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Alabama (Alabama, United States) 1,742 0 Browse Search
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Braxton Bragg 254 2 Browse Search
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) 242 0 Browse Search
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) 178 6 Browse Search
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Clifton, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
rdered to destroy buildings, etc., if attacked by overpowering force. (853) Mentioned in letter of Gen. Sam Jones. Vol. Vii—(905) February 23, 1862. In Breckinridge's reserve brigade, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Vol. X, Part I—(384) In Trabue's brigade, Breckinridge's reserve corps, April 6 and 7, 1862, Shiloh. (614, 615) Mentioned as under Maj. J. M. Clifton, in Colonel Trabue's report. (617, 618) Commended in Trabue's report. (620) Major Clifton commended by Trabue. (621) Battalion (called Clifton's) lost 30 men at Shiloh. Vol. Xv—(18) Mentioned in Gen. Earl Van Dorn's report, defense of Vicksburg; Lieutenant-Colonel Snodgrass commanding. (78) Mentioned in General Breckinridge's report of operations near Baton Rouge, August 5, 1862. (82) Three killed, 22 wounded, Vicksburg; Maj. G. L. Alexander killed. (85, 86) Colonel Snodgrass' report of Baton Rouge, August 5, 1862, says: I take pleasure in calling your attention to the gallant and enthusiastic conduct of Privates John T
Tazewell, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ooga. It was later brigaded under General Tracy with the Twentieth, Twenty-third, Thirty-first and Forty-sixth Alabama regiments. It took part in the fights at Tazewell and Cumberland Gap, and went into Kentucky; then being sent to Mississippi, fought at Port Gibson, May 1, 1863, with severe loss, making a brilliant record therezed at Talladega, April, 1862, and reported at Chattanooga; proceeded with the army at Knoxville, took part in the fight at Cumberland Gap, June 18, 1862, and at Tazewell, August 6th. It was in Kentucky, but not in the midst of the fighting. In Mississippi it fought well and suffered heavy loss at Port Gibson. It suffered all ta in May, 1862, and went immediately to East Tennessee, where it was brigaded under General Leadbetter, but in July transferred to General Taylor's command. At Tazewell it met with several casualties. Went into Kentucky in Stevenson's division, but took no part in any fight of consequence. Returning to Tennessee, the regiment
Fort Morgan (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
gnment as above. The Second Alabama infantry. The Second Alabama, under Col. Harry Maury, formed the garrison of Fort Morgan until the spring of 1862; besides serving as infantry it was thoroughly drilled as heavy artillery and manned the guns862. Vol. Xv—(850) First battalion at Choctaw and Owen bluffs, Col. C. D. Anderson commanding. Second battalion at Forts Morgan and Gaines, Col. W. L. Powell commanding. District of the Gulf, Gen. J. H. Forney commanding, October 31, 1862. Vof Alabama and West Florida, Gen. Braxton Bragg, February 1, 1862. (875,876) Aggregate present, 680, under orders from Fort Morgan to Corinth; report of Gen. Sam Jones, April 15th. Vol. X, Part—(789) Gen. J. K. Jackson's brigade, General Bragg's ty a Columbiad is manned by 2 officers and 20 men of the Forty-second Alabama, who have had considerable experience at Fort Morgan. (1060) In Moore's brigade, Forney's division, parole camp, August 29, 1863. No. 55—(266) Mentioned in re
Groveton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
irginia, during battles of August 28-September 1, 1862. (560) 18 killed, 45 wounded, Manassas Plains, August, 1862. (567) General Longstreet's report of operations commends Col. E. M. Law at Manassas Plains on August 29th and 30th, Boonsboro, and at Sharpsburg on the 16th and 17th .. It is with no common feeling that I recount the loss at Manassas Plains of... Lieut.-Col. O. K. McLemore, Fourth Alabama. (604-606) Mentioned in General Hood's report of operations, including Freeman's Ford, Groveton and Manassas. (623-625) Report of same operations by Col. E. M. Law commanding Whiting's brigade. Mentions Colonel McLemore and highly commends Private Smith, and gives 19 killed, 44 wounded. (816) Lieut D. C. Farris killed August 29th. Vol. Xviii—782) Mentioned in letter from General Whiting to Major-General Smith. Vol. XIX, Part 1—(805, 811) Law's brigade, Hood's division, Lee's army, Maryland campaign. Medical Director Lafayette Guild, in his report of casualties, gives 7 kil
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
to 6th; Franklin, Tenn., November 30th, and Nashville, December 15th and 16th. The Eighteenth wasought with heroism at Franklin, and again at Nashville. The regiment in the summer of 1864 was c November 30th, it was again engaged, and at Nashville, losing heavily. The remnant of the regimenh Hood to Tennessee, and was at Franklin and Nashville; in both battles its loss was great. Later clipsed, and it there suffered severely. At Nashville, December 15th and 16th, it was again engageCapt. John F. Spinks during the retreat from Nashville. Capt. Leonidas Stephens died in the serviommanding. No. 93-Assignment as above, in Nashville campaign. No. 94—(799) Pettus' brigade, Jth, where Colonel Ives was wounded; again at Nashville, December 15th and 16th, where many were kilpart in the terrible battles of Franklin and Nashville. It then went with the brigade to Mobile an) In Holtzclaw's brigade, army of Tennessee, Nashville campaign. No. 103, No. 104-March 10, 1865[26 more...]<
Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
eneral Huger, Norfolk, Va., March 8, 1862. (431) General Huger, Suffolk, Va., February 13, 1862, says: I have ordered 1,000 men, Third Alabama, to Suffolk. Vol. XI, Part 1—(774) The force opposed to us was the Third Alabama, 1,000 strong. Francis C. Barlow, New York volunteers,er 1st; Sharpsburg, September 17th: Fredericksburg, December 13th; Suffolk, May, 1863; Gettysburg, July 1 to 3, 1863. Ordered to join Bragg'-thirds of its effective force; Fredericksburg, December 13th, and Suffolk, December 28th; and,. transferred to Law's brigade, it wintered on the Rappahannock. In the Suffolk, Va., campaign, companies A and B were captured at Hill's Point, April 18, 1864. At the battle of Gettysbu the regiment, under Longstreet, was operating around Richmond and Suffolk. July found it in the thickest of the fight at Gettysburg, where th. Vol. Xviii—(338) Mentioned by Col. J. K. Conoly, siege of Suffolk, Va. Vol. XIX, Part –(808) In Taliaferro's brigade, army of
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
Gen. C. L. Stevenson's report of campaign in Tennessee, September 29 to December 17, 1864. Regimen very heavily at Jonesboro; was with Hood in Tennessee, and did splendid service in covering the rethat captured Stevenson, Tenn. It was in middle Tennessee under General Forrest, and was overpowerert in the Atlanta campaign; was with Hood in Tennessee, taking part at Franklin twice, at Columbia , it lost very heavily. It was with Hood in Tennessee and fought gallantly at Nashville, December poka in May, 1862, and went immediately to East Tennessee, where it was brigaded under General Lead, it was again engaged. In the retreat from Tennessee it was the rear-guard of the army and was hi with Longstreet's corps for operations in East Tennessee, November 4th. No. 59—(722) Law's briga almost half its number. It then moved into Tennessee and lost heavily; at the battles of Frankliner 22d, for operations against Burnside in east Tennessee. No. 56—(891) December 31, 1863, Gracie[36 more.
Canton (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
, and, after the war, became distinguished as a lawyer, and John A. Minter; and Lieut.-Col. Thaddeus H. Shackelford. Extracts from official war Records. Fifty-fourth regiment Alabama infantry, formerly Fourth Confederate infantry, when first organized was called Fiftieth, but changed afterward to Fifty-fourth, formed from six companies, First Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee infantry, and four companies, L. M. Walker's Fortieth Tennessee infantry. No. 36—(553) Gen. L. Tilghman, Canton, Tenn., April 24, 1863, reports that he has started regiment and section of artillery to Carthage. No. 37—(82) General Buford's report of operations at Edwards' Depot, Miss., May 16, 1863. (328) General Pemberton's army at Vicksburg, July 4, 1863, includes a detachment under Lieut. Joel P. Abney. No. 38—(613) In Tilghman's brigade, January 31, 1863, department of Mississippi, General Pemberton. (705) Tilghman's brigade, Loring's command, April, 1863. (746) Assigned to Buford
Huntsville (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
The Fourteenth Alabama infantry. The Fourteenth Alabama infantry was organized at Auburn, 1861; remained in camp at Huntsville till October, when it was ordered to Virginia. It fought with distinction at Williamsburg, May 5, 1862; Seven Pines, Mackson (Union), March 22, 1865. The Nineteenth Alabama infantry. The Nineteenth Alabama infantry was organized at Huntsville, August, 1861; served at Mobile and Pensacola until February, 1862, when it joined the army at Corinth; made a brilliant Tennessee, July 3, 1862. Colonel Gracie sent from Clinton with two regiments to clean out a force of the enemy at Huntsville, Tenn., August 10th. (985) Gracie's brigade, Heth's division, troops under command of Gen. E. Kirby Smith, October; Col. C. Bruckner and Capt. George Arnold were killed at Atlanta. The Limestone Rebels, who were mustered into service at Huntsville, September 17, 1861, formed Company E of this regiment, Capt. Jim Malone, Lieuts. Dr. N. D. Richardson, William Richard
Adairsville (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
une 23d to July 4th; Chickamauga, September 19th and 20th; Missionary Ridge, November 23d to 25th; Ringgold, November 27th; in all the great battles under Johnston and Hood during the eventful campaign in 1864, and was particularly distinguished at Jonesboro, August 31st and September 1st, where it met with very severe loss. It participated in the fights at Buzzard Roost, Tunnel Hill and Rocky Face Ridge, February 25 to 27, 1864; around Dalton, May 8th to 12th; Resaca, May 13th to 16th; Adairsville, May 7th; Cassville, May 19th to 22d; Pickett's Mill, May 27th; Kenesaw Mountain, June 9th to 30th; Peachtree Creek, July 20th; Atlanta, July 22d, where it carried the enemy's works by assault and captured two stands of colors. It was also prominent in the battle of Franklin, November 30th, and of Nashville, December 15th and 16th. Among the distinguished killed were its very gallant colonels, Fred A. Ashford and Brice Wilson at Franklin, Maj. J. H. McGaughey at Chickamauga, Capt. Rob
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