Browsing named entities in Col. John C. Moore, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.2, Missouri (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for John G. Walker or search for John G. Walker in all documents.

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n hill, Marmaduke the fort on Reiter hill, and Walker was to hold himself in position to resist any musketry fire, on the side toward the river. Walker's orders were to keep this flank clear, but healry in advance, appeared on the prairie. General Walker decided to retreat, and Marmaduke at his oerse it. Marmaduke performed his part, but General Walker did not stop nor leave a man in the timberke's commands skirmished with each other. General Walker was in command, but never appeared at the Marmaduke sent a staff officer to request General Walker's presence, as he could not himself well lt him in regard to taking the offensive. General Walker refused to receive a verbal message. Thenccepted. This led to a correspondence between Walker and Marmaduke, which resulted in a duel and the death of Walker. Marmaduke and his seconds were put in arrest after the duel, but were released, d threatening it from the east and the south. Walker's brigade, commanded by Colonel Dobbins, was s[6 more...]
found his command subjected to a heavy cross fire and ordered it to retire, losing in doing so two of the guns he had captured and 150 of the prisoners he had taken. On the center and left the Confederates were more successful. There Polignac, Walker, Green, Bee and Major drove the enemy steadily before them until night closed the conflict, leaving the Confederates in possession of the field. After the battle the Missouri and Arkansas commands moved back to within four miles of Mansfield anned a terrific fire of musketry from the timber line on their front and right flank After a short and desperate struggle they were driven back. Then Parsons' division was sent in, and it too, after a bloody struggle, was repulsed. After a pause Walker's strong Texas division was ordered in, and after a tremendous struggle was beaten back. The fight was made by the divisions separately. They were not at any time within supporting distance of each other, and did not support each other. By def
near Adrian, Mo., February 13, 1897. Major-General John G. Walker Major-General John G. Walker was bornMajor-General John G. Walker was born in Cole county, Mo., July 22, 1822. He was educated at the Jesuit college, St. Louis, and in 1843 was commiof Northern Virginia for the invasion of Maryland. Walker led his division to the support of Jackson at HarpeOn the way being asked for help by Gen. D. H. Hill, Walker sent him the Twenty-seventh North Carolina and the he took command of the Texas division of infantry. Walker had not been long with his new troops before he broilitary operations in Louisiana, thus speaks of General Walker: He had thoroughly disciplined his men, and madber at Bourbeau, La., in which three regiments from Walker's division were engaged, Taylor again comments upon the admirable conduct of Walker's men in action. His division in the Red river campaign maintained its splenavalry, and Slaughter's brigade. After the war General Walker served as consul-general at Bogota, and as spec