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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 32: the annexation of Texas.—the Mexican War.—Winthrop and Sumner.—1845-1847. (search)
s write so freely as to him. Giddings was early in 1847 more hopeful than Sumner that the Whigs would assume an antislavery position in the coming national election; but both from the first agreed that in case they failed to assume it, the duty of separate action would be incumbent on antislavery men. Sumner's other correspondents at Washington were Palfrey, from December, 1847, and Horace Mann, who took J. Q. Adams's seat early in 1848. He had requested Mann to undertake the defence of Drayton and Sayres, indicted in the District of Columbia for the abduction of slaves, and assisted him with points and authorities Mann's Life, pp. 260, 265, 269-272. Sumner wrote to his brother George, Nov. 1, 1847:— You will see the split in the New York Democrats. They [the Barnburners] will rally in the Presidential campaign against the extension of slavery. It is probable that there will be a coalition between them and the antislavery Whigs. The old parties are crumbling; ther
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 36: first session in Congress.—welcome to Kossuth.—public lands in the West.—the Fugitive Slave Law.—1851-1852. (search)
During the session Sumner was occupied with efforts to procure the pardon of Drayton and Sayres, master and mate of the schooner Pearl, convicted in the District o he visited in the jail, and of their counsel, of withholding the petition, Drayton, in his Personal Memoir, p. 115. says: Mr. Sumner, the Free Democratic senator backbone in resisting the pressure even of friends. Had I uttered a word for Drayton and Sayres in the Senate, I should have dealt a blow at them which they well uBut of this not a word at present. Dr. Howe, rejoicing over the release of Drayton and Sayres, wrote:— God bless you for your truly noble and courageous co I congratulate you most sincerely on the happy issue of your efforts for Drayton and Sayres. You have earned your honors. Sumner wrote to John Bigelow, Feion, and his omission for two months to present the petition for the relief of Drayton and Sayres. Mr. Garrison renewed his criticisms on both points at different
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 37: the national election of 1852.—the Massachusetts constitutional convention.—final defeat of the coalition.— 1852-1853. (search)
e I think, only that the last effort to convert the Whig party to slavery has failed. Sumner lingered at Washington, as became his custom, and briefly pausing in New York, arrived home September 9. He attended the Free Soil State convention, at Lowell, September 15, in which S. C. Phillips occupied the chair, Adams reported the resolutions, and Horace Mann was nominated for governor. Among the speakers were Wilson, Mann, and Burlingame. On the platform, in a conspicuous seat, was Captain Drayton, the liberated master of the Pearl. The enthusiasm which uniformly greeted Sumner on such occasions seemed now greater than ever, and mingled with it were three times threes, the raising of canes, and waving of handkerchiefs. Boston Commonwealth, September 16. These outbursts expressed the satisfaction with his course in the Senate. He spoke briefly, beginning and ending with, and interrupted often by, the heartiest applause. The point of his speech Works, vol. III. p. 199-207.