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W. F. Crumpton (search for this): chapter 2
pt. S. E. Baker. Quitman Invincibles, Capt. John F. McGowan. Monroe Guards, Capt. F. M. Rodgers. Benton Relief Rifle Guards, Capt. B. G. Lawrence. Rough and Readies, Capt. H. E. Williamson. Burt Rifles, Capt. E. R. Burt. Beauregard Rifles, Capt. A. S. Lee. Agency Rifles, Capt. John M. Ware. Quitman Guards, Capt. Samuel A. Matthews. Lexington Guards, Capt. L. R. Page. Wilkinson Rifles, Capt. C. Posey. Jasper Grays, Capt. J. J. Shannon. Meridian Invincibles, Capt. W. F. Crumpton. Claiborne Rangers, Capt. J. Taylor Moore. Clayton Guards, Captain Vaughn. Rankin Rough and Readies, Capt. E. J. Runnels. Panola Vindicators, Capt. Geo. P. Foote. Buena Vista Rifles, Capt. T. L. Rogers. In the month of August, 1861, the organization of the eight regiments ordered to be raised by the ordinance of the convention, adopted January 23d, was completed. These were put under command of Reuben Davis as major-general, and Brigadier-Generals Alcorn, Absalom M.
W. L. Sykes (search for this): chapter 2
Chapter 2: Purchase of arms organization of State troops Jefferson Davis commander-in-chief troops at Corinth-First hostilities on the Mississippi. Adjutant-General W. L. Sykes of Mississippi, in his report to Governor Pettus, dated Jackson, January 18, 1861, for the year ending December, 1860, and from January 1, 1861, to January 17th inclusive, among other things, said: The Mississippi legislature, being duly impressed with a sense of her insecurity, and aroused by the action of John Brown and his confederates at Harper's Ferry in their attempt to stain and drench the soil of Virginia in innocent blood, made an appropriation in December, 1859, of $150,000 for the purchase [of arms in order to prepare to meet effectually such a fanatical raid, should an attempt be made to perpetrate such an act within her borders. * * * Within the past two months the political excitement awakened by the election of a Black Republican to the Presidency being unprecedented and withou
disturbing peaceful commerce. What was done is related by Governor Pettus in his message to the extra session of the legislature in the summer of 1861. He sent Capt. J. F. Kerr, with 16 men of the Jackson artillery company, and ordered Capt. H. H. Miller to call out the volunteer companies of Vicksburg, and take such position as would enable him to prevent any hostile expedition descending the river. On January 10th, Captain Kerr arrived at Vicksburg and—with the Vicksburg Southrons, Capt. L. Moore; the Vicksburg Sharpshooters, Capt. Horace Miller; and the Warren Guards, Captain Brown—proceeded to Fort Hill, above the city, and erected a fort on the bluff. On the next day the steamer O. A. Tyler, from Cincinnati, appeared in the river and, attempting to pass on her way down, was fired on by Captain Kerr. This was the first shot fired during the war on the Mississippi river. When it was learned that the forts and arsenals below Vicksburg were in the hands of Louisiana, the mili
J. D. Blincoe (search for this): chapter 2
phill. Long Creek Rifles, Capt. L. S. Terry. Shubuta Rifles, Capt. R. J. Lawrence. Cherry Creek Rifles, Capt. John B. Herring. McClung Rifles, Capt. Edgar Sykes. Confederate Rifles, Capt. Jos. M. Jayne. Winona Stars, Capt. Thomas Booth. Magnolia Guards, Capt. John M. Lyles. Water Valley Rifle Guards, Capt. B. H. Collins. Burnsville Blues, Capt. J. C. Walters. Grenada Rifles, Capt. W. S. Statham. Gainesville Volunteers, Capt. J. B. Deason. Summit Rifles, Capt. J. D. Blincoe. Vicksburg Southrons, Capt. D. N. Moody. Enterprise Guards, Capt. R. Stuart Wier. Columbus Riflemen, Capt. Wm. E. Baldwin. Wigfall Rifles, Capt. W. F. Brantley. Beauregard Rifles, Capt. John W. Balfour. Madison Guards, Capt. Thomas M. Griffin. Oktibbeha Rescue, Capt. A. J. Maxwell. Benton Rifles, Capt. W. H. Luse. Confederates, Capt. O. R. Singleton. Confederate Guards, Capt. W. S. Featherston. Westville Guards, Capt. George J. D. Funchess. Yalobusha Rifl
Patton Anderson (search for this): chapter 2
ect, however, to be drilled at such times and places within their respective counties as their company officers may order, until called out for drill or actual services by their major-general. On the same day that the above ordinance was adopted, the following proceedings on the floor of the convention (see Journal of State convention, 1861) were had: On motion of Mr. Chalmers the convention proceeded to the election of a major-general by ballot. The president appointed Messrs. Gholson, Anderson and Beene to act as tellers. Upon the first ballot Jefferson Davis received 88 votes, Reuben Davis 1 vote, Earl Van Dorn 1 vote; whereupon Jefferson Davis was declared major-general. Mr. Davis was then in Washington City. Returning home, he found his commission, dated January 25, 1861, at Jackson, awaiting him. He gave a few days to the work of dividing the State into military districts, apportioning the levy of troops and the formation of a staff, before retiring to his plantation, wh
J. J. Shannon (search for this): chapter 2
Robert Clarke. Adams Light Guard, No. 2, Capt. S. E. Baker. Quitman Invincibles, Capt. John F. McGowan. Monroe Guards, Capt. F. M. Rodgers. Benton Relief Rifle Guards, Capt. B. G. Lawrence. Rough and Readies, Capt. H. E. Williamson. Burt Rifles, Capt. E. R. Burt. Beauregard Rifles, Capt. A. S. Lee. Agency Rifles, Capt. John M. Ware. Quitman Guards, Capt. Samuel A. Matthews. Lexington Guards, Capt. L. R. Page. Wilkinson Rifles, Capt. C. Posey. Jasper Grays, Capt. J. J. Shannon. Meridian Invincibles, Capt. W. F. Crumpton. Claiborne Rangers, Capt. J. Taylor Moore. Clayton Guards, Captain Vaughn. Rankin Rough and Readies, Capt. E. J. Runnels. Panola Vindicators, Capt. Geo. P. Foote. Buena Vista Rifles, Capt. T. L. Rogers. In the month of August, 1861, the organization of the eight regiments ordered to be raised by the ordinance of the convention, adopted January 23d, was completed. These were put under command of Reuben Davis as major-gen
, to be drilled at such times and places within their respective counties as their company officers may order, until called out for drill or actual services by their major-general. On the same day that the above ordinance was adopted, the following proceedings on the floor of the convention (see Journal of State convention, 1861) were had: On motion of Mr. Chalmers the convention proceeded to the election of a major-general by ballot. The president appointed Messrs. Gholson, Anderson and Beene to act as tellers. Upon the first ballot Jefferson Davis received 88 votes, Reuben Davis 1 vote, Earl Van Dorn 1 vote; whereupon Jefferson Davis was declared major-general. Mr. Davis was then in Washington City. Returning home, he found his commission, dated January 25, 1861, at Jackson, awaiting him. He gave a few days to the work of dividing the State into military districts, apportioning the levy of troops and the formation of a staff, before retiring to his plantation, where he was
L. S. Terry (search for this): chapter 2
nt was very rapid. After several regiments had been furnished to the Confederate States, the organization of Mississippi volunteers was continued until eighty companies had been formed and ordered into camp at the four brigade places of rendezvous—Iuka, Enterprise, Corinth and Grenada. On May 21, 1861, the following companies were ordered to proceed forthwith to Corinth and report to Maj.-Gen. Charles Clark, commanding: Choctaw Guards, Capt. J. W. Hemphill. Long Creek Rifles, Capt. L. S. Terry. Shubuta Rifles, Capt. R. J. Lawrence. Cherry Creek Rifles, Capt. John B. Herring. McClung Rifles, Capt. Edgar Sykes. Confederate Rifles, Capt. Jos. M. Jayne. Winona Stars, Capt. Thomas Booth. Magnolia Guards, Capt. John M. Lyles. Water Valley Rifle Guards, Capt. B. H. Collins. Burnsville Blues, Capt. J. C. Walters. Grenada Rifles, Capt. W. S. Statham. Gainesville Volunteers, Capt. J. B. Deason. Summit Rifles, Capt. J. D. Blincoe. Vicksburg Southrons, Ca
Jefferson Davis (search for this): chapter 2
Purchase of arms organization of State troops Jefferson Davis commander-in-chief troops at Corinth-First hostilition and Beene to act as tellers. Upon the first ballot Jefferson Davis received 88 votes, Reuben Davis 1 vote, Earl Van Dorn 1 vote; whereupon Jefferson Davis was declared major-general. Mr. Davis was then in Washington City. Returning home, he fMr. Davis was then in Washington City. Returning home, he found his commission, dated January 25, 1861, at Jackson, awaiting him. He gave a few days to the work of dividing the State i in the following month. It is well known, however, that Mr. Davis neither sought nor desired the latter position. Perhaps ssing, for the benefit of the uninformed only, that while Mr. Davis was a firm believer in the right of secession, he was nevfter the war, in 1865 addressed to the man by whose order Mr. Davis had been shackled and thrown into a military prison. Thek, James L. Alcorn and C. H. Mott as brigadier-generals. Mr. Davis having been elected to the presidency of the Confederate
Thomas Booth (search for this): chapter 2
camp at the four brigade places of rendezvous—Iuka, Enterprise, Corinth and Grenada. On May 21, 1861, the following companies were ordered to proceed forthwith to Corinth and report to Maj.-Gen. Charles Clark, commanding: Choctaw Guards, Capt. J. W. Hemphill. Long Creek Rifles, Capt. L. S. Terry. Shubuta Rifles, Capt. R. J. Lawrence. Cherry Creek Rifles, Capt. John B. Herring. McClung Rifles, Capt. Edgar Sykes. Confederate Rifles, Capt. Jos. M. Jayne. Winona Stars, Capt. Thomas Booth. Magnolia Guards, Capt. John M. Lyles. Water Valley Rifle Guards, Capt. B. H. Collins. Burnsville Blues, Capt. J. C. Walters. Grenada Rifles, Capt. W. S. Statham. Gainesville Volunteers, Capt. J. B. Deason. Summit Rifles, Capt. J. D. Blincoe. Vicksburg Southrons, Capt. D. N. Moody. Enterprise Guards, Capt. R. Stuart Wier. Columbus Riflemen, Capt. Wm. E. Baldwin. Wigfall Rifles, Capt. W. F. Brantley. Beauregard Rifles, Capt. John W. Balfour. Madison Guard
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