Found 150 total hits in 75 results.
Sawyer, Charles H.,23d Mass. Inf.,Drewry's Bluff, Va.,May 16, 1864.
Sawyer, George W. B.,15th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862.
Sayles, George C., Corp.,21st Mass. Inf.,New Berne, N. C.,March 14, 1862.
Scanlon, John,59th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va.,June 17, 1864.
Scannell, Patrick, Corp.,19th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863.
Schemmerhorn, Martin, Sergt.,37th Mass. Inf.,Opequon, Va.,Sept. 19, 1864.
Schiller, William,20th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 6, 1864.
Schleicher, Ge.,May 5, 1864.
Schnell, John,13th Mass. Inf.,Laurel Hill, Va.,May 8, 1864.
Schoener, Joseph,3d Mass. Cav.,Louisiana,June 28, 1862.
Schubert, Ernest O.,58th Mass. Inf.,Before Petersburg, Va.,June 26, 1864.
Schultz, Charles,35th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va.,April 2, 1865.
Schumacher, William,20th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Schwarz, Charles G., Sergt.,1st Mass. Cav.,Aldie, Va.,June 17, 1863.
Scolland, Patrick,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862.
Scott, Darlas,55th Ma
Sawtell, Edward D.
Name and rank.
Private understood when not otherwise stated.Command.Engagement.Date.
Sawtell, Edward D., 2d Lieut.,6th Mass. Inf.,Deserted House, Va.,Jan. 30, 1863.
Sawtell, George S.,20th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863.
Sawyer, Augustus T.,39th Mass. Inf.,Laurel Hill, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Sawyer, Charles H.,23d Mass. Inf.,Drewry's Bluff, Va.,May 16, 1864.
Sawyer, George W. B.,15th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862.
Sayles, George C., Corp.,21st Mass. Inf.,New Berne, N. C.,March 14, 1862.
Scanlon, John,59th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va.,June 17, 1864.
Scannell, Patrick, Corp.,19th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863.
Schemmerhorn, Martin, Sergt.,37th Mass. Inf.,Opequon, Va.,Sept. 19, 1864.
Schiller, William,20th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 6, 1864.
Schleicher, George,4th Mass. Cav.,Clark's Farm, Va.,Oct. 13, 1864.
Schmidt, Bernard,15th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 8, 1864.
Schmidt, William,11th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,J
hnell, John,13th Mass. Inf.,Laurel Hill, Va.,May 8, 1864.
Schoener, Joseph,3d Mass. Cav.,Louisiana,June 28, 1862.
Schubert, Ernest O.,58th Mass. Inf.,Before Petersburg, Va.,June 26, 1864.
Schultz, Charles,35th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va.,April 2, 1865.
Schumacher, William,20th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Schwarz, Charles G., Sergt.,1st Mass. Cav.,Aldie, Va.,June 17, 1863.
Scolland, Patrick,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862.
Scott, Darlas,55th Mass. Inf.,James Island, S. C.,July 4, 1864.
Scott, Elijah M.,15th Mass. Inf.,Ball's Bluff, Va.,Oct. 21, 1861.
Scott, George W.,21st Mass. Inf.,Chantilly, Va.,Sept. 1, 1862.
Scott, John F.,12th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Scott, William,15th Mass. Inf.,Ball's Bluff, Va.,Oct. 21, 1861.
Scribner, Charles J.,22d Mass. Inf.,Laurel Hill, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Scully, John,29th Mass. Inf.,Jackson, Miss.,July 15, 1863.
Searle, Charles H.,27th Mass. Inf.,Drewry's Bluff, Va.,May 16, 1864.
Sears, Edmund H.
O.,58th Mass. Inf.,Before Petersburg, Va.,June 26, 1864.
Schultz, Charles,35th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va.,April 2, 1865.
Schumacher, William,20th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Schwarz, Charles G., Sergt.,1st Mass. Cav.,Aldie, Va.,June 17, 1863.
Scolland, Patrick,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862.
Scott, Darlas,55th Mass. Inf.,James Island, S. C.,July 4, 1864.
Scott, Elijah M.,15th Mass. Inf.,Ball's Bluff, Va.,Oct. 21, 1861.
Scott, George W.,21st Mass. Inf.,Chantilly, Va.,Sept. 1, 1862.
Scott, John F.,12th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Scott, William,15th Mass. Inf.,Ball's Bluff, Va.,Oct. 21, 1861.
Scribner, Charles J.,22d Mass. Inf.,Laurel Hill, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Scully, John,29th Mass. Inf.,Jackson, Miss.,July 15, 1863.
Searle, Charles H.,27th Mass. Inf.,Drewry's Bluff, Va.,May 16, 1864.
Sears, Edmund H.,37th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 11, 1864.
Seavens, Richard,2d Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863.
Seaver, George F.,15t
Edward D., 2d Lieut.,6th Mass. Inf.,Deserted House, Va.,Jan. 30, 1863.
Sawtell, George S.,20th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863.
Sawyer, Augustus T.,39th Mass. Inf.,Laurel Hill, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Sawyer, Charles H.,23d Mass. Inf.,Drewry's Bluff, Va.,May 16, 1864.
Sawyer, George W. B.,15th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862.
Sayles, George C., Corp.,21st Mass. Inf.,New Berne, N. C.,March 14, 1862.
Scanlon, John,59th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va.,June 17, 1864.
Scannell, Patrick, 10, 1864.
Scott, William,15th Mass. Inf.,Ball's Bluff, Va.,Oct. 21, 1861.
Scribner, Charles J.,22d Mass. Inf.,Laurel Hill, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Scully, John,29th Mass. Inf.,Jackson, Miss.,July 15, 1863.
Searle, Charles H.,27th Mass. Inf.,Drewry's Bluff, Va.,May 16, 1864.
Sears, Edmund H.,37th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 11, 1864.
Seavens, Richard,2d Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863.
Seaver, George F.,15th Mass. Inf.,Ball's Bluff, Va.,Oct. 21, 1861.
Seaver, Joseph,19th Mass. In
eut.,6th Mass. Inf.,Deserted House, Va.,Jan. 30, 1863.
Sawtell, George S.,20th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863.
Sawyer, Augustus T.,39th Mass. Inf.,Laurel Hill, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Sawyer, Charles H.,23d Mass. Inf.,Drewry's Bluff, Va.,May 16, 1864.
Sawyer, George W. B.,15th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862.
Schmidt, William,11th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 2, 1863.
Schmidt, William,9th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 5, 1864.
Schnell, John,13th Mass. Inf.,Laurel Hill, Va.,May 8, 1864.
Schoener, Joseph,3d Mass. Cav.,Louisiana,June 28, 1862.
Schubert, Ernest O.,58th Mass. Inf.,Before Petersburg, Va.,June 26, 1864.
Schultz, ChJohn F.,12th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Scott, William,15th Mass. Inf.,Ball's Bluff, Va.,Oct. 21, 1861.
Scribner, Charles J.,22d Mass. Inf.,Laurel Hill, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Scully, John,29th Mass. Inf.,Jackson, Miss.,July 15, 1863.
Searle, Charles H.,27th Mass. Inf.,Drewry's Bluff, Va.,May 16, 1864.
Sears, Edmun
Schemmerhorn, Martin, Sergt.,37th Mass. Inf.,Opequon, Va.,Sept. 19, 1864.
Schiller, William,20th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 6, 1864.
Schleicher, George,4th Mass. Cav.,Clark's Farm, Va.,Oct. 13, 1864.
Schmidt, Bernard,15th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 8, 1864.
Schmidt, William,11th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 2, 1863.
Schmidt, William,9th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 5, 1864.
Schnell, John,13th Mass. Inf.,Laurel Hill, Va.,May 8, 1864.
Schoener, Joseph,3d Mass. Cav.,Louisiana,June 28, 1862.
Schubert, Ernest O.,58th Mass. Inf.,Before Petersburg, Va.,June 26, 1864.
Schultz, Charles,35th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va.,April 2, 1865.
Schumacher, William,20th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Schwarz, Charles G., Sergt.,1st Mass. Cav.,Aldie, Va.,June 17, 1863.
Scolland, Patrick,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862.
Scott, Darlas,55th Mass. Inf.,James Island, S. C.,July 4, 1864.
Scott, Elijah M.,15th Mass. Inf.,Ball's Bluff, Va.,Oct. 21, 1861.
Schwarz, Charles G., Sergt.,1st Mass. Cav.,Aldie, Va.,June 17, 1863.
Scolland, Patrick,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862.
Scott, Darlas,55th Mass. Inf.,James Island, S. C.,July 4, 1864.
Scott, Elijah M.,15th Mass. Inf.,Ball's Bluff, Va.,Oct. 21, 1861.
Scott, George W.,21st Mass. Inf.,Chantilly, Va.,Sept. 1, 1862.
Scott, John F.,12th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Scott, William,15th Mass. Inf.,Ball's Bluff, Va.,Oct. 21, 1861.
Scribner, Charles J.,22d Mass. Inf.,Laurel Hill, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Scully, John,29th Mass. Inf.,Jackson, Miss.,July 15, 1863.
Searle, Charles H.,27th Mass. Inf.,Drewry's Bluff, Va.,May 16, 1864.
Sears, Edmund H.,37th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 11, 1864.
Seavens, Richard,2d Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863.
Seaver, George F.,15th Mass. Inf.,Ball's Bluff, Va.,Oct. 21, 1861.
Seaver, Joseph,19th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va.,Dec. 14, 1862.
Severance, Charles B.,56th Mass. Inf.,Before Petersburg, Va.,May 31, 1864.
Schwarz, Charles G., Sergt.,1st Mass. Cav.,Aldie, Va.,June 17, 1863.
Scolland, Patrick,9th Mass. Inf.,Gaines' Mill, Va.,June 27, 1862.
Scott, Darlas,55th Mass. Inf.,James Island, S. C.,July 4, 1864.
Scott, Elijah M.,15th Mass. Inf.,Ball's Bluff, Va.,Oct. 21, 1861.
Scott, George W.,21st Mass. Inf.,Chantilly, Va.,Sept. 1, 1862.
Scott, John F.,12th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Scott, William,15th Mass. Inf.,Ball's Bluff, Va.,Oct. 21, 1861.
Scribner, Charles J.,22d Mass. Inf.,Laurel Hill, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Scully, John,29th Mass. Inf.,Jackson, Miss.,July 15, 1863.
Searle, Charles H.,27th Mass. Inf.,Drewry's Bluff, Va.,May 16, 1864.
Sears, Edmund H.,37th Mass. Inf.,Spotsylvania, Va.,May 11, 1864.
Seavens, Richard,2d Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863.
Seaver, George F.,15th Mass. Inf.,Ball's Bluff, Va.,Oct. 21, 1861.
Seaver, Joseph,19th Mass. Inf.,Fredericksburg, Va.,Dec. 14, 1862.
Severance, Charles B.,56th Mass. Inf.,Before Petersburg, Va.,May 31, 1864.
Name and rank.
Private understood when not otherwise stated.Command.Engagement.Date.
Sawtell, Edward D., 2d Lieut.,6th Mass. Inf.,Deserted House, Va.,Jan. 30, 1863.
Sawtell, George S.,20th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863.
Sawyer, Augustus T.,39th Mass. Inf.,Laurel Hill, Va.,May 10, 1864.
Sawyer, Charles H.,23d Mass. Inf.,Drewry's Bluff, Va.,May 16, 1864.
Sawyer, George W. B.,15th Mass. Inf.,Antietam, Md.,Sept. 17, 1862.
Sayles, George C., Corp.,21st Mass. Inf.,New Berne, N. C.,March 14, 1862.
Scanlon, John,59th Mass. Inf.,Petersburg, Va.,June 17, 1864.
Scannell, Patrick, Corp.,19th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 3, 1863.
Schemmerhorn, Martin, Sergt.,37th Mass. Inf.,Opequon, Va.,Sept. 19, 1864.
Schiller, William,20th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 6, 1864.
Schleicher, George,4th Mass. Cav.,Clark's Farm, Va.,Oct. 13, 1864.
Schmidt, Bernard,15th Mass. Inf.,Wilderness, Va.,May 8, 1864.
Schmidt, William,11th Mass. Inf.,Gettysburg, Pa.,July 2, 1863.