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Francis M. White (search for this): chapter 5
ident, stating that he did not acknowledge the existence of the convention and should not regard its action upon him, and expressing a high regard for the individual members of the convention, which he requested should be communicated to them. The report was presented and read to the convention. At the appointed hour it was announced that the time had arrived for administering the official oath to the State executive officers, when Ed Clark, lieutenant-governor, Cyrus H. Randolph, and Francis M. White, commissioner of the general land office, appeared and had the oath of office administered to them. The governor and secretary of state not appearing, the fact of their failure to appear and take the oath was announced to the convention. At the afternoon session an ordinance was passed in furtherance of the ordinance providing for the continuance in existence of the State government, reciting that, whereas Sam Houston, governor, and E. W. Cave, secretary of state, failed and refuse
William Bird (search for this): chapter 5
n the special session of the legislature, afterward attested the sincerity of their purpose in what they did, by voluntarily entering the Confederate army, which deserves to be commemorated as a part of the history of that eventful period. Signers of the call for the convention subsequently held rank as follows: John Gregg, Thomas Green, John A. Wharton, Henry E. McCulloch, brigadier-generals; R. Q. Mills, Edward Clark, C. M. Winkler, Geo. Baylor, Geo. Flournoy, John R. Baylor, colonels; Wm. Bird, lieutenant-colonel; D. M. Pendergast, John J. Good, W. C. Pitts, captains; and Thos. J. Chambers, aidede-camp to a general in Virginia the first part of the war, though advanced in years. Of the members of the convention who became officers besides John Gregg and John A. Wharton, were Allison Nelson, Wm. P. Hardeman, Jerome B. Robertson, Wm. Scurry, Joseph L. Hogg, brigadier-generals; James. H. Rogers and John Henry Brown, adjutant-generals; Colonels A. T. Rainey, John S. Ford, Wm. P. Ro
Edwin Waller (search for this): chapter 5
cticable, or at any rate by all means take no action toward hostile movements till further ordered by the government at Washington City, or particularly of Texas. Thine, Sam Houston. Colonel Waite, U. S. Army, San Antonio. The convention continued in session, and on the 18th of March an ordinance was passed authorizing the raising of a regiment of mounted men for the defense of the State. For this regiment Col. John S. Ford was elected colonel, John R. Baylor, lieutenant-colonel, and Edwin Waller, major. On the 20th an ordinance was passed to confer jurisdiction over the forts, navy yards, arsenals and lighthouses in Texas upon the Confederate States. Ordinances were passed to authorize the purchase from Col. Ben McCulloch as agent of a gun factory in Virginia, of 1,000 muskets; declaring the military property of the United States, except that taken away by the soldiers, to belong to the State of Texas, and requiring the commissioners appointed by the convention to make a full r
A. F. Crawford (search for this): chapter 5
t S. Gould, Tignal W. Jones; Lieutenant-Colonels A. H. Davidson, Thos. C. Frost, A. G. Clopton, Philip A. Work, John Ireland, A. J. Nicholson, Wm. W. Diamond, Jas. E. Shepard, P. T. Herbert, John C. Robertson, C. A. Abercrombie, Wm. H. Johnson, Wm. M. Neyland; Majors Geo. W. Chilton, C. M. Leseuer, J. W. Throckmorton; Captains Richard Coke, Amazi Bradshaw, Wm. Clark, Drury Fields, Robert Graham, J. W. Hutchinson, Lewis W. Moore, W. R. Peck, C. M. Pendergast, Wilkins Hunt, Jas. M. Harrison, Gilchrist McKay, Sam A. Wilson; Lieutenants Richard L. Askew, J. E. Cook, John R. Hays and A. P. Shuford. Among the members of the legislature were Colonels J. H. Parsons, Richard B. Hubbard, N. H. Darnell, D, B. Culberson, P. H. Mabry, A. F. Crawford, R. H. Taylor; Lieutenant-Colonels E. E. Scott, J. H. Manly; and Majors Matt Dale and Wm. Wortham. Doubtless there were many others of each class referred to that entered the army of whom no record or other reliable information has been obtained.
William M. Neyland (search for this): chapter 5
A. T. Rainey, John S. Ford, Wm. P. Rogers, P. N. Luckett, Thos. S. Lubbock, B. F. Terry, A. M. Hobby, E. B. Nichols, J. J. Diamond, Oran M. Roberts, Geo. Flournoy, W. B. Ochiltree, Eli H. Baxter, Isham Chisum, Thos. A. Anderson, M. F. Locke, Robert S. Gould, Tignal W. Jones; Lieutenant-Colonels A. H. Davidson, Thos. C. Frost, A. G. Clopton, Philip A. Work, John Ireland, A. J. Nicholson, Wm. W. Diamond, Jas. E. Shepard, P. T. Herbert, John C. Robertson, C. A. Abercrombie, Wm. H. Johnson, Wm. M. Neyland; Majors Geo. W. Chilton, C. M. Leseuer, J. W. Throckmorton; Captains Richard Coke, Amazi Bradshaw, Wm. Clark, Drury Fields, Robert Graham, J. W. Hutchinson, Lewis W. Moore, W. R. Peck, C. M. Pendergast, Wilkins Hunt, Jas. M. Harrison, Gilchrist McKay, Sam A. Wilson; Lieutenants Richard L. Askew, J. E. Cook, John R. Hays and A. P. Shuford. Among the members of the legislature were Colonels J. H. Parsons, Richard B. Hubbard, N. H. Darnell, D, B. Culberson, P. H. Mabry, A. F. Crawford,
Matt Dale (search for this): chapter 5
t S. Gould, Tignal W. Jones; Lieutenant-Colonels A. H. Davidson, Thos. C. Frost, A. G. Clopton, Philip A. Work, John Ireland, A. J. Nicholson, Wm. W. Diamond, Jas. E. Shepard, P. T. Herbert, John C. Robertson, C. A. Abercrombie, Wm. H. Johnson, Wm. M. Neyland; Majors Geo. W. Chilton, C. M. Leseuer, J. W. Throckmorton; Captains Richard Coke, Amazi Bradshaw, Wm. Clark, Drury Fields, Robert Graham, J. W. Hutchinson, Lewis W. Moore, W. R. Peck, C. M. Pendergast, Wilkins Hunt, Jas. M. Harrison, Gilchrist McKay, Sam A. Wilson; Lieutenants Richard L. Askew, J. E. Cook, John R. Hays and A. P. Shuford. Among the members of the legislature were Colonels J. H. Parsons, Richard B. Hubbard, N. H. Darnell, D, B. Culberson, P. H. Mabry, A. F. Crawford, R. H. Taylor; Lieutenant-Colonels E. E. Scott, J. H. Manly; and Majors Matt Dale and Wm. Wortham. Doubtless there were many others of each class referred to that entered the army of whom no record or other reliable information has been obtained.
ecame officers besides John Gregg and John A. Wharton, were Allison Nelson, Wm. P. Hardeman, Jerome B. Robertson, Wm. Scurry, Joseph L. Hogg, brigadier-generals; James. H. Rogers and John Henry Brown, adjutant-generals; Colonels A. T. Rainey, John S. Ford, Wm. P. Rogers, P. N. Luckett, Thos. S. Lubbock, B. F. Terry, A. M. Hobby, E. B. Nichols, J. J. Diamond, Oran M. Roberts, Geo. Flournoy, W. B. Ochiltree, Eli H. Baxter, Isham Chisum, Thos. A. Anderson, M. F. Locke, Robert S. Gould, Tignal W. Jones; Lieutenant-Colonels A. H. Davidson, Thos. C. Frost, A. G. Clopton, Philip A. Work, John Ireland, A. J. Nicholson, Wm. W. Diamond, Jas. E. Shepard, P. T. Herbert, John C. Robertson, C. A. Abercrombie, Wm. H. Johnson, Wm. M. Neyland; Majors Geo. W. Chilton, C. M. Leseuer, J. W. Throckmorton; Captains Richard Coke, Amazi Bradshaw, Wm. Clark, Drury Fields, Robert Graham, J. W. Hutchinson, Lewis W. Moore, W. R. Peck, C. M. Pendergast, Wilkins Hunt, Jas. M. Harrison, Gilchrist McKay, Sam A. Wil
W. C. Pitts (search for this): chapter 5
sincerity of their purpose in what they did, by voluntarily entering the Confederate army, which deserves to be commemorated as a part of the history of that eventful period. Signers of the call for the convention subsequently held rank as follows: John Gregg, Thomas Green, John A. Wharton, Henry E. McCulloch, brigadier-generals; R. Q. Mills, Edward Clark, C. M. Winkler, Geo. Baylor, Geo. Flournoy, John R. Baylor, colonels; Wm. Bird, lieutenant-colonel; D. M. Pendergast, John J. Good, W. C. Pitts, captains; and Thos. J. Chambers, aidede-camp to a general in Virginia the first part of the war, though advanced in years. Of the members of the convention who became officers besides John Gregg and John A. Wharton, were Allison Nelson, Wm. P. Hardeman, Jerome B. Robertson, Wm. Scurry, Joseph L. Hogg, brigadier-generals; James. H. Rogers and John Henry Brown, adjutant-generals; Colonels A. T. Rainey, John S. Ford, Wm. P. Rogers, P. N. Luckett, Thos. S. Lubbock, B. F. Terry, A. M. Hobby
J. E. Cook (search for this): chapter 5
t S. Gould, Tignal W. Jones; Lieutenant-Colonels A. H. Davidson, Thos. C. Frost, A. G. Clopton, Philip A. Work, John Ireland, A. J. Nicholson, Wm. W. Diamond, Jas. E. Shepard, P. T. Herbert, John C. Robertson, C. A. Abercrombie, Wm. H. Johnson, Wm. M. Neyland; Majors Geo. W. Chilton, C. M. Leseuer, J. W. Throckmorton; Captains Richard Coke, Amazi Bradshaw, Wm. Clark, Drury Fields, Robert Graham, J. W. Hutchinson, Lewis W. Moore, W. R. Peck, C. M. Pendergast, Wilkins Hunt, Jas. M. Harrison, Gilchrist McKay, Sam A. Wilson; Lieutenants Richard L. Askew, J. E. Cook, John R. Hays and A. P. Shuford. Among the members of the legislature were Colonels J. H. Parsons, Richard B. Hubbard, N. H. Darnell, D, B. Culberson, P. H. Mabry, A. F. Crawford, R. H. Taylor; Lieutenant-Colonels E. E. Scott, J. H. Manly; and Majors Matt Dale and Wm. Wortham. Doubtless there were many others of each class referred to that entered the army of whom no record or other reliable information has been obtained.
. Hobby, E. B. Nichols, J. J. Diamond, Oran M. Roberts, Geo. Flournoy, W. B. Ochiltree, Eli H. Baxter, Isham Chisum, Thos. A. Anderson, M. F. Locke, Robert S. Gould, Tignal W. Jones; Lieutenant-Colonels A. H. Davidson, Thos. C. Frost, A. G. Clopton, Philip A. Work, John Ireland, A. J. Nicholson, Wm. W. Diamond, Jas. E. Shepard, P. T. Herbert, John C. Robertson, C. A. Abercrombie, Wm. H. Johnson, Wm. M. Neyland; Majors Geo. W. Chilton, C. M. Leseuer, J. W. Throckmorton; Captains Richard Coke, Amazi Bradshaw, Wm. Clark, Drury Fields, Robert Graham, J. W. Hutchinson, Lewis W. Moore, W. R. Peck, C. M. Pendergast, Wilkins Hunt, Jas. M. Harrison, Gilchrist McKay, Sam A. Wilson; Lieutenants Richard L. Askew, J. E. Cook, John R. Hays and A. P. Shuford. Among the members of the legislature were Colonels J. H. Parsons, Richard B. Hubbard, N. H. Darnell, D, B. Culberson, P. H. Mabry, A. F. Crawford, R. H. Taylor; Lieutenant-Colonels E. E. Scott, J. H. Manly; and Majors Matt Dale and Wm. Wort
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