Browsing named entities in Col. Robert White, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 2.2, West Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Cummins or search for Cummins in all documents.

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evious to this fight. On June 26, 1861, Richard Ashby, a brother of the celebrated Gen. Turner Ashby, lost his life in a skirmish in Hampshire county. The two Ashbys were in charge of a body of Virginia cavalry, scouting toward Cumberland, Md., when Richard was mortally wounded by a bayonet thrust. His body lies beside that of his brother Turner in the Confederate cemetery at Winchester, Va. On July 12, 1861, a Federal force under Colonel Kain entered Romney. In the same month Colonel Cummins with some Confederate troops retook it. The loyal Virginians in other parts of the State were active in expeditions to repress hostile organization. One of these was made by Capt. A. G. Jenkins, afterward famous as a cavalry general, in the latter part of June. He advanced from Charleston to Point Pleasant with a mounted party, and secured the persons of several prominent Union men. Colonel Norton, of the First Ohio, at Gallipolis, crossed the river with 100 men and made a vain att