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Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) 492 0 Browse Search
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Accomack (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
il, but at a later hour. The 3d (Colonel Wardrop) was embarked on the steamer Spalding for Fortress Monroe, but remained in the harbor till morning. The 8th The 8th M. V. M. came mainly from Essex County; the 3d and 4th mainly from Norfolk, Plymouth and Bristol; the 6th mainly from Middlesex, with one company from Boston and one from Worcester. (Colonel Munroe) was delayed by the desire to attach to it other companies; it was not ordered to proceed until April 18, and was then accompanied b end of the war, a ceremony which came the nearest attainable to a general review and reception of the surviving Massachusetts soldiers. It occurred on Dec. 22, 1865, the two hundred and forty-fifth anniversary of the landing of the pilgrims at Plymouth. It was called forth by the following orders proceeding from Governor Andrew:— [General order no. 18.] Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Headquarters, Boston, Dec. 13, 1865. By General Order No. 94 of the War Department, issued May 15, 186
Bethel, Me. (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
the blinds were closed by order of Colonel Jones, and the regiment about 1 P. M. went on to Washington, being delayed, while still near Baltimore, by obstructions on the track. As a result of the day, four Massachusetts soldiers were killed by the mob: Addison O. Whitney of Lowell (born in Waldo, Me.), Luther C. Ladd of Lowell (born in Alexandria, N. H.), Charles A. Taylor (of unknown residence but enlisted in Boston), all belonging to Co. D, and Sumner H. Needham of Lawrence (born in Bethel, Me.), a member of Co. C. It is a curious fact that, while the bodies of the three other soldiers were brought home with honor and buried with municipal services in Lowell and Lawrence, that of Taylor was buried in an unknown grave in Baltimore, he being taken for a civilian, because of the absence of uniform. His loss was not even known until his overcoat was forwarded to the captain of his company by one who saw him fall. No trace of his family or friends has ever been discovered . . . th
Todd's Tavern (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
wounded in the Battle of the Wilderness. Official War Records, 67, p. 134. For reports of Massachusetts officers on this battle, see, in the same volume, those of Col. Oliver Edwards (p. 672), Col. N. A. Miles (p. 370), Gen. R. B. Potter (p. 927), Col. W. S. Tilton (p. 559). For gallantry in action in this battle Color-Sergeant Leopold Karpeles (Co. E, 57th Mass.) received a medal of honor. Near Port Walthal, Va. (May 6-7), the 23d, 25th and 27th Mass. Infantry were engaged, and at Todd's Tavern (May 4, 7) the 1st Cavalry, but with small losses; these being only preliminary to the next great battle, that of Spotsylvania (May 8-18). In this prolonged and intermittent battle, the very heaviest casualties of all—including both killed and wounded—came, with one exception, upon the 1st Mass. Heavy Artillery. Its casualties (390) were exceeded only by those of the 1st Maine Heavy Artillery (481), no infantry regiment rising above 301. The two Massachusetts infantry regiments attaini
Winter Island (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
e of twenty privates of the Salem Cadets who volunteered to escort Captain Devereux's company (A of 7th M. V. M.) to Boston on April 18, 1861, this company having been known both as the Salem Light Infantry and the Salem Zouaves; and on his returning to Salem that night he determined to raise a company for himself, and began recruiting on April 20. Manuscript letter of Capt. J. P. Reynolds (Sept. 7, 1895). The company was named the Andrew Light Guard; it went into camp at Camp Webb on Winter Island, Salem harbor, April 22; Quint's 2d Mass. Infantry, p. 12. on May 8 Governor Andrew requested Colonel (afterwards general) Gordon to receive it into the 2d Regiment, then forming; Gordon's Organization, etc., of 2d Regiment, pp. 11, 14. and it reported May 14 with seventy-five men, Captain Abbott having, however, previously reported with a full company. Quint's 2d Mass. Infantry, List of Officers, etc. Supposing Captain Cogswell's to be the first company formed for the 2d Regime
Dorchester, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ds vote was required. It was the last day of the session, May 23, 1861, and this vote makes it probable that the resolutions would have passed the House had it remained in session one day longer. Up to this time, it must be remembered, colored men were not admitted to the Massachusetts militia, repeated applications from the leading colored men of Boston having failed to remove the restriction. In the final debate, the main supporters of the resolution were Messrs. Henry L. Pierce of Dorchester, Charles W. Slack of Boston and William F. Durfee of New Bedford, the chief opponents being Messrs. A. H. Bullock of Worcester and George T. Davis of Greenfield. The opposition was based apparently on no distrust of the blacks, but upon the necessity of conciliating the prejudices of the Border States. Mr. (afterwards governor) Bullock avowed his willingness to remove every vestige of disability from the colored citizens, and in proper time he hoped to see it done. This was not the time
Napoleon (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
Residence not given,-3232 Totals,2443,4923,736 When we stop to consider what an utterly peaceful community had been, until within a week or two, that which these regiments represented, it is impossible not to admire the promptness with which they took up arms. In the later fatigues of the war we looked back almost with wonder on the enthusiasm which had welcomed these early regiments. They had encountered little danger, and some of them had scarcely heard a shot fired in anger; yet Napoleon's veterans could hardly have been received with more reverence and gratitude. The instinct was just, for it was really these militia regiments, and such as these, which had saved the nation during that first period of peril. While the early recruiting was going hastily on in Massachusetts, there occurred striking cases of persons whose zeal urged them to the front, to give their aid at Washington. One of the most noticeable of these instances was that of Charles Russell Lowell, Jr., a
Marlboro, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
e rescue; with the terrible war-cry of Faugh-a-Ballagh they would sweep the foes of the Union before them, like chaff before the wind. On one occasion, having formed their line upon Lieutenant-Colonel Guiney and his two standard bearers, who advanced before them, the commander calling Men, follow your colors, they withstood nine successive charges of the enemy. Eleven officers of the 9th fell in that battle, including Capts. William Madigan, James E. McCafferty of Boston, John Carey of Marlborough, Jeremiah O'Neil of Medford, with Lieuts. R. P. Nugent of Boston and Francis O'Dowd of Medford. The 22d lost its colonel, Jesse A. Gove,—the first of the Massachusetts colonels to fall,—with Capt. J. F. Dunning of Boston and Lieut. T. F. Salter of Haverhill of the 22d and Lieut. C. C. E. Mortimer of the 3d Battery. Every regiment suffered, but the 22d Massachusetts most of all. (General Martindale's report, Official War Records, XI (2), 291 ) The reports of Maj. W. S. Tilton and Capt. <
Salisbury, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
the secretary of the treasury to take, with the banks of New York and Philadelphia, their share of one hundred and fifty million dollars in treasury notes. Secretary Chase said that when the credit of the government needed the support of some great financial leader, he found it in Mr. Samuel Hooper of Boston, to whom I am indebted, he said, for more assistance than any other man in the country. He also said, I sent the first treasury note that was ever signed to Mr. Edward Wallace of Salisbury, Mass., in recognition of his having been the first man in the country to offer a loan to the government without interest. Drs. George H. Lyman and Wm. J. Dale at once organized a medical department, which maintained its efficiency to the very end of the war. Schouler, I, 54. The former had for some time been studying for just such service, in anticipation of war; and the latter wrote thus: On the sixteenth day of April, 1861, I was called from my professional pursuits by Governor Andrew
Berkshire County (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
llery was also attached to Colonel Lawrence's command. The 3d Battalion of Rifles of Worcester, Major (afterwards general) Devens, received its orders on April 20, and was in line on the afternoon of that day; and was joined later (May 1) by Capt. Albert Dodd's company from Boston. This completed the list of the three months volunteers, whose statistics were as follows:— Statistics of the Three Months Volunteers. Commissioned Officers.Enlisted Men.Total. Barnstable County,-66 Berkshire County37376 Bristol County21192213 Essex County71857928 Franklin County-11 Hampden County-33 Hampshire County-22 Middlesex County57882939 Norfolk County21391412 Plymouth County19333352 Suffolk County27325352 Worcester County24339363 Other States,15657 Residence not given,-3232 Totals,2443,4923,736 When we stop to consider what an utterly peaceful community had been, until within a week or two, that which these regiments represented, it is impossible not to admire the promptnes
Olustee (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ountry, thus drawing the troops from the front of . . . their comrades. Page 41. This was done to some extent in the Department of the South, but the defeat at Olustee hardly vindicated the policy. The Confederates had always the immense advantage of interior lines, and also of keeping their numbers unknown, while those of the ive brigadier-generals had remained idly awaiting results on those islands [Folly and Morris] while as many brigades, commanded by colonels, were being whipped at Olustee. (War Diary by George H. Gordon, one of the brigadier-generals, pp. 282, 283) Compare Walker's 2d Army Corps, p 405, The Confederates knew better. They had alwaapt to throw the blame on his subordinates if they failed to perform impossibilities. The defeat at Honey Hill (November 30) was less humiliating than that at Olustee, because there was more object in the battle. It formed a part of an attempt to carry out an order given by General Halleck, by report of General Sherman, that G
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