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Polybius, Histories 22 0 Browse Search
Cornelius Tacitus, The History (ed. Alfred John Church, William Jackson Brodribb) 12 0 Browse Search
Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing) 8 0 Browse Search
Vitruvius Pollio, The Ten Books on Architecture (ed. Morris Hicky Morgan) 6 0 Browse Search
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2 6 0 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, Orations, The fourteen orations against Marcus Antonius (Philippics) (ed. C. D. Yonge) 4 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 4 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2 4 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 4 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 23, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition. You can also browse the collection for Apennines (Italy) or search for Apennines (Italy) in all documents.

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Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 15: 1847-1850: Aet. 40-43. (search)
eled the whole of the first part, and for this he never found the time. Apropos of these publications the following letters are in place. From Sir Roderick Murchison. Belgrave square, October 3, 1849. . . .I thank you very sincerely for your most captivating general work on the Principles of Zoology. I am quite in love with it. I was glad to find that you had arranged the nummulites with the tertiary rocks, so that the broad generalization I attempted in my last work on the Alps, Apennines, and Carpathians is completely sustained Zoologically, and you will not be sorry to see the stratigraphical truth vindicated (versus E. de Beaumont and——). I beseech you to look at my memoir, and especially at my reasoning about the miocene and pliocene divisions of the Alps and Italy. It seems to me manifest that the percentage system derived from marine life can never be applied to tertiary terrestrial successions. . . . My friends have congratulated me much on this my last effort, a