Browsing named entities in Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register. You can also browse the collection for Moses Robbins or search for Moses Robbins in all documents.

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Hood2 Edward Jackson8 Widow Smith1 Lois Brown .2 John Wyman6 Jonathan Fessenden9 Nathaniel Sparhawk7 John Dennie, whites6 blacks, 2 James Bryant7 William Fuller7 Abijah Learned4 Samuel Learned5 Elijah White6 James Holton4 Thomas Thwing3 Nathaniel Thwing6 Nathaniel Clark2 Jona. Winship, whites12 black, 1. Mr. Cocklin9 Ebenezer Seaver9 Nathaniel Wilton3 Caleb Coolidge3 Ezekiel Comee5 Samuel Champney4 Daniel Dana4 Mr. Wells^ Benjamin Dana6 Josiah Sanderson2 Moses Robbins7 John Stratton6 Jonas White2 Samuel Zeagars, white8 blacks, 2. Stephen Dana4 Jonathan Park5 Silas Robbins5 Benjamin Faneuil, Esq., white4 blacks, 3. John Tudor, white4 black, 1 Thomas Sparhawk, Esq., white8 black, 2. James Robbins4 Benjamin Hill7 Phinehas Robbins6 David Ross3 Edmund Horton6 Samuel Sparhawk10 Edward Hastings, white7 black, 1. Moses Griggs6 Maj. John Gardner, white8 black, 2 Ezra Comee5 Michael Taylor3 The foregoing enumeration is preserved in
amuel Thatcher, 1773-1776, 1780– 1786. John Cutter, Jr., 1774, 1775. Eliphalet Robbins, 1775-1776. Stephen Dana, 1776-1778, 1787, 1788, 1793, 1794. Deac. Aaron Hill, 1777, 1778, 1787, 1788. Jonas Wyeth, 1777, 1778. Benjamin Locke, 1777, 1778. Edward Jackson, 1777, 1778, 1780– 1782. Thomas Farrington, 1778, 1779. Benjamin Cooper, 1778. William Howe, 1779. Gideon Frost, 1779-1785. William Adams, 1779. Ammi Cutter, 1779, 1786. John Gardner, 1779. Moses Robbins, 1779, 1781-1786, 1790-1792. John Wyeth, 1780. Jeduthun Wellington, 1780-1785, 1792 -1802, 1805. Samuel Whittemore 3d, 1780. Ebenezer Seaver, 1780. Ebenezer Wyeth, 1781-1785, 1789, 1790. John Adams, 1781, 1782, 1791-1795. Ephraim Frost, Jr., 1783-1788. Daniel Dana, 1783. Jonathan Winship, 1784-1789, 1793, 1794. William Winthrop, 1786, 1789-1791, 1793, 1794, 1799, 1800-1802. Walter Dickson, 1786-1788, 1791, 1792. Samuel Butterfield, 1787, 1788. Ephr
7-8, m. John Kenrick 2 Mar. 1748-9; Benjamin, b. 10 Feb. 1729-30, d. young; Mary; Benjamin, b. 7 June 1734; Francis, b. 6 Feb. 1737; Stephen, b. 1740 (in his 12th year, 16 Mar. 1752, when his guardian was appointed). Benjamin the f. was a captain, and d. 5 June 1751, a. 62; his w. Anna survived. 9. William, s. of Benjamin (4), m. Mary Green of Maiden, pub. 20 Feb. 1735-6, and had Jonathan, b. 22 Mar. 1736-7; Samuel, b. 14 Jan. 1738-9; Benjamin, b. 6 Ap. 1741; Sarah, b. 16 Ap. 1743, m. Moses Robbins 31 Oct. 1765; William, b. 29 Sept. 1745; Mary, b. 29 Feb. 1747-8; Lucy, b. 2 Ap. 1750; Josiah, b. 19 Sept. 1752; Ezra, b. 29 Sept. 1755. William the f. d. 17 May 1770, a. 67; his w. Mary d. 5 Mar. 1763, a. 44. All the children survived. 10. Thomas, s. of Daniel (5), m. Mary, dau. of Capt. Josiah Parker, 22 Jan. 1718-9; and had Mary, b. 27 Nov, 1719, d. unm. 17 Dec. 1740; Susanna, b. 4 Aug. 1721; Thomas, b. 8 Aug. 1723; Naomi, b. 28 Aug. 1725, d. young; Daniel, b. 22 Oct. 1726; Naom
7-8, m. John Kenrick 2 Mar. 1748-9; Benjamin, b. 10 Feb. 1729-30, d. young; Mary; Benjamin, b. 7 June 1734; Francis, b. 6 Feb. 1737; Stephen, b. 1740 (in his 12th year, 16 Mar. 1752, when his guardian was appointed). Benjamin the f. was a captain, and d. 5 June 1751, a. 62; his w. Anna survived. 9. William, s. of Benjamin (4), m. Mary Green of Maiden, pub. 20 Feb. 1735-6, and had Jonathan, b. 22 Mar. 1736-7; Samuel, b. 14 Jan. 1738-9; Benjamin, b. 6 Ap. 1741; Sarah, b. 16 Ap. 1743, m. Moses Robbins 31 Oct. 1765; William, b. 29 Sept. 1745; Mary, b. 29 Feb. 1747-8; Lucy, b. 2 Ap. 1750; Josiah, b. 19 Sept. 1752; Ezra, b. 29 Sept. 1755. William the f. d. 17 May 1770, a. 67; his w. Mary d. 5 Mar. 1763, a. 44. All the children survived. 10. Thomas, s. of Daniel (5), m. Mary, dau. of Capt. Josiah Parker, 22 Jan. 1718-9; and had Mary, b. 27 Nov, 1719, d. unm. 17 Dec. 1740; Susanna, b. 4 Aug. 1721; Thomas, b. 8 Aug. 1723; Naomi, b. 28 Aug. 1725, d. young; Daniel, b. 22 Oct. 1726; Naom