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Farmington (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
o talk a great deal, of course, for there has been a special curiosity to see and hear me; and it is a satisfaction to me to know that my remarks have been received with much favor generally. On Friday afternoon, I started from Rochester for Farmington, Nov. 18. 1842. in company with J. A. Collins, J. C. Hathaway, and Abby Kelley, in Joseph's team. It was a very blustering and severe day, and Joseph C. Hathaway. we suffered considerably from the cold, but had a warm reception on our arrival at Farmington. The next day, we had two Nov. 19, 1842. meetings in the Orthodox Quaker meeting-house, which were addressed by Abby and myself—principally by W. L. G. The day was raw and gusty, and the audience in the forenoon not very large; but in the afternoon, the house and gallery were well filled, though very few Quakers were present, owing to a strong prejudice against us, as well as to the weather. In the evening, a large company (chiefly Quakers) assembled at Hathaway's house. . . W
Port Royal (Jamaica) (search for this): chapter 2
in 1828 (?), mentioned on p. 112 of McNally's Evils and Abuses in the Naval and Merchant Service Exposed (Boston, 1839). This suspicion was frightfully avenged upon him by the lieutenant aimed at in the letter. Some years before this, at Port Royal, Jamaica, being brought to trial for an affray with his captain, his defence of himself caused him to be styled the sailor orator. A piece of money which he received at this time from the sympathetic supercargo, he went and gave to the poor slavesow the literal bedfellow of swine, and now the victim of all those forms of torture which made the navy of his day truly hells afloat. At twenty-two, in the British service, he was flogged June 20, 1823. through Admiral Rowley's fleet at Port Royal, Jamaica, Sir C. Rowley, K. C. B. for desertion (not without cause), receiving one hundred and fifty lashes: he names the ships to which the launches were successively taken, and the fellow-sufferer who died Cf. Penn. under the terrible inflicti
Amherst, N. H. (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
on bail from Leverett-Street jail, Boston, having been committed on an absurd charge of assaulting the constable who took Latimer thither, and with whom he simply remonstrated as they walked along (Lib. 12.187). Mr. Foster had already this year, in June, made acquaintance with the same jail, after a forcible expulsion—by the Rev. A. St. Clair and other divines—from the Evangelical Congregational A. S. Convention in Boston (Lib. 12: 90, 129), and still earlier, in May, had been jailed in Amherst, N. H., for interrupting the services in a Baptist church by speaking in behalf of the slave ( Acts of the A. S. Apostles, p. 266; Lib. 12: 94). This practice, long conscientiously kept up, induced untold clerical and diaconal assaults upon Mr. Foster's unresisting person, in a spirit and with a violence hardly to be denominated Christian (Lib. 12: 110, 118). Stephen Symonds Foster was born at Canterbury, N. H., in 1809, and graduated at Dartmouth College in 1838. He began his preparation for
New York (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
ection, it enlarges its boundaries, multiplies its victims, and extends its ravages. In the same number of the Liberator the editor printed with unfeigned surprise, deep mortification, and extreme regret, a circular addressed to the press of New-York by the Executive Committee of the American Society, and signed by James S. Gibbons and Lydia Maria Child. They regretted that the Liberator articles on disunion Lib. 12.71. had been so construed as to commit the Society, in the public view, ine. Our friend S. S. Foster then took the platform, and was allowed to proceed without much interruption until he made his favorite declaration, in his most excited manner, that the Methodist Episcopal Church is worse than any brothel in the city of New York. Then came such an outbreak of hisses, cries, curses! All order was at an end. Several ruffians rushed toward the platform to seize Foster, but were not allowed to reach him. The tumult became tremendous. Several citizens, who were well k
Russia (Russia) (search for this): chapter 2
n to civilization, Matthew C. Perry, then first lieutenant. In one instance the punishment was thirteen lashes; the offence, whispering on inspection to a shipmate who was treading on James Garrison's toes. All who remember Perry know what a disciplinarian he was, while yet no one accuses him of being a martinet. Brusque in his manners, he yet had a kindly heart (Rev. W. E. Griffis, in Mag. Am. History, 13: 425). John Randolph said in Congress that he saw more flogging on his voyage to Russia in 1830 (as American minister, on a Federal man-of-war, the Concord, Captain Perry) than on his plantation of 500 slaves (McNally's Evils and Abuses in the Naval and Merchant Service, p. 128. But see Griffis's Life of M. C. Perry, p. 85). We draw the veil over what followed, under the American flag, until James Garrison, a mere wreck, was rescued from the navy by his brother. But an earlier experience had in it an element which connects while it contrasts the lives of both. Towards th
Nassau River (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
er. (See the Irish Catholic Boston Pilot's article, The Policy of England—Abolitionism, copied in Lib. 12: 41.) The case of the Creole was this. The brig, of Richmond, left Norfolk on Oct. 30, 1841, for New Orleans, with a cargo of tobacco and slaves, to the number of 135. On the night of November 7 the blacks rose and took possession of the vessel, killing the second mate in the melee, and wounding those who resisted, but otherwise acting humanely. They then had the course turned towards Nassau, in the British island of New Providence, where they arrived Nov. 9. Nineteen of the ringleaders (including one Pompey Garrison) were arrested and held for mutiny and murder, the rest set free (Lib. 11: 206, 210; 12: 34, 37). All efforts to secure the extradition of the prisoners, or of their fellow-slaves, or to obtain indemnity from Great Britain, were futile, and the mutineers were ultimately discharged (Lib. 12: 42). Webster, as Secretary of State, conducted the diplomatic correspondence
Maine (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
ess will do the work in this State. We have too much to do to allow us to maintain a long contest over so slight a matter. Lib. 12.173. It seemed desirable to meet this Liberty Party manifesto by sending Mr. Garrison to Central and Western New York, which was virgin soil in his experience, whether as a lecturer or a tourist. He had, since June came in, been extremely active in the field, making a memorable first visit to Cape Cod, together with Lib. 12.99, 102, 107, 114. campaigns in Maine, New Hampshire, and various parts of Massachusetts. His adventures in the Mohawk Valley and beyond—the beautiful region settled by New England emigrants, and popularly known as the West even down to the date of this narrative—are related in the following letters, which give a glimpse of the bright and the dark sides of apostolic abolitionism: W. L. Garrison to his Wife. Waterloo [N. Y.], Nov. 21, 1842. Ms. Up to the present time, all's well with me; but, as I anticipated before
Japan (Japan) (search for this): chapter 2
47, p. 1. escaped to New York, and in September shipped for the first time in the United States navyin the North Carolina seventy-four at Norfolk. I considered myself, he records, an adept in the usages of a man-of-war; but I was mistaken, and soon found out I was destined to treatment to which I had before been a stranger, and which I considered that no officers belonging to any civilized country could adopt. His introduction to American naval cruelty was given him by the future opener of Japan to civilization, Matthew C. Perry, then first lieutenant. In one instance the punishment was thirteen lashes; the offence, whispering on inspection to a shipmate who was treading on James Garrison's toes. All who remember Perry know what a disciplinarian he was, while yet no one accuses him of being a martinet. Brusque in his manners, he yet had a kindly heart (Rev. W. E. Griffis, in Mag. Am. History, 13: 425). John Randolph said in Congress that he saw more flogging on his voyage to R
Essex County (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
nists are bound to persist in urging a dissolution of the Union, as one of the most efficient means to establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. One may still, with Edmund Quincy, prefer this axiomatic formula to the more extended display of motives which Mr. Garrison thought proper in the following resolves from his pen, introduced also through the business committee. They had originally been prepared for the Essex County Anti-Slavery Society in February, 1842: Lib. 12.30. Whereas, the existence of slavery is incompatible with the Lib. 12.87. enjoyment of liberty in any country; And whereas, it is morally and politically impossible for a just or equal union to exist between Liberty and Slavery; And whereas, in the adoption of the American Constitution and in the formation of the Federal Government, a guilty and fatal compromise was made between the North and the South, by which slavery has be
Manchester (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
All the towns that I have visited are uncommonly agreeable in their appearance, and exhibit a neatness, taste, and regularity that have taken me by surprise. If the aspect of things is so pleasant now, in bleak winter, what must it be in the prime of summer? I wish you could be with me, and so do many others, who would delight to extend to you the warm hand of friendship. If all things shall go well with us, and our means will allow of it, what say for a trip with me, next summer, to Niagara Falls? The friends at Waterloo were the kindest of the kind. I delivered three addresses in that place, to crowded houses,—the last on Monday evening,—the effect of which was visibly Nov. 21. beneficial to our cause. At 12 o'clock that night, I left in the cars for Syracuse, accompanied by friends Collins (who was far from being well) and J. C. Hathaway, where we arrived at 5 o'clock A. M. G. W. Pryor, Jacob Ferris, W. O. Duvall, and Abby Kelley arrived during the forenoon, in a private
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