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John D. Billings, The history of the Tenth Massachusetts battery of light artillery in the war of the rebellion 155 1 Browse Search
Edward H. Savage, author of Police Recollections; Or Boston by Daylight and Gas-Light ., Boston events: a brief mention and the date of more than 5,000 events that transpired in Boston from 1630 to 1880, covering a period of 250 years, together with other occurrences of interest, arranged in alphabetical order 3 1 Browse Search
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lieving Hooker, and devolving the command on Gen. Meade, who was therewith advised that he might do and trusted by his soldiers, who knew less of Meade, and had less faith in him. Had that army been aid of French's 11,000 men, rather than under Meade with that reinforcement. American Conflict, Voomac, that Gen. Hooker had been relieved and Gen. Meade appointed in his stead. We knew that the Ren spent in getting our troops into position, Gen. Meade called a council of his corps commanders to Hancock, wounded at Gettysburg), opposed it. Gen. Meade having heard all, stated that his judgment f and a battle was momentarily expected. Gen. Meade crossed the Potomac . . . on the 18th, . . .ll and made a feint of recrossing the Potomac, Meade was enabled to seize all the passes through the Shenandoah save by a tedious flank march. Meade, misled by his scouts, had expected to fight ay remained to fight; but two days were lost by Meade getting into and out of the Gap; during which [3 more...]
7th the corps was reviewed near Bealeton by Gen. Meade, and made a fine appearance. A corps reviewn between the Rappahannock and the Rapidan.— Gen. Meade: Testimony before Committee on the Conduct oreet's corps for that purpose, which decided Gen. Meade to assume the offensive at once, and was theully, but the fact was developed later that Gen. Meade was on the point of pushing his offensive opnforce the Army of the Cumberland. This put Gen. Meade, in turn, on the defensive; but, by the arri: British property. Protected by order of Gen. Meade. The same notice was conspicuously posteations to those of the enemy. It seems that Gen. Meade learned on the morning of the 12th that the , of being within easy aiding distance in case Meade offered battle, which he contemplated doing atne of retreat or line of communication open. Gen. Meade: Testimony before the Committee on the Condu to the high ground we were occupying, where Gen. Meade had resolved to give battle. In the eveni[1 more...]
had chased our army almost up to Washington, utterly destroyed its main artery of supply, captured the larger number of prisoners, destroyed, or caused us to destroy, valuable stores, and then returned to his own side of the Rappahannock essentially unharmed; having decidedly the advantage in the only collision that marked his retreat. American Conflict, Vol. II. The collision referred to in the above extract was a cavalry fight at Buckland's Mills, between Stuart and Kilpatrick. Gen. Meade, it is said, felt not a little ashamed and somewhat nettled at the part he had played in this campaign, and would have ordered an advance at once had not a heavy rain rendered Bull Run impassable without pontoons, which were not then at hand. He then determined to make a rapid movement to the left, and before the Rebel commander could gain knowledge of his intentions, seize Fredericksburg and the heights in its rear, with the design of pushing operations against Richmond, from that point
Conduct of the War. During this day's march Gen. Meade caused a despatch to be read announcing Grant the tavern was a serious interference with Gen. Meade's plans, as will be shown hereafter. On tvern. In this somewhat dilapidated hostelry Gen. Meade had established his headquarters. Just to time, to my astonishment, an aid rode up from Gen. Meade, and ordered me to cease the demonstration; rd except the holding of a council of war by Gen. Meade in the little house near us, of whose doings. Some miles intervened between these corps. Meade's plan was to cross at the uncovered fords and took the wrong road. This made a delay, as Gen. Meade, not sure how much opposition he should meet bank, under the most imperative orders from Gen. Meade, pressed forward with greater rapidity. Wa left that he thought penetrable. Thereupon Gen. Meade resolved on a simultaneous attack on both wiaigns of the Army of the Potomac. so decided Gen. Meade, who rode rapidly over to the left to satis[3 more...]
Evil, and Ultimate Atoms, were favorite themes with some of a more philosophic turn of mind. Drills and inspections were not lost sight of in this period. A review of the Artillery Brigade of our corps took place under the observation of Generals Meade, French, and Hunt, December 23d, and again by Gen. French, February 23d. February 6th, orders came to pack up, and the next morning we hitched in, momentarily expecting to depart, but on what errand we then knew not. It seems that Gen. Butlel melody. Having arrived at the place designated, the infantry were drawn up in four lines of a division each, while the batteries were formed in two lines. After some delay Gen. Grant appeared, riding across the field with a numerous staff. Gen. Meade rode forward to receive him, and conducted him to a knoll which commanded a view of the entire corps; then the former took position on the left of the General-in-Chief, while Gen. Hancock sat at his right. In their rear were Sedgwick, Warren,
f 52,626 men—foot, horse, and artillery, while Meade's, including Burnside's corps, an independent tedly due in large measure to the confidence Gen. Meade put in his many soldierly qualities, conspic way when orders to that effect met him from Gen. Meade. This course, however, we pursue only a sho he found the enemy confronting him. Grant and Meade, both believing it to be the rear guard of Leeth Corps closely, is a verbatim extract from Gen. Meade's order of march, distinctly outlining the ne laid low in all directions. Although by Gen. Meade's order of march this was our destination, the entire army,— and more especially because Gen. Meade feared an attack on the rear of the column, before the opening of the Rapidan campaign, Gen. Meade, in conversation with the lieutenant-generalns In Battery and here came Generals Grant and Meade with their staffs and viewed through field glabattery on the hill near the house. Grant and Meade there. First Massachusetts Heavy Artillery ca[3 more...]<
ns of a road cut by the pioneers. This forward movement was one in which all the corps participated, and was made with a view of developing the Rebel position. Our march was directed from Hawes' Shop, or Store, towards Hanover Court House. Gen. Meade's order of May 29. Hawes' Shop was an important junction of several roads, and was contended for most manfully on the 28th instant by three brigades of Union cavalry, under Sheridan, pitted against that of the enemy commanded by Fitz-Hugh Lee aintervals. Heavy firing came up from the left a long distance away. This we now know to have been the attack made upon Warren's corps, near Bethesda Church, by Ewell, who was attempting to turn his left. To relieve this pressure upon Warren, Gen. Meade ordered an attack along the whole line. The order was not received in time to be acted upon by all the corps commanders; but Hancock received it, and with commendable and characteristic promptness sent in Barlow's division, which drove the ene
ent is made by Mr. Swinton on p. 487, Army of the Potomac, and has been adopted by many subsequent writers. Harper's Pictorial History of the Rebellion discredits it. Others have denied it. Some hours after the failure of the first assault, Gen. Meade sent instructions to each corps commander to renew the attack. . . . . . . But no man stirred, and the immobile lines pronounced a verdict, silent yet emphatic, against further slaughter. During the afternoon we fired only at long intervalsnsive. Whereupon, on the afternoon of Sunday (the 5th), Gen. Grant sent a flag of truce to Lee, proposing to bury the dead and succor the wounded. June 5, 5 P. M. By direction of Gen. Hancock, I accompanied a flag of truce with Col. Lyman, of Gen. Meade's staff. The point selected to put out the flag was on the Mechanicsville road, where our pickets are very close to the enemy's . . . . . . . Major Wooten, 18th N. C. Infantry, met Col. Lyman and myself.—Diary of a Staff Officer. After some in
save one regiment and four batteries. On the evening of the 14th Gen. Meade had given him orders to hold his troops in readiness to move, infHarrison's Creek. At 4 o'clock A. M. of the 15th, Hancock notified Meade that the rations were not yet received. He repeated this report tohe column did not start until 10.30 A. M. Birney was in advance. Gen. Meade afterwards gave his approval to Hancock's moving on without the rhat Petersburg was to be attacked, Petersburg would have fallen. Gen. Meade. Had he been thus apprised earlier, there would have been no waim before the Avery House. During the forenoon, in the absence of Gen. Meade, Hancock was instructed to take command of all the forces in frone Spelled H-a-i-r on Gilmer's (Rebel) map. was decided upon by Gen. Meade, who had now arrived, as the best place to attack. The assault waken up a more formidable position about a mile nearer the city. Meade's Report of Campaigns. This made new dispositions necessary, and de
vided with water in camp. But our enjoyment of this luxury was short-lived, for in two days we were ordered out from our cool retreat to go, no one knew whither. Rumor sent us in various directions: a trip to the Shenandoah Valley looked the most plausible, for Gen. Lee, wishing to relieve the pressure upon him by our army, thought that by detaching a corps to menace Washington, the authorities of that city would be seized with such trepidation as would compel Grant to send a large part of Meade's army to protect it, and possibly would result in raising the siege of Petersburg. Life and Campaigns of IX. E. Lce, p. 544. McCabe. In accordance with this theory, about the 1st of July, he dispatched Gen. Early's corps in that direction, which resulted, as is well known, in exciting quite a commotion in the capital city, and Grant sent the Sixth Corps to meet the emergency. We were evidently not included in any party destined for detached service just then, and after moving up toward