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North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) 528 0 Browse Search
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Hamilton, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
of the department of North Carolina, had his forces stationed as follows: General Pettigrew's brigade at Magnolia; Gen. N. G. Evans' South Carolina brigade at Kinston; General Daniel's brigade, General Davis' brigade, Maj. J. C. Haskell's four batteries, Colonel Bradford's four artillery companies, and Capt. J. B. Starr's light battery at Goldsboro; the Forty-second regiment, Col. George C. Gibbs, and Captain Dabney's heavy battery at Weldon; the Seventeenth regiment, Col. W. F. Martin, at Hamilton; Gen. B. H. Robertson and three regiments of cavalry at Kinston; Thomas' legion in the mountains. The field returns for January show that the forces scattered over the State aggregated 31,442 men. Rebellion Records, XVIII, 865. This large number of soldiers was collected in the State because it was thought another strong expedition was about to descend upon Wilmington, or some point on the coast. Upon the opening of the spring campaign, these troops were sent in all directions. Aft
Sandy Ridge, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
Chapter 9: North Carolina in the beginning of 1863 gathering fresh supplies Demonstrations by D. H. Hill against New Bern fights at Deep Gully and Sandy ridge siege of Washington, N. C. Blount's Mills and Gum Swamp. At the opening of this year, the troops of North Carolina were disposed, so far as the records shorom Goldsboro, his force around New Bern showed little activity. Some expeditions were occasionally sent out, resulting in skirmishes or minor engagements. At Sandy Ridge, on the 13th of February, the Fifty-eighth Pennsylvania infantry had a skirmish with a detachment from the Eighth North Carolina regiment, in which 4 North Caroompanies of the Forty-second regiment, attacked the post at Winfield, on the Chowan river, below Gatesville; after a brisk exchange of shots, he withdrew. At Sandy Ridge, three companies of the Forty-ninth and some of the Eighth regiment had a short skirmish on the 20th, and lost 1 killed and 6 wounded. Toward the last of Ma
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
l Beauregard was asking for aid at Charleston, and the Richmond authorities were anxious to strengthen the Western armies. Hence the campaign in North Carolina was again reduced to defensive issues, and the troops moved to bigger fields. During the siege at Washington there was some spirited fighting around the town, and General Pettigrew at Blount's mills repulsed, after a sharp attack, a column under General Spinola as it was marching to the relief of Washington. On the 22d of May, Lee's Federal brigade, one regiment of Pennsylvania troops, seven pieces of artillery, and three companies of cavalry, surprised the Fifty-sixth and Twenty-fifth North Carolina regiments at Gum Swamp, below Kinston. These regiments were broken and scattered, and lost 165 prisoners; but rallied and sup-ported by some companies of the Forty-ninth regiment, the Twenty-seventh regiment and other troops, attacked the Federals and drove them back to New Bern, killing their commander, Col. J. R. Jones.
Gatesville (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
eat reluctance after having been under a heavy artillery fire for some hours. The Confederate losses in this demonstration were, so far as reported, 4 killed and 19 wounded. Between this movement against New Bern and the siege of Washington, only one or two skirmishes took place. A few men from the Seventeenth regiment made a demonstration against Plymouth. Col. John E. Brown, with three companies of the Forty-second regiment, attacked the post at Winfield, on the Chowan river, below Gatesville; after a brisk exchange of shots, he withdrew. At Sandy Ridge, three companies of the Forty-ninth and some of the Eighth regiment had a short skirmish on the 20th, and lost 1 killed and 6 wounded. Toward the last of March, General Hill sent General Garnett to lay siege to Washington. It had been hoped, as already seen, to surprise the town, but the rains delayed and exposed the movement. General Lee advised against an assault on the town on account of the loss it might entail.
Carter County (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
of North Carolina were disposed, so far as the records show, as follows: Thirty-two regiments and one battalion of infantry, two regiments of cavalry and three batteries were with General Lee; under Gen. Kirby Smith, the Fifty-eighth, Colonel Palmer, the Sixty-fourth, Colonel Allen, and Fifth cavalry battalion, Capt. S. W. English, were stationed at Big Greek gap, Tenn.; the Sixty-second regiment, Colonel Love, was guarding bridges near Knoxville; the Seventh cavalry battalion was in Carter county, Tenn.; Walker's cavalry battalion was in Monroe county, Tenn.; the Twenty-ninth, Colonel Vance, and the Thirty-ninth, Colonel Coleman, were in Bragg's army. In the State, General Whiting was in charge of the defenses of Wilmington, with 9,913 officers and men. Gen. S. D. French, in charge of the department of North Carolina, had his forces stationed as follows: General Pettigrew's brigade at Magnolia; Gen. N. G. Evans' South Carolina brigade at Kinston; General Daniel's brigade, General Da
Goldsboro (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
igade at Magnolia; Gen. N. G. Evans' South Carolina brigade at Kinston; General Daniel's brigade, General Davis' brigade, Maj. J. C. Haskell's four batteries, Colonel Bradford's four artillery companies, and Capt. J. B. Starr's light battery at Goldsboro; the Forty-second regiment, Col. George C. Gibbs, and Captain Dabney's heavy battery at Weldon; the Seventeenth regiment, Col. W. F. Martin, at Hamilton; Gen. B. H. Robertson and three regiments of cavalry at Kinston; Thomas' legion in the mouuse it was thought another strong expedition was about to descend upon Wilmington, or some point on the coast. Upon the opening of the spring campaign, these troops were sent in all directions. After General Foster's return to New Bern from Goldsboro, his force around New Bern showed little activity. Some expeditions were occasionally sent out, resulting in skirmishes or minor engagements. At Sandy Ridge, on the 13th of February, the Fifty-eighth Pennsylvania infantry had a skirmish with
Fairfield (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
return to New Bern from Goldsboro, his force around New Bern showed little activity. Some expeditions were occasionally sent out, resulting in skirmishes or minor engagements. At Sandy Ridge, on the 13th of February, the Fifty-eighth Pennsylvania infantry had a skirmish with a detachment from the Eighth North Carolina regiment, in which 4 North Carolinians were wounded. An expedition under Capt. Colin Richardson, of the Third New York cavalry, engaged some militia near Swan Quarter and Fairfield on the 4th of May. In these two skirmishes the Federals lost 18 men. During this spring, enormous supplies of meal and meat for the maintenance of the Confederate armies were drawn from North Carolina, and military operations in Virginia and North Carolina were made to so shape themselves as to facilitate the collection of these supplies. Shortly after General Longstreet was assigned to command the department of Virginia and North Carolina, he learned that there was a goodly suppl
Appomattox (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
military lines of the Federal forces. To collect and transmit this to accessible points for the Confederates, it was necessary to advance our divisions so as to cover the country, and to hold the Federal forces in and about their fortified positions while our trains were at work. To that end I moved with the troops in Virginia across the Blackwater to close lines about the forts around Suffolk, and ordered the troops along our line in North Carolina to a like advance. From Manassas to Appomattox, p. 324. In a letter to General Lee, General Longstreet stated to him his plans: In arraying our forces to protect supply trains in the eastern counties of North Carolina, we had hoped to make a diversion upon New Bern and surprise the garrison at Washington. The high waters have washed away the bridges and detained us a week, and it is probable the enemy has discovered our movements. Rebellion Records, XVIII, 951. So, in pursuance of this policy, while the Confederate wagon trai
Gum Swamp (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
Chapter 9: North Carolina in the beginning of 1863 gathering fresh supplies Demonstrations by D. H. Hill against New Bern fights at Deep Gully and Sandy ridge siege of Washington, N. C. Blount's Mills and Gum Swamp. At the opening of this year, the troops of North Carolina were disposed, so far as the records show, as follows: Thirty-two regiments and one battalion of infantry, two regiments of cavalry and three batteries were with General Lee; under Gen. Kirby Smith, the Fiing to the relief of Washington. On the 22d of May, Lee's Federal brigade, one regiment of Pennsylvania troops, seven pieces of artillery, and three companies of cavalry, surprised the Fifty-sixth and Twenty-fifth North Carolina regiments at Gum Swamp, below Kinston. These regiments were broken and scattered, and lost 165 prisoners; but rallied and sup-ported by some companies of the Forty-ninth regiment, the Twenty-seventh regiment and other troops, attacked the Federals and drove them bac
Monroe County (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 10
show, as follows: Thirty-two regiments and one battalion of infantry, two regiments of cavalry and three batteries were with General Lee; under Gen. Kirby Smith, the Fifty-eighth, Colonel Palmer, the Sixty-fourth, Colonel Allen, and Fifth cavalry battalion, Capt. S. W. English, were stationed at Big Greek gap, Tenn.; the Sixty-second regiment, Colonel Love, was guarding bridges near Knoxville; the Seventh cavalry battalion was in Carter county, Tenn.; Walker's cavalry battalion was in Monroe county, Tenn.; the Twenty-ninth, Colonel Vance, and the Thirty-ninth, Colonel Coleman, were in Bragg's army. In the State, General Whiting was in charge of the defenses of Wilmington, with 9,913 officers and men. Gen. S. D. French, in charge of the department of North Carolina, had his forces stationed as follows: General Pettigrew's brigade at Magnolia; Gen. N. G. Evans' South Carolina brigade at Kinston; General Daniel's brigade, General Davis' brigade, Maj. J. C. Haskell's four batteries, Colon
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