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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Gregg's brigade of South Carolinians in the Second. Battle of Manassas. (search)
the two brigades. But, however that may be, Kearney was now in our front, ready for action, and Sgain decisive advantages before his arrival. Kearney seems to have found difficulty in getting inty. Schurz having seen the letter of Sigel to Kearney, ordered a general advance of his whole line, brigade never yielded a foot of ground until Kearney's attack late in the afternoon. Not even Groult was preparing for us. This time it was Phil. Kearney, a distinguished soldier in the Mexican waMexico and was killed by the Indians in 1851. Kearney, who was to die before our division but threevens, of Reno's command, was on the ground on Kearney's left. He saw that assistance was needed, aree thousand two hundred and sixty-six men to Kearney's four thousand five hundred—together, over sand Stevens's seven thousand fresh troops. Kearney indeed had a beginning of victory, a presage the morning. But Stevens, who was supporting Kearney, was on hand to make one more last effort of [10 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Sixth South Carolina at seven Pines. (search)
me who had been captured by us, and escaped while going to the rear, I was the recipient of the most generous and courteous consideration from the knightly General Phil. Kearney. On learning that my wound was not fatal, as at first reported to him, he took the trouble to send a special messenger to the rear to see that I was propee under my charge. On that occasion you placed in my charge, for safe keeping, your watch, and now, being in a place of safety, I have the honor, through General P. Kearney, commanding this division, to return the same, and with the hope that your wound, though severe, may not prove fatal. I remain, with sincere sympathy, mo a credit with my bankers, Riggs & Co., Washington, $200, which may serve you until your own arrangements are made. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, P. Kearney, Brig.-Gen. Commanding 3d Division, Third Corps. Colonel Bratton, Sixth South Carolina Regiment. camp near Fredericksburg, Va., January 24, 1863. General,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reunion of the Virginia division Army of Northern Virginia Association. (search)
aralyzed, as only one was pulled out at first. This was the most destructive shot I had ever seen up to that time, but I afterwards saw one worse at Malvern Hill and one worse at Sharpsburg. It was the enemy's artillery in all three cases that was so deadly. This havoc in Carter's battery was in the pentagonal redoubt after its capture. Two-thirds of the loss in Rodes's brigade was after Casey's works had been taken and his division and Couch's had been driven off. Berry's brigade, of Kearney's division, had been turned off into the slashes when Carter's fire had made a direct advance impracticable. There it was joined by one of Abercrombie's regiments, and possibly by rallied fragments of the defeated divisions, and securely sheltered behind large trees and heavy fallen timber, they kept up a murderous fire upon Rodes's men in the open field, though the advance of Anderson and Jenkins had cut them off from their comrades. These Federals escaped after nightfall by taking a cir