Browsing named entities in Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1. You can also browse the collection for Dubois or search for Dubois in all documents.

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Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1, Chapter 11: eighty years 1899-1900; aet. 80-81 (search)
. March 21. Tuskegee benefit, Hollis Street Theatre. this meeting scored a triumph, not only for the performers, but for the race. Bishop Lawrence presided with much good grace and appreciation. Paul Dunbar was the least distinct. Professor Dubois, of Atlanta University, read a fine and finished discourse. Booker Washington was eloquent as usual, and the Hampton quartet was delightful. At the tea which followed at Mrs. Whitman's studio, I spoke with these men and with Dunbar's wife, a nearly white Woman of refined appearance. I asked Dubois about the negro vote in the South. He thought it better to have it legally taken away than legally nullified. April 17. Kindergarten for the Blind .... I hoped for a good word to say, but could only think of Shakespeare's the evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones, intending to say that this does not commend itself to me as true. Mr. Eels spoke before me and gave me an occasion to use this wi
. Diana, Temple of, II, 6. Diaz, Abby M., II, 323. Dickens, Catherine, I, 85. Dickens, Charles, I, 71, 81, 83, 84, 87, 286. Diman, Mr., II, 304. Dirschau, II, 14. Dix, Dorothea, I, 73. Dole, N. H., II, 273. Donald, Dr., II, 199, 200, 203. Doolittle, Senator, I, 239. Dore, Gustave, II, 248. Dorr, Mary W., I, 74, 128, 214. Downer, Mr., II, 362. Doyle, Lt., II, 104. Draper, Gov., II, 253. Dresel, Otto, I, 245; II, 375. Dublin, I, 88, 90. Dubois, Prof., II, 261, 262. DuMaurier, George, II, 239. Dunbar, P. L., II, 261. Dunbar, Mrs. P. L., II, 262. Duncan, W. A., II, 96. Dunkirk, II, 121. Duse, Eleanore, II, 223. Dwight, J. S., I, 265; II, 129, 150, 157. Dwight, Mary, II, 74. Eames, Mr., I, 247. Eames, Mrs., I, 238, 246. Eastburn, Manton, I, 70, 107. Eddy, Sarah, J., II, 126. Edgeworth, Maria, I, 89, 90. Edgeworthtown, I, 88. Edward VII, II, 9. Eels, Mr., II, 262. Egypt, II, 34, 38. E