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Nantucket (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
resided in the village which was so long known as Angier's Corner in Newton; John, b. 1 July 1701, grad. H. C. 1724, ordained at East Bridgewater 28 Oct. 1724, and d. 14 April 1787; Ruth, m. Francis Bowman of Lex., and d. 23 July 1754, a. 70; Eunice, d. unm. at E. Bridgewater, 1771, a. 73; Sarah, m. Rev. John Shaw of Bridgewater (she was mother of Rev. Oakes Shaw of Barnstable, H. C. 1758, whose son Lemuel Shaw, H. C. 1800, was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; of Rev. Bezaleel Shaw of Nantucket, H. C. 1762, whose only child was Elizabeth, wife of Dr. Andrew Craigie of Camb.; of Rev. William Shaw of Marshfield, H. C. 1762; of Rev. John Shaw of Haverhill, H. C. 1772; and of Ruth Shaw, who m. Gen. Nathaniel Goodwin, and gave birth to the Rev. Ezra S. Goodwin of Sandwich, H. C. 1807). Hannah, the eldest dau. of Rev. Mr. Angier, d. unm. at Watertown 27 Sept. 1714, a. 32. 3. Edmund, s. of Samuel (2), was an innholder. In 1710, his father gave him a house and 3/4 ac. of land at the
Marlboro, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
Isaac, b. prob. 1655 ; Jacob, b. 17 Nov. 1657. Isaac the f. was a mason, and owned land south of the river. He d. 7 Ap. 1659, and his w. Frances m. Richard Cutter 14 Feb. 1662-3. 2. Isaac, s. of Isaac (1), m. Jane, dau. of John Rutter of Marlborough, 17 May 1677, and had, in Camb., Elizabeth, b. 3 Feb. 1677-8, and Isaac, b. 28 Aug. 1680. Soon after 1680 he removed to Marlborough, where he was living in 1727. His w. Jane, in her will, dated Feb. 1729-30 and proved 26 May 1740, names chilMarlborough, where he was living in 1727. His w. Jane, in her will, dated Feb. 1729-30 and proved 26 May 1740, names children, Isaac, John, Thomas, Jacob, Abraham, Elizabeth Read, and grandchild, Amity Wheeler. 3. Jacob, s. of Isaac (1), m. Susanna, dau. of John Marrett, and resided on the westerly side of Ash Street. He was a glazier, and in 1681, contracted to repair the glass of our meeting-house, for ten shillings; and to keep it in repair for seven years following, for fifteen shillings a year. He d. 11 June 1701, and his w. Susanna d. 16 Oct. 1707, without issue. Andrew, William, was here as early as
Wrentham (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
oker and others that joined with him, upon advice thereof, comfortably provided for them. Mrs. Ames resided for a time in Salem, before she came to Camb. The General Court, 15 Nov. 1637, gave £ 40 to Mrs. Ames, the widow of Doctor Ames of famous memory. Her children were William; Ruth, who married Edmund Angier and d. 3 July 1656; and John, who came with her to New England. 2. William, s. of the foregoing, grad. H. C. 1645, returned to England; succeeded his father in the ministry at Wrentham; was ejected, under the Act of Uniformity, 1662, and d. 1689, a. 65. Winthrop. Amsden, Isaac, m. Francis Perriman 8 June 1654, and had Isaac, b. prob. 1655 ; Jacob, b. 17 Nov. 1657. Isaac the f. was a mason, and owned land south of the river. He d. 7 Ap. 1659, and his w. Frances m. Richard Cutter 14 Feb. 1662-3. 2. Isaac, s. of Isaac (1), m. Jane, dau. of John Rutter of Marlborough, 17 May 1677, and had, in Camb., Elizabeth, b. 3 Feb. 1677-8, and Isaac, b. 28 Aug. 1680. Soon after
South River, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
ne acres of upland at the Fresh Pond, in 1638, to Nathaniel Sparhawk. William, owned a house on the south side of Brattle Street, not far westerly from Ash Street, in 1638. Henry, bought of Moses Payne a house at the S. E. corner of Dunster and South streets, in 1646, and in the same year sold it to William Manning, Jr. All these probably left Cambridge early, as no trace of their families appears on the Records. Albone. See Luxford. Aldus, Nathan, is named in 1642, as occupying the estSusanna d. 16 Oct. 1707, without issue. Andrew, William, was here as early as 1634, and in 1635 resided at the N. E. corner of Dunster and Winthrop streets; which estate he sold in 1637, and purchased a house at the N. E. corner of Dunster and South streets. He was a mariner, but served as Constable (then a very important office) in 1635 and 1640, and Selectman in 1635. His w. Mary d. 19 Jan. 1639-40, and he m. wid. Reana James of Watertown about Aug. 1640; their marriage contract is date
Seekonk (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
13 Dec. 1698. Of these fourteen children, only five were living in 1703, when the four married daughters and their husbands executed an agreement with their brother, Rev. Samuel Angier of Watertown. Edmund the f. was a grocer or merchant, sometimes styled woolen-draper, and resided at the N. W. corner of Dunster and Mt. Auburn streets, his store being on the opposite or S. E. corner. He d. 4 Mar. 1691-2, a. 80. 2. Samuel, s. of Edmund (1), grad. H. C. 1673; ordained at Rehoboth, now Seekonk, 15 Oct. 1679; installed at Watertown, West Parish, 25 May 1697. He m. Hannah, dau. of Rev. Urian Oakes, 2 Sept. 1680, who d. 15 Aug. 1714, a. 55, and was buried at Cambridge. He d. 21 Jan. 1719, leaving children thus named in his will: Ames, Edmund, Samuel, Urian, Ephraim, Oakes, John, Ruth, Eunice, Sarah. Of these, Ames, b. 29 June 1681, grad. H. C. 1701, and d. 1720; Edmund and Samuel resided here; Urian was of Sudbury; Ephraim, a saddler, m. Mrs. Elizabeth Goddard of Wat. 30 April 17
Portsmouth (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
0, m. Rev. Joshua Prentice 9 Jan. 1755; Jose, b. 9 Mar. 1722-3, d. 6 June 1723; Nathaniel, b. 22 Feb. 1724-5, d. 1 Dec. 1726; Elizabeth, b. 16 Dec. 1726, m. Dr. Isaac Rand, 10 Jan. 1754; Mehitabel, b. 6 Dec. 1728, m. Rev. Samuel Haven, 11 Jan. 1753; John, b. 23 Mar. 1729-30, d. 22 May 1730; Nathaniel, b. 5 Oct. 1731, H. C. 1749, loan officer, d. 25 June 1798; Mercy, b. 18 Jan. 1732-3, d. 4 July 1733; Mercy, b. 24 Aug. 1734, d. 12 Sept. 1734; Henry, bap. 29 May 1737, H. C. 1755, merchant in Portsmouth, d. 5 Sept. 1768; John, bap. 1 April 1739, H. C. 1757, merchant in Salem, d. Mar. 1817; Samuel, bap. 11 May 1740, prob. d. young. Nathaniel the f. grad. H. C. 1712, and was Fellow of the Corporation, 1717-1779. He was ordained pastor of the church in Cambridge 9 Oct. 1717, and remained in office more than sixty-six years. In 1771 his Alma Mater conferred on him the degree of D. D., an honor never bestowed before by that college, except on President Mather about eighty years previously.
Medford (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
ne, 1749, m. John Hildreth of Boston, 3 Jan. 1776; Hannah, bap. 4 Oct. 1761; Hannah, bap. 3 Oct. 1762; William, bap. 1 July 1764; Margaret, bap. 15 June 1766; Mary, bap. 18 Sept. 1768, m. Edmund Winship, 3 Dec. 1789; Lydia and Hannah, twins, bap. 27 Feb. 1774. William the f. was a Captain in two campaigns, 1758, 1760, in the French War. Towards the close of life he became poor, and d. in the almshouse, 11 Dec. 1796, a. 79. 6. Samuel, s. of Edmund (3), grad. H. C. 1748, taught school at Medford, and preached for several years, though he was probably never ordained. He d. 23 Aug. 1775, a. 53. Appleton, Nathaniel, s. of Hon. John Appleton, and grandson of President Rogers, was b. at Ipswich, 9 Dec. 1693, m. Margaret, dau. of Rev. Henry Gibbs of Wat. 1719-20, and had Margaret, b. 29 Nov. 1720, m. Rev. Joshua Prentice 9 Jan. 1755; Jose, b. 9 Mar. 1722-3, d. 6 June 1723; Nathaniel, b. 22 Feb. 1724-5, d. 1 Dec. 1726; Elizabeth, b. 16 Dec. 1726, m. Dr. Isaac Rand, 10 Jan. 1754; Mehit
Haverhill (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
and d. 14 April 1787; Ruth, m. Francis Bowman of Lex., and d. 23 July 1754, a. 70; Eunice, d. unm. at E. Bridgewater, 1771, a. 73; Sarah, m. Rev. John Shaw of Bridgewater (she was mother of Rev. Oakes Shaw of Barnstable, H. C. 1758, whose son Lemuel Shaw, H. C. 1800, was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; of Rev. Bezaleel Shaw of Nantucket, H. C. 1762, whose only child was Elizabeth, wife of Dr. Andrew Craigie of Camb.; of Rev. William Shaw of Marshfield, H. C. 1762; of Rev. John Shaw of Haverhill, H. C. 1772; and of Ruth Shaw, who m. Gen. Nathaniel Goodwin, and gave birth to the Rev. Ezra S. Goodwin of Sandwich, H. C. 1807). Hannah, the eldest dau. of Rev. Mr. Angier, d. unm. at Watertown 27 Sept. 1714, a. 32. 3. Edmund, s. of Samuel (2), was an innholder. In 1710, his father gave him a house and 3/4 ac. of land at the S. E. corner of Holyoke and Mt. Auburn streets; and he afterwards inherited house and about two acres bounded S. and E. on Bow Street. He m., 9 Ap. 1717, Abiel,
James Hill (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
d. 28 June 1828; Mary, b. 13 Feb. 1761, m. Benjamin Winship, 4 April 1788, and d. 2 Oct. 1846; Nathan, b. 9 Aug. 1763, res. in Medf., where he d. 25 Mar. 1842; Joel, b. 23 Aug. 1765, m. Sybil Stone of Medf., 23 Aug. 1788, and d. at New Salem, 8 Feb. 1841; Amos, twin with Joel, b. 23 Aug. 1765, m. Lydia Adams 19 April 1790, and d. 24 Mar. 1844; Daniel, b. 14 Mar. 1768, m. Phebe Britton 3 June 1793; Abigail, b. 18 Sept. 1772, m. Joseph Convers of Medf. 19 Oct. 1800; Ann, b. 1 April 1775, m. James Hill 11 Oct. 1796. Joseph the f. was for many years deacon of the church in Menotomy, now Arlington, Selectman four years, and d. 3 May 1794, a. 79; his w. Hannah d. 13 Aug. 1803, a. 73. When her youngest child was eighteen days old, Mrs. Adams was driven from her home by the British troops on their retreat from Lex., and the house was set on fire; but the flames were extinguished before much damage resulted 6. William, S. of Joseph (3), m. Sarah Hill 14 June 1750, and had John, b. 25 July
Sandwich, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 26
, 1771, a. 73; Sarah, m. Rev. John Shaw of Bridgewater (she was mother of Rev. Oakes Shaw of Barnstable, H. C. 1758, whose son Lemuel Shaw, H. C. 1800, was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; of Rev. Bezaleel Shaw of Nantucket, H. C. 1762, whose only child was Elizabeth, wife of Dr. Andrew Craigie of Camb.; of Rev. William Shaw of Marshfield, H. C. 1762; of Rev. John Shaw of Haverhill, H. C. 1772; and of Ruth Shaw, who m. Gen. Nathaniel Goodwin, and gave birth to the Rev. Ezra S. Goodwin of Sandwich, H. C. 1807). Hannah, the eldest dau. of Rev. Mr. Angier, d. unm. at Watertown 27 Sept. 1714, a. 32. 3. Edmund, s. of Samuel (2), was an innholder. In 1710, his father gave him a house and 3/4 ac. of land at the S. E. corner of Holyoke and Mt. Auburn streets; and he afterwards inherited house and about two acres bounded S. and E. on Bow Street. He m., 9 Ap. 1717, Abiel, wid. of John Hovey, who had for several years owned and kept the original Blue Anchor Tavern, at the N. E. corner of
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