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Cambridge sketches (ed. Estelle M. H. Merrill), A guide to Harvard College. (search)
s. Until Austin Hall was built, this was devoted to the uses of the Law School. At present it is occupied by the Cooperative Society, headquarters for books and student's supplies, and contains one lecture room. Passing from the quadrangle between Weld and Gray's we observe on the right a large granite building. This is Boylston Hall, the chemical laboratory, and was built in 1857. On the wall facing the street is a tablet which informs the reader that- Here was the Homestead of Thomas Hooker 1633-36 First Pastor at Newtown Thomas Shepard 1636-49 John Leverett 1696-1724 Jonathan Mitchell 1650-68 President of Harvard College First & Second Ministers of Edward Wigglesworth 1726-68 the First Church of Cambridge First Hollis Professor of Divinity & Edward Wigglesworth 1765-94 Second Hollis Professor of Divinity As we proceed on our walk Gore Hall, the Library, comes into view. This imposing granite structure was completed in 1841, a gift from Christopher Gore. The origin