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William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, I. The Army of the Potomac in history. (search)
that an army operating over a large tract of country must pivot either on a railroad or a river, it appears that from Washington as a base, a force advancing against Richmond by the overland route, and having at the same time to cover Washington, is restricted to two lines of manoeuvre: 1. The line of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad; 2. The line of the Fredericksburg and Richmond Railroad. Each of these lines was repeatedly essayed during the Virginia campaigns— the former by Pope and Meade; the latter by Burnside and Hooker. Touching the merits of these lines, experience confirmed what theory would have postulated: that the line of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, though an eminently defensive line as regards Washington, is hardly aggressive; and beyond the Rapidan involves so many complex considerations that no commander was ever able, on this line, to push an advance south of that river. The Fredericksburg route is an aggressive line as regards Richmond, though it is su
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 3 (search)
mac afterwards performed deeds worthy to live in history, it is in no small degree due to the fact that the groundwork of victory was laid deep and broad in that early period of stern tutelage, when it learnt the apprenticeship of war. If other generals, the successors of McClellan, were able to achieve more decisive results than he, it was, again, in no small degree, because they had the perfect instrument he had fashioned to work withal. Had there been no McClellan, I have often heard General Meade say, there could have been no Grant; for the army made no essential improvement under any of his successors. It was common throughout the war to ascribe a high degree of discipline to the Confederate army—even higher than that of the Army of the Potomac. But the revelations of the actual condition of that army since the close of the war do not justify this assertion. On the contrary, they show that the discipline of the Army of Northern Virginia was never equal to that of the Army of
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 4 (search)
by artillery fire and obstructed by abatis. This position was held by the brigades of Reynolds and Seymour; but when the Confederates showed a determination to force the passage, General Porter called up the remainder of his corps, consisting of Meade's brigade and the division of Morell. The Mechanicsville road, on which the Confederate divisions, under General Longstreet, moved to make the passage of Beaver Dam Creek, turns when near the creek and runs nearly parallel to it, thus causing anat the price of a battle. The force at the point of contact was McCall's division of Pennsylvania Reserves, formed at right angles across the New Market road, in front of, and parallel to, the Quaker road. McCall's disposition was as follows: Meade's brigade on the right, Sey mour's on the left, and Simmons' (Reynolds') in reserve. Randall's (Regular) battery in front of the line on the right, Cooper's and Kern's opposite the centre, and Dietrich's and Kennerheim's (twenty-pounder Parrotts
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, V. Pope's campaign in Northern Virginia. August, 1862. (search)
possible, to cut off the retreat of the Union forces. By an impetuous rush, the latter carried the Bald Hill, held by Reynolds and Ricketts; and it then became doubtful whether even the Henry House Hill could be maintained so as to cover the retreat of the army over Bull Run, for Longstreet had thrown around his right so as to menace that position. This, however, was happily provided for by the firmness of some battalions of Regulars, which held the ground until relieved by the brigades of Meade and Seymour and other troops, that maintained the position and permitted the withdrawal of the army. Under cover of the darkness the wearied troops retired across Bull Run, by the stone bridge, and took position on the heights of Centreville. Owing to the obscurity of the night, and the uncertainty of the fords of Bull Run, Lee attempted no pursuit. The obscurity of the night, and the uncertainty of the fords of Bull Run, rendered it necessary to suspend operations until morning. Lee's R
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 6 (search)
h of the turnpike is divided into a double crest by a ravine, and Hooker put in Meade's division on the right, and Hatch's on the left; Rickett's division being heldsh between the Confederates and the division of Pennsylvania Reserves under General Meade, the opposing forces rested on their arms for the night, both occupying a smed his corps of eighteen thousand men, with Doubleday's division on the right, Meade's in the centre, and Ricketts' on the left. Jackson opposed him with two divisont, inflicted severe loss on the enemy. Hooker then advanced his centre under Meade to seize the Hagerstown road and the woods beyond. In attempting to execute thes of Hood that had moved up in support, issued from the woods, and threw back Meade's line, which was much broken. At the same time, Ricketts' division on the lef, had lost nearly half his effective force by straggling. McClellan: Report; Meade: Report. In this state of facts, his offensive power was completely gone; and,
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 7 (search)
ng to meet Lee's invasion or Pennsylvania, General Meade being nominated to succeed General Hooker,Such was precisely the result that happened to Meade; for no sooner had he penetrated to the militagade poured a withering fire into the faces of Meade's men; and, at that moment, Early's division—oderate troops. Exposed to fire on both flanks, Meade was forced to draw back, losing severely in th for the column of attack, had put in not only Meade's division but Gibbon's division and Doubledaydirection; but Gibbon advanced on the right of Meade, and, though he did not push on as far as the tile return, and assisted in the withdrawal of Meade's shattered line. Meade: Report of FredericMeade: Report of Fredericksburg. In addition to these two divisions, General Franklin ordered forward Birney's division of S arrived in such time that, when the troops of Meade and Gibbon were broken and flying in confusion the Conduct of the War, vol. i., p. 705. General Meade's own report, as well as the Confederate r[8 more...]
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 8 (search)
General Couch; the Third under General Sickles; the Fifth under General Meade; the Sixth under General Sedgwick; the Eleventh under General Hhmond. The turning column was composed of three corps—the Fifth (Meade), the Eleventh (Howard), and the Twelfth (Slocum). Marching on the e Rappahannock to Banks' Ford. On the latter road two divisions of Meade's corps were pushed out, while on the turnpike Sykes' division of ts, when the right flank bent sharply back in a defensive crotchet. Meade's corps (Fifth), with one division of Couch's (Second), formed the hausted, and no re-enforcements were sent him, notwithstanding that Meade and Reynolds were both disengaged. Sickles, with the bayonet aloneing on the former, and the left on the latter stream. The corps of Meade and Reynolds, which had held position on the right in reserve, and y, he employed little more than half his force—neither Reynolds nor Meade being allowed to go into action, though eager to do so. Hooker allo
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 9 (search)
Washington with an order appointing Major-General G. G. Meade, commanding the Fifth Army Corps, in after the army had made two marches, that General Meade became satisfied that Lee, apprised of his, Hancock's representations were such that General Meade instantly gave orders for the forward movef that the enemy would attack that point. General Meade therefore proposed to assume the initiativ twenty hours. On the arrival of Sedgwick, General Meade directed Sykes' corps (Fifth), that had bee right remained nearly stationary. The 13th, Meade had his forces in front of the position taken fight. And it may fairly be said that as General Meade determined to attack on the 14th, against tigations lead strongly to the conclusion that Meade was right, in the relative situations of the oacking. But the question whether or not General Meade should have attacked at Williamsport, is rrowing his right forward to the Conecocheaque, Meade would have removed his army from the difficult[41 more...]
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 10 (search)
, and wasted the whole day. He adds, that General Meade was more disappointed in that result than Lee advanced from Culpepper; but finding that Meade had been too quick for him, and that his firsten successful, owing to the uncertainty of General Meade as to his antagonist's real purpose, and t put the Rappahannock between himself and Lee, Meade conceived that his retreat might have been pree of Lee's movement was instantly disclosed to Meade, who sent an immediate order recalling the thr being pushed forward as far as Warrenton, General Meade was compelled to halt there to await the rmanoeuvre was, it is true, exterior to that of Meade, and as it was necessary for him to pursue cirof criticism. It is due to observe that General Meade not only did not wish to avoid battle, but motion, and, under imperative orders from General Meade, Sketch of Mine Run. they pushed forwarderal Warren and of his troops was correct, General Meade became himself convinced on riding over to[52 more...]
William Swinton, Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac, chapter 11 (search)
oker on the Fredericksburg route; by Pope and Meade by the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. Unifore road is clear. * * * By command of Major-General Meade He counted that the Confederate right bdivision out on that road. At nine A. M., General Meade said to Warren, Sedgwick, and others standtrengthened by fresh troops sent to him by General Meade. His immediate front was cleared by a welk was detained all day at Todd's Tavern by General Meade, to meet an anticipated attempt of Lee to hen suddenly the movement was suspended by General Meade. While Hancock's movement was in progresslear out pell-mell, and were near catching General Meade, who had come upon the ground. The remain be hopeless, operations were suspended by General Meade. During the morning, the batteries were oies from Butler's force on the James River. Meade: Report of the Rapidan Campaign. To mask trs after the failure of the first assault, General Meade sent instructions to each corps-commander [22 more...]