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Atlanta (Georgia, United States) 72 44 Browse Search
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Lawrence, Kansas (Kansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
Miss. 24 i, 118 Prince, Henry: Bristoe Campaign 29 i, 323 Mine Run Campaign 29 II, 932 Rains, Gabriel J.: Torpedoes, Richmond Campaign 42 III, 1221 Ransom, R., jr.: Gillett's Farm, N. C. 9, 303 Rice, James C.: Gettysburg, Pa. 27 i, 619 Richmond, W. B.: Chickamauga Campaign 30 II, 75 Ripley, Roswell S.: Charleston Harbor, S. C. 14, 262 Rives, Alfred L.: Plan for bomb-proof 9, 63; 51 II, 500 Robinson, George T.: Lawrence, Kans. 41 II, 254 Rockhill, William P., jr.: Chickamauga Campaign 30 III, 148 Roebling, Washington A.: Bristoe Campaign 29 i, 1018 Mine Run Campaign 29 II, 933 Morton's Ford, Va. 33, 117 Wilderness, Va. 36 i, 546 Rosecrans, William S.: Corinth, Miss. 17 i, 171 Ross, Samuel: Chancellorsville, Va. 25 i, 697, 699 Ruger, Thomas H.: Gettysburg, Pa 27 i, 779 Salm, Felix Pr.: Elrod's Tan-yard, Ala. 49 i, 12 Salomon, Frederick
Beverly (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
Lewis Farm, Va. 46 i, 802 Mine Run Campaign 29 II, 496, 933 Morton's Ford, Va. 33, 117 North Anna River, Va. 36 i, 548; 36 III, 89, 126, 192, 224 Richmond Campaign 40 II, 7 Spotsylvania Court-House, Va. 36 i, 547; 36 II, 717 Weldon Railroad, Va. 42 i, 433; 42 II, 372 White Oak Road or Ridge, Va. 46 i, 814, 819 Wilderness, Va. 36 i, 546; 36 II, 419, 497 Wellman Chauncey R.: Warner's Reach, Cal. 50 i, 45 Wilkinson, Nathan: Beverly, W. Va. 46 i, 450 Williams, Alpheus S.: Chancellorsville, Va. 25 i, 683 Williams, Seth: Leed's Ferry, Va 21, 26 Williams, Thomas: Vicksburg, Miss. 15, 29, 30 Wilson, James H.: South side and Danville Railroads 40 i, 631-633 Yazoo Pass Expedition 24 i, 372, 377, 389 Winter, Frederick: Berry's Ferry, Va. 12 III, 102 Wise, Henry A.: Hawk's Nest, W. Va 5, 125 Wistar, Isaac J.: Mathews County, Va. 29 i, 1017 Wood, Thomas J.:
Missionary Ridge, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
, Ark. 22 i, 394 Suter, Charles R.: Paine's Wharf, S. C. 35 II, 237, 238 Sykes, George: Gettysburg Campaign 27 III, 673 Thomas, George H.: Chickamauga Campaign 30 III, 262a, 264a Dallas Line, Ga. 38 IV, 290 Tilton, William S.: Gettysburg, Pa 27 i, 607 Tompkins, Charles H.: Spotsylvania Court-House, Va. 36 i, 755, 756 Wilderness, Va 36 i, 754 Tunica, Francis: Hard Times Landing, La. 24 i, 188 Turchin, John B.: Missionary Ridge, Tenn. 31 II, 515 Turner, Thomas E.: San Bernardino to Warner's Ranch, Cal. 50 i, 31 Vifquain, Victor: Fort Blakely, Ala. 49 i, 213 Wainright, Charles S.: Fredericksburg, Va. 21, 1127 Walker, J. G.: Milliken's Bend, La. 24 II, 463 Walker, W. H.T.: Chickamauga, Ga. 30 II, 242a Wallace, Lew.: Shiloh, Tenn. 10 i, 177 Warren, Gouverneur K.: Boydton Plank Road, Va. 42 i, 435, 436 Bristoe Campaign 29 i, 1018 Five Forks, V
Pleasant Hill (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
224 Henderson's Hill, La. 34 i, 225 Mansura, La. 34 i, 234, 235 Monett's Ferry, La. 34 i, 233 Pleasant Hill, La. 34 i, 230-232 Sabine Cross-Roads, La. 34 i, 227-229 Sabine Pass Expedition 26 i, 291 Wilson's Plaharleston Harbor, S. C. 14, 251-253 Elliot, G. D.: Sabine Pass, Tex. 26 i, 296 Emory, William. H.: Pleasant Hill, La. 34 i, 391 Monett's Ferry, La. 34 i, 395 Sabine Cross-Roads, La. 34 i, 390 Engineer bureau, C. S. 9 Fort Sanders, Tenn. 31 i, 507 Morgan, Charles H.: Wilderness, Va. 36 II, 491 Mower, Joseph A.: Pleasant Hill, La. 34 i, 319 Savannah, Ga. 44, 151 Newton, John: Saint Mark's, Fla., and vicinity 49 i, 68 Noyes,sburg, Pa. 27 i, 760 Savannah, Ga 44, 720 Smith, Andrew J.: Bayou Rapides Road, La. 34 II, 725 Pleasant Hill, La. 34 i, 308 Snyder, G. W.: Charleston Harbor, S. C. 1, 213, 215, 216 Starkweather, John C.; Chickam
Knoxville (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
Meister, C.: New Madrid, Mo., and Island no.10 8, 146 Merrill, Lewis: Fourche Bayou, Ark. 22 i, 493 Meysenberg, Theodore A.: Northern Virginia Campaign 12 i, 177-179 Michie, Peter S.: Dutch Gap Canal 42 i, 670 Minden, H. Von: Devil's Lake, Wis 48 II, 1139 Mitchell, Robert B.: Wheeler and Roddey's Raid 30 II, 674 Mohrhardt, Francis: Atlanta Campaign 38 i, 206-211 Moncure, Thomas J.: Fredericksburg, Va. 21, 1129 Fort Sanders, Tenn. 31 i, 507 Morgan, Charles H.: Wilderness, Va. 36 II, 491 Mower, Joseph A.: Pleasant Hill, La. 34 i, 319 Savannah, Ga. 44, 151 Newton, John: Saint Mark's, Fla., and vicinity 49 i, 68 Noyes, William H.: Redwood Creek, Cal. 50 i, 173 Olmstead, E. B.: Fort Pendleton, W. Va. 51 i, 1229 Opdycke, Emerson: Franklin, Tenn 45 i, 240 Osterhaus, Peter J.: Dallas, Ga. 38 III, 130 Griswoldville, Ga., and vicinity 44, 511
Rocky Gap (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
lliam L. B.: Arkansas Post, Ark. 17 i, 760, 761 Johnson, Bushrod R.: Chickamauga, Ga. 30 II, 468, 469 Johnson, L.: Dalton, Ga. 39 i, 722 Jones, Fielder A.: Stone's River, Tenn. 20 i, 313 Jones, Samuel: Rocky Gap, W. Va. 29 i, 47 Kappner, Franz: Northern Virginia Campaign 12 i, 260 Kauffman, Albert B.: Searcy Landing, Ark. 34 i, 105 Kean, R. G.H.: Fort Harrison, Va. 46 II, 1169 Kennedy, John D.: Bentonville, N. C. 47, John M.: Chickamauga Campaign 30 III, 120a Palmer, William J.: Chickamauga Campaign 30 III, 340, 443 Courier posts 30 IV, 310 Pattison, H. A.: New Madrid, Mo., and Island no.10 8, 146 Patton, George S.: Rocky Gap, W. Va. 29 i, 1016 Pitzman, Julius: Arkansas Post, Ark. 17 i, 762 Vicksburg, Miss. 17 i, 611; 24 i, 118 Pleasants, Henry: Mine, the, Va. 40 i, 559-563 Pleasonton, Alfred: Gettysburg, Pa. 27 i, 915 Poe, Orlando
Fort Pendleton (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ert B.: Wheeler and Roddey's Raid 30 II, 674 Mohrhardt, Francis: Atlanta Campaign 38 i, 206-211 Moncure, Thomas J.: Fredericksburg, Va. 21, 1129 Fort Sanders, Tenn. 31 i, 507 Morgan, Charles H.: Wilderness, Va. 36 II, 491 Mower, Joseph A.: Pleasant Hill, La. 34 i, 319 Savannah, Ga. 44, 151 Newton, John: Saint Mark's, Fla., and vicinity 49 i, 68 Noyes, William H.: Redwood Creek, Cal. 50 i, 173 Olmstead, E. B.: Fort Pendleton, W. Va. 51 i, 1229 Opdycke, Emerson: Franklin, Tenn 45 i, 240 Osterhaus, Peter J.: Dallas, Ga. 38 III, 130 Griswoldville, Ga., and vicinity 44, 511 Jonesborough, Ga. 38 III, 138 Palfrey, John C.: Fort Jackson, La. 15, 434 Spanish Fort, Ala. 49 i, 148 Palmer, John M.: Chickamauga Campaign 30 III, 120a Palmer, William J.: Chickamauga Campaign 30 III, 340, 443 Courier posts 30 IV, 310 Pattison, H. A.: New Madrid, Mo., and
Petersburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
29 Jackson, Thomas J.: McDowell, Va. 12 i, 474, 475 Jenney, William L. B.: Arkansas Post, Ark. 17 i, 760, 761 Johnson, Bushrod R.: Chickamauga, Ga. 30 II, 468, 469 Johnson, L.: Dalton, Ga. 39 i, 722 Jones, Fielder A.: Stone's River, Tenn. 20 i, 313 Jones, Samuel: Rocky Gap, W. Va. 29 i, 47 Kappner, Franz: Northern Virginia Campaign 12 i, 260 Kauffman, Albert B.: Searcy Landing, Ark. 34 i, 105 Kean, R. G.H.: Fort Harrison, Va. 46 II, 1169 Kennedy, John D.: Bentonville, N. C. 47 i, 1110 Kershaw, Joseph B.: Totopotomoy River, Va. 36 III, 845 Kimball, Nathan: Kernstown, Va. 12 i, 362-365 Kitching, J. Howard: North Anna River, Va. 36 III, 60 Kossak, William: Vicksburg, Miss. 24 II, 191 Lane, James C.: Chancellorsville, Va. 25 i, 767 Lee, Francis D.: Torpedoes 28 II, 252 Lee, Robert E.: Rappahannock River, Va. 29 i, 614, 615 Lee, Stephe
Roanoke Island (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
254 Charleston Harbor, S. C. 14, 251-253 Elliot, G. D.: Sabine Pass, Tex. 26 i, 296 Emory, William. H.: Pleasant Hill, La. 34 i, 391 Monett's Ferry, La. 34 i, 395 Sabine Cross-Roads, La. 34 i, 390 Engineer bureau, C. S. Army: Alabama River obstructions 15, 1020 Engelmann, Adolph: Fourche Bayou, Ark. 22 i, 515 Foster, John G.: Charleston Harbor, S. C. 1, 86, 146-148, 156, 164, 165, 174, 180, 181, 184, 207, 225, 229, 244 Roanoke Island, N. C. 9,89 Franklin, William B.: Fredericksburg, Va. 51 i, 1033 Sabine Pass, Tex. 26 i, 296 French, William H.: Mine Run Campaign 29 II, 522, 932 Rappahannock River, Va. 29 i, 557 Frick, Kilian: Vicksburg, Miss. 17 i, 611 Fuller, John W.: Atlanta, Ga. 38 III, 479-482 Fuller, W. G.: Ship Island, Miss. 41 IV, 777 Fullerton, Joseph S.: Dallas Line, Ga. 38 i, 866 Marietta, Ga. 38 i, 880 Garrard, Israel: Atlanta, Ga
a. 36 i, 546 Rosecrans, William S.: Corinth, Miss. 17 i, 171 Ross, Samuel: Chancellorsville, Va. 25 i, 697, 699 Ruger, Thomas H.: Gettysburg, Pa 27 i, 779 Salm, Felix Pr.: Elrod's Tan-yard, Ala. 49 i, 12 Salomon, Frederick: Helena, Ark. 22 i, 394 Schoepf, Albin: Cumberland River, near Mill Springs, Ky. 7, 946 Schurz, Carl: Chancellorsville, Va. 25 i, 648, 649, 653 Schurz Court of Inquiry: Wauhatchie, Tenn. 31 i, 212 Schwartz, A.: Arkansas Post, Ark. 17 i, 711-715 Scofield, Levi T.: Gulley's, N. C. 47 i, 972 Scott, William C.: Rich Mountain, W. Va. 2, 274 Sears, Claudius W.: Allatoona, Ga 39 i, 824 Serrell, Edward W.: Morris Island, S. C. 28 i, 241-255, 258-262 Seymour, Truman: Charleston Harbor, S. C. 1, 213, 215, 216 Proposed operations 28 II, 113, 115; 53, 97 Shelby, Joseph O.: Shelby's Raid 22 i, 679 Sherman, William T.: Arkansas Post, A
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