 309 Symonds, J. A., 27, 263 n. Symphony, the, 337, 343, 345 System of doctrines contained in divine revelation explained and defended, 199 Tabb, John B., 291, 326-329, 330, 342, 343, 345 Tales for the Marines, 154 Tales of a Wayside inn, 39, 49 Tales of soldiers and Civilians, 387 Talisman, the, 174, 369 Talvi (Mrs. Robinson), 136 Tamerla
Meadow Mills (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.21
rature, the, 209 Selections from the critical writings of Edgar Allan Poe, 63 n. Seven lectures to young men, 214 Seven little sisters, 405 Seward, W. H., 142, 143, 144 Shadow, 68 Shaftesbury, 196 Shakespeare, 3, 63, 95, 96, 133, 235, 248, 253, 259, 264, 266, 332, 340, 341-342, 349, 399 Shanly, C. D., 286 Shaw, Henry Wheeler, 157, 158 Shaw, Robert Gould, 284 Shays' Rebellion, 106 Shelley, 66, 327 Shelton, Mrs., 60 Sheridan, R. B., 230 Sheridan at Cedar Creek, 279, 285 Sheridan's Ride, 279, 285 Sherman, 308, 325, 350 Sherman's in Savannah, 284 Sherman's March to the sea, 284 Shew, Mrs., 60, 66 Shillaber, Benjamin Penhallow, 155 Short Sixes, 386 Sidney, Margaret, 402 'Sieur George, 384 Sights from a Steeple, 22 Sigourney, Mrs., 167, 398, 399 Silas Marner, 340 Silcher, 353 Silence, 68 Silent March, 308 Simms, W. G., 167, 168, 292, 293, 298, 300, 301, 302, 305, 308, 311, 312, 351, 352, 358 Simonides, 3
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.21
f Massachusetts, 106 History of New England during the Stuart Dynasty, 109 History of New England from the Revolution of the seventeenth century to the Revolution of the eighteenth, 109 History of New Hampshire, 106, 14 History of North Carolina, 106 History of Pennsylvania, 106 History of South Carolina, 106 History of the American Revolution, 105 History of the formation of the Constitution of the United States, 112 History of the Insurrection in Massachusetts, 106 Histe hands of an angry God, 215 Sir Copp, 286 Sismondi, 125, 128 Sisters, the, 48 Six sermons on intemperance, 214 Skeleton in Armor, the, 36 Skipper Ireson's Ride, 48 Sketch Book, the, 10, 22, 32, 368, 369, 378 Sketches of North Carolina, 318 Sketches of Paris, 152 Slamm, Levi D., 264 n. Sleeper, the, 65 Slidell, J., 280 Smedes, Susan Dabney, 314 Smith, C. A., 66 n. Smith, Charles Henry, 153 Smith, F. Hopkinson, 391 Smith, S. F., 226 Smith, Samuel Harris
Sharon (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.21
140, 141 Ritchie, Alexander H., 172 Ritchie, Thomas, 183, 184, 185 River fight, the, 282 Rives, J. C., 120 Rives, John P., 183 Roane, Judge, Spencer, 84-85 Robert of Lincoln, 241 Robertson, J. M., 63 n., 66 n., 67 n. Robertson, William, 129 Robinson Crusoe, 12, 401 n. Robin Hood, 408 Roderick Hudson, 375 Rollo books, 400 Romance of certain old Clothes, 375 Rome, T. H., 264 n. Romero, S., 356 n. Root, George Frederick, 285 Rose in Bloom, 402 Rose of Sharon, a religious Souvenir, a, 174 Ross, Clinton, 388 Rossetti, W. M., 266, 271 Rousseau, 197, 205 Royster, Sarah Elmira, 56, 60 Rudder Grangers abroad, 388 Ruskin, 213, 245, 254, 339, 340 Russell, Benj., 180 Russell, Irwin, 351, 353-354 Russell's magazine, 293 Running the Batteries, 279, 284 Rutledge, John, 308 Ryan, Abram J. (Father), 291, 300, 309 Riker, John C., 174 Sabellius, 212 Saga of King Olaf, 39 St. Augustine, 197 St. Charles College, 327 S
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.21
rge Eliot. See Cross, Marian Evans George Selwyn (Walt Whitman), 263 n. Georgia scenes, 153, 347, 389 Georgia sketches, 389 Georgia volunteer, the, 30Georgia sketches, 389 Georgia volunteer, the, 306-307 Geschichte der Colonisation von New England, 136 Gettysburg, 276, 284 Gettysburg address, 256 Gibbons, James Sloan, 281 Gibbons vs. Ogden, 75, 93 nGeorgia volunteer, the, 306-307 Geschichte der Colonisation von New England, 136 Gettysburg, 276, 284 Gettysburg address, 256 Gibbons, James Sloan, 281 Gibbons vs. Ogden, 75, 93 n. Gift, the, 174 Gift of Friendship, the, 174 Gift of Friendship, a Token of Remembrance for 1848, The, 171, 174 Gilchrist, Anne, 271, 272, 272 n., 273 21, 30 Marbury vs. Madison, 73-74 Marching along, 285 Marching through Georgia, 284, 285 March to Moscow, 305 Marcy, W. L., 120 Marchen und Sagen der a71 Realf, Richard, 286 Rebel Rhymes and rhapsodies, 298 Red old Hills of Georgia, the, 290 Reaper and the flowers, the, 35 Records of a School, 20 Reedckson's way, 298, 299, 304, 307 Stories mother nature told, 405 Stories of Georgia, 348 n. Stories revived, 387 Story, Joseph, 71, 72, 76-78, 118 Story, W
Merrimack (United States) (search for this): chapter 2.21
300 Warren, James, 105 Warren, Mercy, Otis, 104, 105 Washington, Booker T., 323-325, 326, 351 Washington, George, 116, 117, 118, 181, 182, 260 Wasp, the, 387 Watts, Isaac, 401 Way down upon the Suwanee River, 353 Way to Arcady, the, 243 Wayland, Francis, 219 Webb, Charles Henry, 242 Webb, James Watson, 183 Weber, 353 Webster, Daniel, 50, 51, 71, 85, 86, 87, 88, 92-103, 135, 164, 207 Webster, Noah, 180, 396 Weekly register, 188 Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, a, 3, 4, 5, 9, 12 Weems, Parson, 104, 105 Wells, H. G., 394 Wendell, Evert Jansen, 225 Wentworth, Gov., Benning, 114 Western monthly magazine, the, 169 Western monthly review, the, 169 Western review and miscellaneous magazine, the, 169 Westminster review, the, 137, 140 West Point, 156 What was it?, 373, 374 Wheaton, Henry, 71, 78 Wheeler, Joseph, 291 When evening Cometh on, 331 When Lilacs Last in the Door-yard Bloomed, 286 When this Cruel War is
Moscow, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.21
useful and entertaining knowledge, the, 165 Magnolia, the, 175 Mahon, Lord, 18 Maidenhood, 36 Main-Travelled Roads, 388, 390 Maitland, F. W., 130 Main Street, 22 Major Jones's courtship, 153, 348 Malmesbury, Earl of, 141 Malvern Hill, 281 Manly, Louise, 304 Mann, Horace, 320 Man without a country, the, 374 Marais du Cygne, Le, 51 Marble faun, the, 21, 30 Marbury vs. Madison, 73-74 Marching along, 285 Marching through Georgia, 284, 285 March to Moscow, 305 Marcy, W. L., 120 Marchen und Sagen der afrikanischen Neger, 357 n. Marginalia (Poe), 63 Marion, General, 306, 308 Marjorie Daw, 385 Mark Twain. See Clemens, S. L. Marse Chan, 389 Marshall, John, 71, 72-76, 77, 84, 88, 104, 105 Marshes of Glynn, 345 Maryland Gazette, the, 178 Mary had a little Lamb, 408 Mason, Emily V., 300, 305 Mason, J. M., 280 Masonic Token, the, 170 Masque of Pandora, and other poems, the, 40 Masque of the red death, the, 68
Newport (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.21
nelius, 152 Matthews, Brander, 388 Maud Muller, 48 Maupassant, 385, 386 Maurice of Nassau, 145, 147 Maximilian, 143, 145 Mayflower, the, 175 Mayhew, Jonathan, 206 May-Pole of Merry Mount, The, 23 Meadow Grass, 390 Medley, the, 161 Meek, A. B., 288, 298, 311 Mellonta Tauta, 67 Melville, Herman, 279, 281, 282, 284, 285 Memorials of a Southern planter, 314 Men and women, 137 Mendelssohn, 224 Menu, Laws of, 9 Mercury (Charleston), 296 Mercury (Newport), 178 Meredith, George, 18 Meredith, William Tuckey, 285 Merimee, 384 Merry Christmas, a, 381 Merry Mount, 134, 135, 136 Merwin, Henry Childs, 362 n. Michael Angelo, 37 Middle group of American historians, 104 n., 122 n. Miles, G. H., 305 Miles O'Reilly. See Halpine, C. G. Miles Standish, 39 Milk for Babes, drawn out of the breast, of both Testaments, 396 Milman, Dean, 128 Milton, 3, 63, 124, 254, 399 Minerva, 180 Mingo and other sketches, 389 Min
Ovid (Michigan, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.21
The, 156 Osgood, Mrs. F. S., 60, 66, 286 Ossian, 10, 266 Otis, James, 105 Otto the Knight, 388 Our city by the sea, 308 Our country's call, 280, 303 Our hundred days in Europe, 228 Our left, 306 Our old home, 21 Our young Folks, 401 Outcasts of Poker flat, the, 380 Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking, 267 Out of the rolling ocean, the crowd, 259 n. Outre-Mer: a Pilgrimage beyond the Sea, 34 Overland monthly, 378, 381, 386 Over the Teacups, 228, 234 Ovid, 3 Packet (N. Y.), 178 Page, Thomas Nelson, 349, 351, 353, 358, 365, 379, 380, 388, 389, 390 Paley, 196 Palfrey, John Gorham, 109, 110, 197 Palmer, Dr. J. W., 298, 304, 307 Pan in wall Street, 242 Paper, 241 Pare, Ambroise, 229 Paris, Paulin, 209 Park, Edwards A., 208 Parker, Rev., Theodore, 111, 166 Parkman, Francis, 11 Parsons, T. W., 167, 280 Parley's magazine, 400 Partingtonian Patchwork, 155 Parton, James, 404 Pater, Walter, 103 Paulding, James K.,
Magnolia, Fla. (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 2.21
McCarthy, Harry, 291, 292 McClure's magazine, 394 McConnel, John Ludlum, 155 McCosh, James, 208, 219 McClellan, Gen., 280, 281 McCrackin, George, 144 McCulloch vs. Maryland, 75, 93 n. McFingal, 150 McKinley, C., 325-326, 330, 331 Madame Celestin's Divorce, 391 Madame Delphine, 384, 385 Made in France; French Tales with a U. S. Twist, 386 Madison, James, 180 Madisonian, the, 183 Maeterlinck, 22 Magazine of useful and entertaining knowledge, the, 165 Magnolia, the, 175 Mahon, Lord, 18 Maidenhood, 36 Main-Travelled Roads, 388, 390 Maitland, F. W., 130 Main Street, 22 Major Jones's courtship, 153, 348 Malmesbury, Earl of, 141 Malvern Hill, 281 Manly, Louise, 304 Mann, Horace, 320 Man without a country, the, 374 Marais du Cygne, Le, 51 Marble faun, the, 21, 30 Marbury vs. Madison, 73-74 Marching along, 285 Marching through Georgia, 284, 285 March to Moscow, 305 Marcy, W. L., 120 Marchen und Sagen de
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