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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, XIV. Massachusetts women in the civil war. (search)
to the truth of the shocking disclosures of surgeons and nurses, and compelled public belief in their verity. In the midst of this heart-sickening work Mrs. Tyler broke down, and in the summer of 1864 was obliged to leave her post of duty. She was so prostrated by hospital fever as to render her recovery for a time extremely doubtful. She was sent to Europe by her physician as soon as she began to convalesce, but was prostrated by a return of the fever in Paris, and months later in Lucerne, Switzerland, nor was her health re-established until some time after the close of the war. Mrs. Stephen Barker, the sister of Hon. William Whiting, an Attorney-General of Massachusetts, and whose husband was chaplain of the Fourteenth Massachusetts Infantry, accompanied him to the field and devoted herself to hospital nursing and relief, serving in almost every capacity, and identifying herself with the patients under her care. Mrs. G. T. M. Davis, a native of Pittsfield, Mass., and the wif