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Greenville (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
t us do what we can to help this great purpose and end. Fellow citizens and guests, I offer you the name and fame of Fitzhugh Lee, the worthy comrade in the saddle of Stuart and of Hampton, and the good deeds of J. William Jones, the Chaplain of The Boys in Gray, whose life-work will perpetuate on the enduring page the memory of our heroes living and dead. Our printers report our space all filled, and we must reluctantly leave out what we had to say of Augusta, Athens, Rome, and Greenville, S. C., at all of which places we met a cordial greeting, and were placed under high obligations for courtesies freely extended. But we must say, that Colonel C. C. Jones, Jr., and the committee in Augusta—Dr. Newton, Captain Charlton, and others, in Athens—Captain Bamwell, Colonel Magruder, and others, in Rome-General Capers, Colonel Montgomery, and others, in Greenville—all did their best to make our visits pleasant, and the lecture a success, and that the Greenville News but voiced the <
Tybee Island (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
he cemeteries, monuments, wharves, parks, cotton presses, &c., &c.—were rendered the more delightful by congenial company. We have asked a competent hand to write us, for future publication, some sketches of points of historic interest about Savannah, and we cannot further allude to them now than to say that we were particularly struck with the superb bronze statue of the Confederate soldier on the Confederate monument, (the generous gift of the late G. W. J. DeRenne, Esq.)—the beautiful Pulaski monument, one of the finest in the world,—Hodgson Hall, the Library of the Georgia Historical Society, which was the gift of Mrs. Telfair Hodgson as a memorial to her husband—and other points which we cannot now even mention. [By the way what more appropriate and beautiful monument to a deceased loved one can be erected than a Historical Society building? And is there not one somewhere who desires thus to connect the name of some loved one with a building for the Southern Historical So
Appomattox (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
and in the present, its gallant Captain and brave canoneers, in the sufferings and trials of our four years civil war, should pay this tribute of hospitality to one who is so closely connected, by alliance or by blood, with these noblest Americans, and who, by his own brilliant deeds, illustrates so well the heritage he has received. This distinguished soldier and his reverend friend, equally welcomed here—himself no untried specimen of a soldier, who followed the camp from Manassas to Appomattox—visit Savannah on a mission of high purpose and value. Having helped to make history in troublous days, they come to induce us to help preserve and perpetuate it. The gathering and the publishing the records of the war are the essential justification of our cause, and on these depend the honor, the patriotism and the right of our people in history. These records, then, become the weapons with which we are to fight over again, before the forum of the world's judgment, the great war of sec
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
Editorial paragraph. renewals are now very much in order, and we beg our friends to forward us promptly the $3.00 due us by so many of our subscribers. And while sending your own renewal, do try and send us also at least one new subscription. General Geo. D. Johnston, after a splendid campaign in Mississippi, goes now to Arkansas in the interests of our Society, looking after Permanent Endowment as well as annual subscriptions. If this gallant soldier, accomplished gentleman, and Prince of Agents needed any commendation from us there is very much we could say. But to friends among whom he may go we will only say: Hear him for his cause, and help him as you love the name and fame of our Confederate soldiers and people. our General index to first ten volumes of Southern Histori-Cal Society Papers, which we published in our December number, cost us a good deal of labor, and considerable extra expense for the printing; but we are sure our readers will appreciate it as a very i
Forrest City (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
the lecture are pouring in from every quarter. We could write many pages more of the details of our charming trip, but we find our space this month, as last, too crowded for us to do more than give a bare summary of what it would be very pleasant to write out fully. Our visit to Savannah is fragrant with many hallowed memories, for, besides the lavish hospitality with which we were treated, there are few places in the country which so teem with historic associations as the beautiful Forrest city. Captain A. A. Winn, who had been very active in inviting General Lee to Savannah, called a meeting, to arrange for his visit, and at this meeting the following committee was appointed: Henry R. Jackson, A. R. Lawton, Robert H. Anderson, John Screven, G. M. Sorrel, T. F. Screven, H. M. Branch, Peter Reilly, B. H. Richardson, David Waldhauer, George P. Walker, C. C. Hardwicke, J. F. Brooks, J. H. Estill, R. P. Myers, M. D., James L. Taylor, Charles H. Olmstead, Geo. W. Alley, C. H. M
Savannah (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
summary of what it would be very pleasant to write out fully. Our visit to Savannah is fragrant with many hallowed memories, for, besides the lavish hospitality wty. Captain A. A. Winn, who had been very active in inviting General Lee to Savannah, called a meeting, to arrange for his visit, and at this meeting the followingus, for future publication, some sketches of points of historic interest about Savannah, and we cannot further allude to them now than to say that we were particularl until memory and gratitude are both forgotten, that there shall be lacking in Savannah a welcome to a Lee of that Virginia stock, which gave us the patriot brothersst to-night. Both of these Southern heroes have, each in his own day, visited Savannah, have seen your battery in line, have complimented its personnel and its dextrspecimen of a soldier, who followed the camp from Manassas to Appomattox—visit Savannah on a mission of high purpose and value. Having helped to make history in trou
Augusta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
William Jones, the Chaplain of The Boys in Gray, whose life-work will perpetuate on the enduring page the memory of our heroes living and dead. Our printers report our space all filled, and we must reluctantly leave out what we had to say of Augusta, Athens, Rome, and Greenville, S. C., at all of which places we met a cordial greeting, and were placed under high obligations for courtesies freely extended. But we must say, that Colonel C. C. Jones, Jr., and the committee in Augusta—Dr. NeAugusta—Dr. Newton, Captain Charlton, and others, in Athens—Captain Bamwell, Colonel Magruder, and others, in Rome-General Capers, Colonel Montgomery, and others, in Greenville—all did their best to make our visits pleasant, and the lecture a success, and that the Greenville News but voiced the general feeling at all of these places when it said the morning of our arrival: General Lee! Greenville welcomes you to-day with the heartiness born of loyalty to the cause you represent, of love for the name you be
Greenville (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
ended. But we must say, that Colonel C. C. Jones, Jr., and the committee in Augusta—Dr. Newton, Captain Charlton, and others, in Athens—Captain Bamwell, Colonel Magruder, and others, in Rome-General Capers, Colonel Montgomery, and others, in Greenville—all did their best to make our visits pleasant, and the lecture a success, and that the Greenville News but voiced the general feeling at all of these places when it said the morning of our arrival: General Lee! Greenville welcomes you to-day id the morning of our arrival: General Lee! Greenville welcomes you to-day with the heartiness born of loyalty to the cause you represent, of love for the name you bear, and of honor for the fame you won, when fame was gained with bared breast and blade, fearless heart, and patriotism that recked nothing of consequence. Our programme is not yet definitely arranged, but we are purposing another tour very soon, when we can ask nothing more than that we may meet with like treatment and su
William Charters (search for this): chapter 8
outhern Historical Society?] As we said in our last, General Lee's lecture at the Savannah theatre was a splendid success. The brilliant audience—the eloquent introduction of Capt. Geo. A. Mercer,—the presence on the platform of General Lafayette McLaws, General E. P. Alexander, Mayor John F. Wheaton, Judge William D. Harden, General G. M. Sorrel, General R. H. Anderson, Colonel Chas. H. Olmstead, Major G. M. Ryals, Colonel Rufus E. Lester, Major A. A. Winn, Major Lachlan McIntosh, Dr. Wm. Charters, W. S. Bogart, Esq., and R. J. Larcombe, Esq.—and the enthusiastic and oft-repeated applause with which General Lee was greeted—all combined to make the scene an inspiring and long-to-be-remembered one, and fully justified the Morning News in saying that the audience was thoroughly delighted, entertained, interested, and instructed by one of the most pleasing and graphic lectures ever delivered. The Reception at the City Hall, presided over by his Honor, Mayor Wheaton, (to whom we w
Charles C. Jones (search for this): chapter 8
f Stuart and of Hampton, and the good deeds of J. William Jones, the Chaplain of The Boys in Gray, whose life-work will perpetuate on the enduring page the memory of our heroes living and dead. Our printers report our space all filled, and we must reluctantly leave out what we had to say of Augusta, Athens, Rome, and Greenville, S. C., at all of which places we met a cordial greeting, and were placed under high obligations for courtesies freely extended. But we must say, that Colonel C. C. Jones, Jr., and the committee in Augusta—Dr. Newton, Captain Charlton, and others, in Athens—Captain Bamwell, Colonel Magruder, and others, in Rome-General Capers, Colonel Montgomery, and others, in Greenville—all did their best to make our visits pleasant, and the lecture a success, and that the Greenville News but voiced the general feeling at all of these places when it said the morning of our arrival: General Lee! Greenville welcomes you to-day with the heartiness born of loyalty to the c<
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