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Florence (Italy) (search for this): chapter 21
ning I breakfasted with Rogers,—old Rogers, as he is called. It was delightful to listen to his wisdom-dropping voice; but I started when he said Manzoni's Promessi Sposi is worth ten of Scott's novels. Say thirty! said I. Well, thirty, said the wise old man; I only said ten for fear of shocking you. And this is the judgment of one of the ancient friends of Sir Walter Scott. Ah! I remember well the pleasure I had from that book. I read a copy belonging to you, on the road from Rome to Florence, and I cried sincerely over many of the scenes. At Heidelberg I passed a sad day, after I read of the loss of the Lexington. I have read Longfellow's Hyperion, and am in love with it. I only wish that there were more of it. The character of Jean Paul is wunderschon. I hope to induce somebody to review it here. But in this immensity of London everybody seems engaged,—every moment of the present and future occupied; so that I fear I may not succeed. Sir Charles Vaughan speaks of your kind
Brussels (Belgium) (search for this): chapter 21
and am in love with it. I only wish that there were more of it. The character of Jean Paul is wunderschon. I hope to induce somebody to review it here. But in this immensity of London everybody seems engaged,—every moment of the present and future occupied; so that I fear I may not succeed. Sir Charles Vaughan speaks of your kindness in the warmest terms, and of Crawford also: he has spoken to several of his countrymen of Crawford. I hope some good may come of it. Maxcy, our Minister at Brussels, requested a line of introduction to you. He goes to Italy, probably next summer, with his family. I have also given him a line to Crawford. Item: I shall also give an introduction for you to my English friend, Mr. Joseph Parkes,—a solicitor by profession, but most extensively acquainted with literary and political circles,— one of the ancient editors of the Retrospective Review, and the best-informed person in old English literature I know; a lover of art, a friend of America, and an ami<
Portsmouth, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
ersation will be interesting to you. Take him to the Capitol, St. Peter's, &c. He will be in Rome in September or October, I think,—will pass two or three weeks. Would that I could be with you! Do not fail to take him to Crawford. I sail from Portsmouth the 4th of April, with Cogswell, Willis, and wife, and sister-in-law, as fellow-passengers. When this reaches you, I shall be tossing on the ocean. What talks I shall have with friends at home! and Rome and Italy will not be forgotten. I wharles Sumner. P. S. I had the pleasure of hearing your speech on Lord Stanley's motion. March 26, on registration of voters in Ireland. Stevenson, who sat by my side, like myself, was much gratified with it. To George S. Hillard. Portsmouth, April 4, 1840. dear Hillard,—This will go by the Great Western, which sails the fifteenth of this month, She arrived at New York, May 3,—the same day with the Wellington. and perhaps may reach you even before I have that pleasure. I saw<
Weimar (Thuringia, Germany) (search for this): chapter 21
r Sir Robert Inglis; the next with Milnes. But I must be off. Good-by. I shall soon be with you. Ever affectionately yours, Charles Sumner. To George W. Greene, Rome. London, March 30, 1840. dear Greene,—This is my last salute to you from this side of the Atlantic. Since I wrote you from Berlin I have enjoyed myself much, seen more of Germany, and, what is more to the purpose, learned more of the language. Shortly after writing, I left the capital of Prussia; then to Leipsic, Weimar, Gotha, Frankfort, Heidelberg. In this last place I fixed myself for five weeks. I knew the best people there; and I studied, read, and talked German. Indeed, I found myself able, when it was time to leave, to understand all that was said, and to carry on a conversation tolerably well. I love German; but not as Italian,—my dear Italian! After Goethe's Werther's Leiden, I took up the Letters of Ortis,—which I had read as I was leaving Italy, while we were clambering the snow-capped Alps. <
Frankfort (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
is; the next with Milnes. But I must be off. Good-by. I shall soon be with you. Ever affectionately yours, Charles Sumner. To George W. Greene, Rome. London, March 30, 1840. dear Greene,—This is my last salute to you from this side of the Atlantic. Since I wrote you from Berlin I have enjoyed myself much, seen more of Germany, and, what is more to the purpose, learned more of the language. Shortly after writing, I left the capital of Prussia; then to Leipsic, Weimar, Gotha, Frankfort, Heidelberg. In this last place I fixed myself for five weeks. I knew the best people there; and I studied, read, and talked German. Indeed, I found myself able, when it was time to leave, to understand all that was said, and to carry on a conversation tolerably well. I love German; but not as Italian,—my dear Italian! After Goethe's Werther's Leiden, I took up the Letters of Ortis,—which I had read as I was leaving Italy, while we were clambering the snow-capped Alps. I think Foscolo<
St. Peter (Minnesota, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
person in old English literature I know; a lover of art, a friend of America, and an amiable man. He will visit Rome in the course of the summer with his wife, who is a granddaughter of Priestley. You have doubtless already seen my friend Kenyon; and I feel sure you must have been pleased with him. I am anxious—I say, freely, on your own account, as well as on his—that you should become acquainted with Parkes. I think his conversation will be interesting to you. Take him to the Capitol, St. Peter's, &c. He will be in Rome in September or October, I think,—will pass two or three weeks. Would that I could be with you! Do not fail to take him to Crawford. I sail from Portsmouth the 4th of April, with Cogswell, Willis, and wife, and sister-in-law, as fellow-passengers. When this reaches you, I shall be tossing on the ocean. What talks I shall have with friends at home! and Rome and Italy will not be forgotten. I well remember those three months in that Matron-City,—take them al
Cleveland (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
eyer, the Belgian statesman. Morpeth wishes me to see the Lansdownes and Hollands, but I decline. Yesterday, I fell upon the last North American. North American, Jan., 1840, Vol. L. Felton's article on Longfellow's Hyperion, pp. 145-161. Cleveland's article on Hillard's edition of Spenser's Poetical Works, pp. 174-206. It was precious to me, for it reflected four dear friends. There I saw in the lucid page yourself and Cleveland, Longfellow and Felton. Beautifully written and turned was Cleveland's article; well-poised and careful, Felton's criticism. I jumped as I read them. I am proud of all of you, and rejoice that you are my friends. I have seen something of the talent of this world in various lands, but give me my friends and their cultured minds. I have just found Longfellow's Hyperion, and shall sit up all night to devour it. I have bought up all the copies of Voices of the Night in London, to give to my friends. Have been much disappointed at not finding your br
Saint James (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 21
hen I approached it before. But I must leave all this; and if I do not force myself away, I shall not be able to go. I find opportunities of seeing all that is worth seeing in rank, fashion, law, and literature, if possible more open than before. But I have determined not to take advantage of these. I shall see only a few of my friends. But I am already (after twenty-four hours presence) nailed for to-morrow to see the Duchess of Sutherland in her magnificent palace; Stafford House, St. James's. for the next day to dine with Parkes to meet Charles Austin; the next to breakfast with Sutton Sharpe (his capital breakfasts!) to meet some of my friends of the Chancery bar; then to dine with the Earl of Carlisle; George, sixth Earl of Carlisle, 1773 1848. Lady Carlisle, daughter of the fifth Duke of Devonshire, died in 1858. The Earl was succeeded on his death by his eldest son,—Sumner's friend, Lord Morpeth. Sumner met Lady Carlisle at Castle Howard, in Oct. 1857. and the next
Rochdale (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 21
wider interests of civilization, required an end of the controversy; and that, as the first step towards a complete settlement, the English people should be brought by an emphatic statement to realize the full justice and import of our case: but his regard for them, and his interest in their welfare were as lively then as in his youth. On his fourth and final visit to Europe, a third of a century after the first, he passed the last night, before sailing on his return, with John Bright, at Rochdale, when he spoke with admiration of England, and of her public men, and with much tenderness of the many friends he counted among her well-known names. Sumner's social career in England did not make him less an American and a republican. Writing a few years later, he said: I have always enjoyed the refinement of the best society; but I have never sat in the palaces of England, without being pained by the inequality of which the inordinate luxury was a token. To Judge Story he wrote fro
n the tables of Hallam and Rogers. I leave London early Friday morn, and on Saturday descend upon the sea. Before I go, I shall resign into your hands your book; and I hope to say Good-by to your family. This morning I breakfasted with dear Sir Robert Inglis. I love his sincerity and goodness, though I dislike his politics. Ever sincerely yours, Charles Sumner. P. S. I had the pleasure of hearing your speech on Lord Stanley's motion. March 26, on registration of voters in Ireland. Stevenson, who sat by my side, like myself, was much gratified with it. To George S. Hillard. Portsmouth, April 4, 1840. dear Hillard,—This will go by the Great Western, which sails the fifteenth of this month, She arrived at New York, May 3,—the same day with the Wellington. and perhaps may reach you even before I have that pleasure. I saw more of London than I expected, and enjoyed it much. My last dinner was on Thursday with Hallam; where were Milman, Babbage, Hayward, Fran
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