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Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) 178 0 Browse Search
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1863 AD 83 83 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments.. Search the whole document.

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Salem (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 168
days,398101100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– The 17th Unattached Company Infantry, Mass. Volunteer Militia, was organized at Readville, Mass., and mustered into service for one hundred days, Aug. 5, 1864. It served at Fort Pickering, Salem, Mass., and was mustered out Nov. 12, 1864. Re-enlisting at once for one year's service, it was organized at Salem and credited to Haverhill, Mass. It was mustered into service Nov. 13, 1864, and mustered out June 30, 1865. Eighteenth Company.—CaSalem and credited to Haverhill, Mass. It was mustered into service Nov. 13, 1864, and mustered out June 30, 1865. Eighteenth Company.—Capt. Otis A. Baker, 100 days and 1 year. Officers.Enlisted Men.Total.Officers.Enlisted Men.Total. Number on rolls,—Killed and died of wounds,— 100 days,38184100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in company,—Died by accident or disease,— 100 days,–––100 days,––– 1 year,–––1 year,––– Actual total of members of company,—Died as prisoners,— 100 days,38184100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 ye
Haverhill (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 168
100 days,–––100 days,––– 1 year,–––1 year,––– Actual total of members of company,—Died as prisoners,— 100 days,398101100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– The 17th Unattached Company Infantry, Mass. Volunteer Militia, was organized at Readville, Mass., and mustered into service for one hundred days, Aug. 5, 1864. It served at Fort Pickering, Salem, Mass., and was mustered out Nov. 12, 1864. Re-enlisting at once for one year's service, it was organized at Salem and credited to Haverhill, Mass. It was mustered into service Nov. 13, 1864, and mustered out June 30, 1865. Eighteenth Company.—Capt. Otis A. Baker, 100 days and 1 year. Officers.Enlisted Men.Total.Officers.Enlisted Men.Total. Number on rolls,—Killed and died of wounds,— 100 days,38184100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in company,—Died by accident or disease,— 100 days,–––100 days,––– 1 year,–
Taunton (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 168
it was organized at Salem and credited to Haverhill, Mass. It was mustered into service Nov. 13, 1864, and mustered out June 30, 1865. Eighteenth Company.—Capt. Otis A. Baker, 100 days and 1 year. Officers.Enlisted Men.Total.Officers.Enlisted Men.Total. Number on rolls,—Killed and died of wounds,— 100 days,38184100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in company,—Died by accident or disease,— 100 days,–––100 days,––– 1 year,–––1 year,––– Actual total of members of company,—Died as prisoners,— 100 days,38184100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– The 18th Unattached Company Infantry, Mass. Volunteer Militia, was organized at Readville, Mass., and mustered into service for one hundred days, Aug. 6, 1864. It served at Camp Meigs, Readville, and was mustered out Nov. 14, 1864. It was organized for one year's service at Taunton, Mass., and was mustered Dec. 6 and 7, 1864.
Memphis (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 168
ied of wounds,— 100 days,398101100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in company,—Died by accident or disease,— 100 days,–––100 days,––– 1 year,–––1 year,––– Actual total of members of company,—Died as prisoners,— 100 days,398101100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– The 17th Unattached Company Infantry, Mass. Volunteer Militia, was organized at Readville, Mass., and mustered into service for one hundred days, Aug. 5, 1864. It served at Fort Pickering, Salem, Mass., and was mustered out Nov. 12, 1864. Re-enlisting at once for one year's service, it was organized at Salem and credited to Haverhill, Mass. It was mustered into service Nov. 13, 1864, and mustered out June 30, 1865. Eighteenth Company.—Capt. Otis A. Baker, 100 days and 1 year. Officers.Enlisted Men.Total.Officers.Enlisted Men.Total. Number on rolls,—Killed and died of wounds,— 100 days,38184100 days,––
John G. Barnes (search for this): chapter 168
Unattached companies of Massachusetts Infantry (Militia). Seventeenth Company.—Capt. John G. Barnes, 100 days and 1 year. Officers.Enlisted Men.Total.Officers.Enlisted Men.Total. Number on rolls,—Killed and died of wounds,— 100 days,398101100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in company,—Died by accident or disease,— 100 days,–––100 days,––– 1 year,–––1 year,––– Actual total of members of company,—Died as prisoners,— 100 days,398101100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– The 17th Unattached Company Infantry, Mass. Volunteer Militia, was organized at Readville, Mass., and mustered into service for one hundred days, Aug. 5, 1864. It served at Fort Pickering, Salem, Mass., and was mustered out Nov. 12, 1864. Re-enlisting at once for one year's service, it was organized at Salem and credited to Haverhill, Mass. It was mustered into service Nov. 13, 1864, and mustered out Ju
Otis A. Baker (search for this): chapter 168
8101100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– The 17th Unattached Company Infantry, Mass. Volunteer Militia, was organized at Readville, Mass., and mustered into service for one hundred days, Aug. 5, 1864. It served at Fort Pickering, Salem, Mass., and was mustered out Nov. 12, 1864. Re-enlisting at once for one year's service, it was organized at Salem and credited to Haverhill, Mass. It was mustered into service Nov. 13, 1864, and mustered out June 30, 1865. Eighteenth Company.—Capt. Otis A. Baker, 100 days and 1 year. Officers.Enlisted Men.Total.Officers.Enlisted Men.Total. Number on rolls,—Killed and died of wounds,— 100 days,38184100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in company,—Died by accident or disease,— 100 days,–––100 days,––– 1 year,–––1 year,––– Actual total of members of company,—Died as prisoners,— 100 days,38184100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––
August 7th, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 168
t was organized at Salem and credited to Haverhill, Mass. It was mustered into service Nov. 13, 1864, and mustered out June 30, 1865. Eighteenth Company.—Capt. Otis A. Baker, 100 days and 1 year. Officers.Enlisted Men.Total.Officers.Enlisted Men.Total. Number on rolls,—Killed and died of wounds,— 100 days,38184100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in company,—Died by accident or disease,— 100 days,–––100 days,––– 1 year,–––1 year,––– Actual total of members of company,—Died as prisoners,— 100 days,38184100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– The 18th Unattached Company Infantry, Mass. Volunteer Militia, was organized at Readville, Mass., and mustered into service for one hundred days, Aug. 6, 1864. It served at Camp Meigs, Readville, and was mustered out Nov. 14, 1864. It was organized for one year's service at Taunton, Mass., and was mustered Dec. 6 and 7, 1864.
August 6th, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 168
it was organized at Salem and credited to Haverhill, Mass. It was mustered into service Nov. 13, 1864, and mustered out June 30, 1865. Eighteenth Company.—Capt. Otis A. Baker, 100 days and 1 year. Officers.Enlisted Men.Total.Officers.Enlisted Men.Total. Number on rolls,—Killed and died of wounds,— 100 days,38184100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in company,—Died by accident or disease,— 100 days,–––100 days,––– 1 year,–––1 year,––– Actual total of members of company,—Died as prisoners,— 100 days,38184100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– The 18th Unattached Company Infantry, Mass. Volunteer Militia, was organized at Readville, Mass., and mustered into service for one hundred days, Aug. 6, 1864. It served at Camp Meigs, Readville, and was mustered out Nov. 14, 1864. It was organized for one year's service at Taunton, Mass., and was mustered Dec. 6 and 7, 1864.
August 5th, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 168
Number on rolls,—Killed and died of wounds,— 100 days,398101100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in company,—Died by accident or disease,— 100 days,–––100 days,––– 1 year,–––1 year,––– Actual total of members of company,—Died as prisoners,— 100 days,398101100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– The 17th Unattached Company Infantry, Mass. Volunteer Militia, was organized at Readville, Mass., and mustered into service for one hundred days, Aug. 5, 1864. It served at Fort Pickering, Salem, Mass., and was mustered out Nov. 12, 1864. Re-enlisting at once for one year's service, it was organized at Salem and credited to Haverhill, Mass. It was mustered into service Nov. 13, 1864, and mustered out June 30, 1865. Eighteenth Company.—Capt. Otis A. Baker, 100 days and 1 year. Officers.Enlisted Men.Total.Officers.Enlisted Men.Total. Number on rolls,—Killed and died of wounds,—
November 14th, 1864 AD (search for this): chapter 168
t was organized at Salem and credited to Haverhill, Mass. It was mustered into service Nov. 13, 1864, and mustered out June 30, 1865. Eighteenth Company.—Capt. Otis A. Baker, 100 days and 1 year. Officers.Enlisted Men.Total.Officers.Enlisted Men.Total. Number on rolls,—Killed and died of wounds,— 100 days,38184100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in company,—Died by accident or disease,— 100 days,–––100 days,––– 1 year,–––1 year,––– Actual total of members of company,—Died as prisoners,— 100 days,38184100 days,––– 1 year,3981011 year,––– The 18th Unattached Company Infantry, Mass. Volunteer Militia, was organized at Readville, Mass., and mustered into service for one hundred days, Aug. 6, 1864. It served at Camp Meigs, Readville, and was mustered out Nov. 14, 1864. It was organized for one year's service at Taunton, Mass., and was mustered Dec. 6 and 7, 1864.
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