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treated later in these pages, will show how family sympathies gave a personal direction to public controversies. Bancroft, the historian, escaped from a community where a Democrat was regarded as little better than a Jacobin, and years after his removal assured a friend that it was a comfort to live in New York rather than in Boston. R. H. Dana, Jr., wrote to Sumner in 1851, Boston oligarchy is confined to the pavements and Nahant. Prescott wrote to Sumner in 1851 of a former period in Salem similar in character: Judge Story in his early days was exposed to much obloquy from the bitterness of party feeling, which becomes more intensified in proportion to the narrowness of the sphere where it is displayed. Boston is worse than New York in this respect. The capitalists were greatly interested in a protective tariff, and its maintenance was the one end of their politics. Mr. Nathan Appleton and Mr. Abbott Lawrence were not only wise projectors of manufacturing schemes, but the
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 30: addresses before colleges and lyceums.—active interest in reforms.—friendships.—personal life.—1845-1850. (search)
ost. . . . Kent is most acceptable to pupils and to all the professors. Prescott's Peru is printed; he is joyous, and even talks of a mission to London. He challenges me to join him. I might if I were independent in condition; but I must drudge, drudge, drudge. I see nothing of Nathan der Weise. Nathan Appleton. Politics have parted us; much displeasure has been directed against me. I could have wished it otherwise, but cannot regret anything I have done. To Rev. James W. Thompson, Salem, April 1:— The science of comparative philology, of which we find the first full exposition, I suppose, in Adelung, The German philologist, 1732-1806. reveals relations and affinities between languages which have not before been supposed. Leibnitz thought he might invent a universal language. When we consider what the Arabic numerals and music accomplish, it does not seem extravagant to anticipate some great triumph hereafter, not unlike that which filled the visions of the all-conq
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 33: the national election of 1848.—the Free Soil Party.— 1848-1849. (search)
t Plymouth, Roxbury, Somerville, Chelsea, Milford, Newburyport, Dorchester, Amherst, Pittsfield, Great Barrington, Adams, Stockbridge, Chicopee, Springfield, Lynn, Salem, Brookline, Nantucket, Fall River, Taunton, Lowell, Fitchburg, Dedham, Canton, Worcester, and Cambridge. and on October 31 at Faneuil Hall. The speech was not wrilies, paying hardly any attention to the Democratic party, and directing all their energies against the supporters of Van Buren and Adams. Choate in a speech at Salem, September 28, probably referred to Sumner when he spoke of Mr. Everett as one who could be a philosopher, a scholar, and a progressionist, without being a renegad charge could be equally well applied. The Whig orators joined in this outcry. Choate assailed the Free Soilers as a party founded upon geographical lines. At Salem, Sept. 28, 1848. Others associated them with nullifiers, and held them up as deserving the penalties of treason. Adams, November 9, at Faneuil Hall, made a spir
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 37: the national election of 1852.—the Massachusetts constitutional convention.—final defeat of the coalition.— 1852-1853. (search)
George S. Hillard, Thomas Hopkinson, Samuel D. Parker, George Morey, and Judge Peleg Sprague; among physicians, Jacob Bigelow and George Hayward; among clergymen, Samuel K. Lothrop and George W. Blagden; among editors, Nathan Hale, William Schouler, and J. S. Sleeper; and among merchants, William Appleton, Samuel A. Eliot, John C. Gray, J. Thomas Stevenson, and George B. Upton. Cambridge sent two jurists, Simon Greenleaf and Joel Parker, a former and a present professor in the Law School. Salem sent Otis P. Lord, later a judge; and Pittsfield, George N. Briggs. Against this array of Whigs was an equally formidable list of Democrats and Free Soilers. Among the former were Banks, Boutwell, Hallett, B. F. Butler (since known as General Butler), W. Griswold, and J. G. Abbott; and among the latter were Wilson, Dana, Sumner, Burlingame, Charles Allen, Marcus Morton (two of the name, father and son), Amasa Walker, E. L. Keyes, Charles P. Huntington, F. W. Bird, and John M. Earle. Five
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 39: the debate on Toucey's bill.—vindication of the antislavery enterprise.—first visit to the West.—defence of foreign-born citizens.—1854-1855. (search)
o has not suffered himself to be debauched by the local politics of the last twelve months. You are such a man; and with you now actively in the field until the election, our cause and our candidates will surely triumph. Late in the canvass Sumner spoke at nine important places,— first at Fall River, where his audience was two thousand; the next evening at New Bedford; and November 2 at Faneuil Hall. Other places where he spoke were Springfield, Worcester, Fitchburg, Lynn, Lowell, and Salem. At Springfield The Boston Telegraph, October 29, gives extracts from newspapers showing Sumner's success at New Bedford, Springfield, and Worcester. The local paper at Lowell gave a similar description. he spoke in the largest hall of the city, which was crowded to its full capacity, with several hundred seeking admission without avail. The Springfield Republican, hitherto not partial in his favor, wrote, October 27:— The outbursts of applause by which Mr. Sumner was frequently i
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 43: return to the Senate.—the barbarism of slavery.—Popular welcomes.—Lincoln's election.—1859-1860. (search)
romised to be a close one, and Sumner's speech was thought by those most intimately concerned to have insured Mr. Thayer's defeat. One journal in Boston printed an edition of twelve thousand copies for distribution in the district. Sumner received grateful notes from Mr. Bailey, and also from Mr. Dawes, who was to be his successor in the Senate. R. H. Dana, Jr., thought the speech excellent, temperate in personam, and strong in rem. On the Saturday before the election he spoke briefly at Salem for the re-election of John B. Alley to Congress; Atlas and Bee, November 6. and on the evening before the election he took the chair at Faneuil Hall, where in a brief speech he recognized in a Republican victory a radical change in our history, making not only a new President, but a new government, Works, vol. v. pp. 338-347; Atlas and Bee, November 6. and commended for support the two candidates for Congress from Boston,—Burlingame and Alexander H. Rice, the former of whom, however