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Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir 10 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir. You can also browse the collection for Mexico Grant or search for Mexico Grant in all documents.

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United States. This was the enterprise in which Mr. Romero took so deep an interest. From Mexico Grant wrote to the Hon. J. P. Jones of the United States Senate, a letter condemning Garfield's course. This letter was published and excited great attention. In it Grant said: The change of Badeau and Cramer, the two appointments in which I felt a strong personal interest, was very distasteful s engaged upon, and which he could do without interfering with his public duties. This work was Grant's political history, the military one being complete. From Mexico General Grant wrote to me aGeneral Grant wrote to me also the following letter: City of Mexico, May 7th, 1881. Dear General,—I received your several letters written since my departure from New York, and your telegram. The latter I answered a in dictating letters, speeches & reports. It saves a world of trouble. With best regards of Mrs. Grant & myself. Yours Truly, U. S. Grant. Letter no. Sixty-nine. It is not fair to Grant