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Ratliff (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
rigades I have, has gone to Abbeville. With Buford's division I shall await further developments and move as future indications require. I can take the saddle with one foot in the stirrup, and if I succeed in forcing the column back will be ready to move to your assistance on short notice. He was soon called upon to contest the advance of Smith with three divisions from La Grange, Tenn., upon Oxford, and kept good his word by the stubborn fights on the Tallahatchie, at Oxford, Lamar, Hurricane creek and Abbeville. When the enemy occupied Oxford, after a severe skirmish with General Chalmers, men, women and children and negroes were robbed and plundered indiscriminately, Capt. C. T. Biser reported. The main body arrived on the 24th under Gen. A. J. Smith, and burned 34 stores and business houses, the court house, Masonic hall, two hotels, a number of shops and five residences, General Smith superintending the burning and refusing citizens permission to remove articles of value fro
Columbus (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
abry; and the district south of the Homochitto was in charge of Brig.-Gen. George B. Hodge, with Scott's brigade. In the district of Central and Northern Alabama, also in Maury's department, Gen. D. W. Adams had two brigades, Clanton's and Armistead's. The latter contained Armistead's Mississippi regiment, under Col. Philip B. Spence. The military posts in Mississippi were commanded as follows: Aberdeen, Col. Marshall T. Polk; Brandon, Capt. Wm. R. Spears; Canton, Capt. John N. Archer; Columbus, Col. Levi McCullum; Enterprise, Maj. M. S. Ward; Grenada, Lieut.-Col. Nathaniel Wickliffe; Jackson, Lieut.-Col. Archibald Macfarlane; Macon, Maj. Bell G. Bidwell; Meridian, Lieut.-Col. G. W. Law; Okolona, Maj. E. G. Wheeler; Oxford, Capt. Charles T. Biser; Panola, Capt. R. C. Walsh. On August 24th General Maury telegraphed Forrest, You have again saved Mississippi. Come and help Mobile. Fort Morgan, after a long and fierce struggle, was occupied by enemy yesterday. The attack on the ci
Bolivar, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
ommandant, Colonel Hawkins. Forrest, with Buford's division, moved from Jackson, Tenn., to Paducah, Ky., in fifty hours, drove the Federals into the forts and gunboats and held the town for two days, doing considerable damage, but was not able to reduce the garrison to surrender. Returning then to west Tennessee, he was in undisputed possession of the territory, except the river posts, and was in hopes of adding largely to his command. On the 28th Colonel Neely met a Federal command near Bolivar, capturing the entire wagon train of the enemy, and driving him to Memphis with a loss of 30 killed and 35 captured. On April 12th, with 1,500 men, part of Bell's and Mc-Culloch's brigades, under General Chalmers, Forrest attacked the garrison at Fort Pillow, about 700 strong. After the Federal forces, partly negroes, were driven into the fort, Forrest demanded their surrender, which was refused, after considerable parley. General Forrest, in his report of what followed, says: I storm
Ellis Mill (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
West Point to observe the enemy. At the same time Smith concentrated his command at Prairie Station, and advanced on West Point on the 20th. Colonel Forrest met his advance before West Point, and fell back skirmishing until he was joined by General Forrest, with McCulloch's and Richardson's brigades. But Forrest did not at this time desire an engagement until Lee came up, and he withdrew beyond Sakatonchee creek, three miles south of West Point, capturing a detachment that was burning Ellis' mill, and concentrating his force at the bridge at that point. On Sunday morning, the 21st, Forrest was informed of the advance of the enemy against him, whereupon he ordered General Richardson to take position at the bridge across Line creek in the rear, Colonel Barteau to watch the enemy's flank, and Neely with Richardson's brigade to guard the Tibbe river, with Gholson at Palo Alto. This left him Chalmers' division, his escort and two batteries. Forrest's brigade was dismounted and thr
Jackson (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
pi and west Tennessee; and Lee in southern Mississippi and east Louisiana, with headquarters at Jackson. The threatened Federal movement against Meridian was preceded by the abandonment of Corintheadily fighting though fully aware of the overwhelming strength of the enemy. Marching through Jackson on the night of the 5th, General Lee turned to the north to cover Loring's division while it could cross Pearl river to Brandon, and was joined by Ferguson's brigade. Early on the 8th, finding that Sherman was crossing Pearl river toward Meridian, Lee sent Ferguson to Morton to cover Loring'sPearl river toward Meridian, Lee sent Ferguson to Morton to cover Loring's front, called Ross up from Yazoo and ordered Jackson with Adams' and Starke's brigades to harass the flank of the enemy. General Polk became convinced that Sherman's object was Mobile, not Meridi expedition was getting ready, 3,000 men moved from Vicksburg under H. W. Slocum, and occupying Jackson, destroyed the railroad bridge which had been built. Gen. Wirt Adams, who skirmished vigorousl
Fort Heiman (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
Lavinia, and on the 18th sending Buford with the Kentucky brigade to Lexington to watch General Hatch. With his escort and Rucker's brigade Forrest moved from Corinth on the 19th and was joined by Chalmers at Jackson, Tenn., with about 250 men of McCulloch's brigade and 300 of Mabry's. After remaining in peaceable possession of the region he had entered for about two weeks, Chalmers was ordered to proceed to the Tennessee river and co-operate with Buford, who was blockading the river at Fort Heiman and Paris Landing. Here the Confederate forces were brilliantly successful in capturing Federal steamers. The Mazeppa, with two barges in tow, was the first to make an appearance, and, being disabled by the artillery, made for the opposite shore, when the crew escaped. She was then towed over and the valuable cargo of military stores removed, after which the vessel was burned. The steamer Anna was the next victim, then the gunboat Undine and the transports Cheeseman and Venus. On
Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
remained in charge of operations in the eastern Mississippi valley. Sherman, he said, had gone dowacked; and he repeatedly suggested that northern Mississippi be selected as the Confederate base of ty to raise troops in west Tennessee and north Mississippi. On February 5th he reported that he brh, Forrest being assigned to command in northern Mississippi and west Tennessee; and Lee in southernt remained in command of the cavalry in northern Mississippi. During May the brigade of Mississippia Grange to enter Forrest's country, as northern Mississippi had come to be called in the Federal cas, all that can be done shall be done in north Mississippi to drive the enemy back. I have orderedect. Will the retreat of the enemy from North Mississippi enable you to come with any of your forcJ. D. Stewart, chief of ordnance of the State of Mississippi, which throws light upon the efforts ofiod there was some Federal activity in southwest Mississippi, in the district commanded by Hodge, a[2 more...]
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 11
These are clearly stated in a letter of so early date as January 5th, by General Grant, who, until March 12th, when he was given command of the armies of the United States, remained in charge of operations in the eastern Mississippi valley. Sherman, he said, had gone down the Mississippi to collect at Vicksburg all the force thaant-general. Forrest remained in command of the cavalry in northern Mississippi. During May the brigade of Mississippi State troops was turned over to the Confederate States and, after being for a time under the command of Col. John McQuirk, came under the charge of Brig.-Gen. S. J. Gholson again. During June, 1864, the followi About the time that Sherman and Johnston were maneuvering on the Chattahoochee, Grant was attacking Lee at Petersburg, and Early was making his dash at the United States capital, Gen. A. J. Smith's expedition set out from La Grange to enter Forrest's country, as northern Mississippi had come to be called in the Federal camps.
Red River (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
pared for a separate movement from the Mississippi. He will probably have ready by the 24th of this month a force of 20,000 men that could be spared east of the river. The Washington authorities desired to divert the Federal forces toward the Red river, but this Grant strongly opposed. I shall direct Sherman, he wrote, to move out to Meridian with his spare force (the cavalry going from Corinth) and destroy the roads east and south of there so effectually that the enemy will not attempt to rer at Tishomingo being accounted for, partly by blaming Sturgis for lack of generalship, and by exaggerated reports of the Confederate strength, which was said to be 15,000 to 20,000 men. Gen. A. J. Smith's division, which had returned from the Red river fiasco, was detailed for the duty of again attacking Forrest, whose name had become a terror, and orders came to Sherman from Grant before Petersburg that Smith must find Forrest, whip him and follow him as long as his command held together.
Meridian (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
uction which Sherman will do the roads around Meridian will be of material importance to us in prevebama and East Louisiana, with headquarters at Meridian, and had an effective force of about 16,000, on 6,500 strong, should march from Memphis to Meridian by way of Pontotoc and Okolona. About Januar that Sherman was crossing Pearl river toward Meridian, Lee sent Ferguson to Morton to cover Loring'nvinced that Sherman's object was Mobile, not Meridian, and ordered Lee on the 9th to cover the raild been engaged in the labor of devastation at Meridian and vicinity. It can hardly be better descriesitation in pronouncing the work well done. Meridian, with its depots, storehouses, arsenals, hospers and 4,200 men. At the posts of Demopolis, Meridian and Selma were about 1,900 more. The effectit including Mississippi, with headquarters at Meridian. President Davis immediately telegraphed himive and battery escaped. Reinforcements from Meridian coming up during the fight, Col. W. W. Wier, [8 more...]
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