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Alpine, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
. Since I commenced this letter, I have passed through Loch Lomond and Loch Katrine, the pictures of which will give an added value to this sheet. I have been rowed by moonlight on this last beautiful lake,—a distance of ten miles,—while Ben Lomond towered in the distance; and, by the light of day, have visited the island of the Lady of the Lake; have seen the spot where Fitz James wound his horn, after his gallant grey had sunk exhausted to the ground; have followed his course beyond Clan-Alpine's outmost guard, as far as Coilantogle's ford. And now I am on the rock of Stirling,—one of those natural fastnesses which, in early days, were so much regarded by all soldiers. Among the adventures which I have had in the Highlands, amidst these weird hills and glassy lakes, was a Highland wedding. Let me tell you of this on my return. It was one of the richest scenes I ever enjoyed; and I was a kind of Guy Mannering in the whole affair. I have long wished to write you of Edinburgh <
am going north, and probably shall not write till my return to Liverpool on my embarkation for Ireland. I hope you will write me about all the matters mentioned in my last despatch to you, at lengt. Oct. 14, 1838. my dear Mary,—--I write now in the coffee-room of a hotel in the capital of Ireland. . . . Learn to understand your own language, my dear sister; make it a study, and fix upon it w the splendid hospitality and friendly notice which I received from Lord Morpeth when I was in Ireland. His position is eminent; but he is as good and simple as he is eminent in the government and g that nothing which I have previously seen in Paris, or other parts of England, in Scotland or Ireland, had prepared me for the vast and magnificent scale of this establishment. The house is certaiident of the Board of Trade from 1835 to 1839, and again from 1847 to 1852; Chief Secretary for Ireland from 1846 to 1847; Colonial Secretary from 1855 to 1858, and was raised to the peerage as Baron
France (France) (search for this): chapter 15
desk in court. You may say credat Judaeus. I have been told that the sketches of character, which form such a remarkable ornament of the new publication of his speeches (do read these), were written in his carriage while posting to the south of France; and I happen to know from another source that he was paying his postilions double, and I doubt not swearing at the same time, to make them go faster! I am almost sorry that I have seen Lord B., for I can no longer paint him to my mind's eye apyright and of slavery. He showed me the American edition of his works in one volume, By Henry Reed. Philadelphia: 1837. and expressed the great pleasure it had given him; he thought it better executed than any work of the kind in England or France. I amused him not a little by telling him that a Frenchman recommended himself to me, on my arrival in Paris, as a teacher of French, by saying that he had taught the great English poet, Wordsworth. The latter assured me that he had not had a F
Birmingham (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 15
ourse between the two countries; and, indeed, anticipate the day when the Association would not merely travel from Liverpool to Newcastle, and from Newcastle to Birmingham, but have the whole world for its arena (loud applause); when they might see the meeting passing over from Birmingham to Philadelphia, and from Philadelphia bacBirmingham to Philadelphia, and from Philadelphia back to Newcastle? Then, indeed, they would have an alliance greater and stronger than parchment or treaties; an alliance producing a scientific union, practical and theoretical, between both countries (applause). He had been betrayed into saying more words than he ought; but the very kind manner in which his Lordship had done him tved a line of action. I doubt if he counsels with anybody. His intimates are persons far below him in station,—Charles Phillips, Matthew Davenport Hill, Of Birmingham; an active member of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, and a promoter of juvenile reformatories. and Dr. Shepherd, Rev. William Shepherd, of
Lennox (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 15
in the library anti ramble in the shady paths of the woods, which for more than a mile on either side surround his house. He wishes to be kindly remembered to you. Enclosed is an autograph of Sir Walter Scott, given me by Sir John Robison, the Secretary of the Royal Society at Edinburgh, of which Scott was President. I am glad Mrs. Story is so well, and hope I shall not be forgotten in your house; and am, As ever, most affectionately yours, Charles Sumner. To George S. Hillard. Dumbarton, Oct. 1, 1838. I now write you, my dear Hillard, from the foot of the far-famed Dumbarton Rock, which has withstood sieges without number and witnessed so many deeds of chivalry. It is a huge hunk of stone, precisely like the picture above, Referring to a vignette at the top of the sheet. with sides nearly perpendicular. You may well imagine that under the ancient system of warfare it was nearly impregnable. In our days, when the force of artillery is so well understood, I doubt m
Watertown (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
r Hillard,—It was only last night that I wrote you from Wentworth House. I failed, doubtless, to give you an idea of that immense establishment, where you find persons of every trade,—a baker, with his rooms and apparatus; a confectioner; a butcher; a brewer; and, of course, his majesty the cook. In the stables you find farriers, carpenters, joiners, and the like. Then there are conservatories and hot-houses, by the side of which those of our Botanical Garden and of Mr. Cushing Of Watertown, Mass.—the two together—are quite small things; and, more than this, there is an aviary, where you may see more strange birds than I have ever seen together in any collection in America: in one place you may see the eagle in his spacious cage, and in another that rarity of antiquity, the black swan, sailing on an artificial lake, while sea-gulls and other aquatic birds are splashing about him. Somewhat used, as I have now become, to the country-life of this wonderful island, I am astonished a
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 15
American Slavery in its final struggle, he became intensely hostile to the United States during the Civil War, and was the partisan of the Southern Confederacy. Su, Baron Alderson alluded to me, and gave the health of the President of the United States. I made some remarks, which were well received. Mr. Ingham, an M. P. who Dionysius Lardner, 1793-1859. After his escapade in 1840, he came to the United States, and delivered lectures until 1845, when he took up his residence in Paris.y's Handbook for Yorkshire, p. 468. I do not know an edifice like it in the United States, with extensive domains. Wharncliffe Park, which belongs to it, contains occeeded to the peerage on his father's death, travelled in his youth in the United States. He was the author of pamphlets on political topics, and the editor and trwn as Mr. Coke, and the mover of the recognition of the Independence of the United States, was given me by his daughter, Lady Elizabeth Stanhope, at Holkham, Nov., 1
Westmoreland (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
o the ceiling. Mrs. Brown, the mother of my friend, looks very much like her brother, Lord Jeffrey. I find myself so much engaged by the hospitalities of my friends that I shall not get back to town till Nov. 1, in order to sit out the next Michaelmas Term. As ever, affectionately yours, Chas. Sumner. To Judge Story. Lanfire House, Sept. 28, 1838. my dear Judge,—Your double-sheeter of Aug. 11 saluted me at Lord Brougham's breakfast-table, at Brougham Hall, in the mountains of Westmoreland. I read it with deep interest at the time, and have carried it with me, reading it anew at every resting-place. I have just read it over, and again feel thankful that you devoted so much time to me. In all my present happiness a letter from a friend comes to gild my joy. Let me first answer the matters suggested by your letter. I will examine Lord Hale's manuscript, and will have a copy taken only in the event that I find it contains views and arguments which I think important in illus
Melrose (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 15
ass to Brougham Hall; then to Mr. Marshall's, &c.; then to Melrose, near Abbotsford, on a visit to Sir David Brewster. I canth and Southey, and then pass on to Sir David Brewster, at Melrose. As ever, most affectionately your friend, Chas. Sumne yours, Chas. Sumner. To George S. Hillard. Allerly, Melrose, Sept. 12, 1838. again, my dear Hillard,—I am now the gspent the whole of to-day in rambling with Sir David about Melrose, noting all the spots hallowed by Scott's friendship or geoysters and port wine; and assured me that Scott never saw Melrose by moonlight during all his life: and Sir David added that the Tweed, and under the very shadow of Branksome Hall to Melrose, where I now am under the hospitable roof of one of the ab With the Eildon Hills staring into your windows, and old Melrose full in sight, could you sleep? I wish that you could enjss to you the littleness of every thing about Abbotsford. Melrose is a beautiful ruin. I passed two days with Sir David Bre
Canterbury (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 15
h a most distinguished ornament of the Church,—Dr. Gilly, William Stephen Gilly, 1790-1855; canon of Durham and vicar of Norham; author of publications concerning the Waldenses. He wrote a pleasant note to Sumner, Nov. 26, 1838, expressing regret that he could not visit Norham, and see country curates and English people in farm-houses and cottages.—and with my namesake, the Lord Bishop of Chester, John Bird Sumner, 1780-1862. He was made Bishop of Chester in 1828, and Archbishop of Canterbury in 1848. His younger brother, Charles Richard Sumner, 1790-1874, was first Bishop of Llandaff, and then of Winchester; resigning his see in 1869, which he had held forty-one years. with Gally Knight, Henry Gally (or Galley) Knight, 1788-1846; poet and traveller, member of Parliament; referred to in Moore's Life of Byron (London: 1860), pp. 60, 218, 245. the old college friend of Byron, and with Dr. Buckland; William Buckland, 1784-1856; professor at Oxford, and Dean of Westminster;
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