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Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2. You can also browse the collection for Strasburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) or search for Strasburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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to Grant, August, 20. Sheridan had moved from Halltown on the 10th of August, and Early at once fell back as far as Strasburg, to which point he was followed by the national army, both forces arriving at Cedar creek on the 12th. On the 13th, Eale command, and crossing the Blue Ridge at Chester's Gap, arrived on the 15th, at Front Royal, about ten miles east of Strasburg. The road between was held by Sheridan; but Masanutten mountain also intervened, and concealed the presence of Andersoving him orders. Early fell back in the night as far as Newtown, and next day to Fisher's Hill, four miles south of Strasburg; and at daylight on the 20th, Sheridan moved rapidly up the Valley in pursuit. Fisher's Hill is immediately south of acaissons and placed behind the breastworks. On the evening of the 20th, Sheridan went into position on the heights of Strasburg, and at once determined to use Crook as a turning column again, and strike the enemy in left and rear, while the remain
k. Cedar Creek empties into the North Fork of the Shenandoah river about two miles east of Strasburg. At this point the creek runs nearly south and the river east, but in both streams there are ablest of the rebel generals; while with Kershaw and Wharton he himself marched direct through Strasburg. The plan was for Gordon to move around in the national rear, Kershaw to attack the left flanne of the best concerted schemes of the war. Soon after dark the rebels moved silently from Strasburg and Fisher's Hill. Favored by night and a heavy fog, Gordon crossed the river, crept unobserv got among the wagons and artillery; then, passing through Early's men to the southern side of Strasburg, they tore up the bridge over the North Fork, and thus succeeded in capturing the greatest pary is not pursuing, and I will rest here and organize my troops. Sheridan took possession of Strasburg after the battle; and in the morning he proceeded to Fisher's Hill. He had retaken all the gu
was continuing to repair the Manassas road, and that he had moved back from Fisher's Hill, I moved on the 12th towards Strasburg, for the purpose of endeavoring to thwart his purposes if he should contemplate moving across the Ridge, or sending troops to Grant. On the 13th I made a reconnoissance in force beyond Strasburg, and found the enemy on the north bank of Cedar creek, and on both sides of the pike; this was too strong a position to attack in front; I therefore encamped my force at Foot of the mountain, all under the command of General Gordon, and late at night I moved with Kershaw's division through Strasburg, towards a ford on Cedar creek, just above its mouth, and Wharton was moved on the pike, towards the enemy's front, on the bridge, and got into the train and artillery, running back on the pike, and passed through our men to this side of Strasburg, tore up a bridge, and thus succeeded in capturing the greatest part of the artillery and a number of ordnance and medi
re, 55. Draft, riot in New York on account of, III., 15: enforced, 16. Drury's Bluff, battle of, II., 244-254. Duck river, course of, III., 178, 205; Hood's retreat across, 259. Early, General Jubal A., at battle of Wilderness, II., 123; at Spottsylvania, 140, 143-155, 160-206; sent to Valley of Virginia 419; at Lynchburg, 420; pursuit of Hunter, 421, 422; ordered to threaten Washington, 429; his strength at Staunton, 430; movement on Washington, 439; retreat to Valley, 446; at Strasburg, 450; returns to Potomac, 452 469,492; drives Crook's column at Kernstown, 493; sends McCausland to burn Chambersburg, Pa., 493; necessity for defeat of, III., 18; Anderson and Fitz-Lee reinforce army of, 19; second movement against Washington, 19-22; movements on Potomac, 22-28; battle of Winchester, 29; manoeuvres in Shenandoah valley, 84; battle of Tom's brook, 86; battle of Cedar creek, 91-10; characteristics of, 106-108; retreat from Staunton to Waynesboro, 413; battle of Waynesboro,