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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Extracts from the diary of Lieutenant-Colonel John G. Pressley, of the Twenty-Fifth South Carolina Volunteers. (search)
. St. Matthews Rifles (co. F). Captain, Martin A. Sellers. First Lieutenant, L. A. Harper. Second Lieutenant, J. G. Evans. Second Lieutenant, F. E. Shuler. Edisto Rifles (co. G). Captain, James F. Izlar. First Lieutenant, Samuel N. Kennerly. Second Lieutenant, Samuel Dibble. Second Lieutenant, George H. Elliott. Yeadon Light infantry (co. H). Captain, S. LeRoy Hammond. First Lieut., Whitemarsh B. Seabrook. Second Lieutenant, F. G. Hammond. Second Lieutenant, F. C Jacobs. Clarendon Guards (co. I). Captain, Y. N. Butler. First Lieutenant, Joseph C. Burgess. Second Lieutenant, John J. Logan. Second Lieutenant, F. B. Brown. Ripley Guards (co K). Captain, W. B. Gordon. First Lieutenant, F. J. Lesesne. Second Lieutenant, S. N. McDonald. Second Lieutenant, E. R. Lesesne. July 23d to 31st.—The health of the regiment growing worse. Our medical staff were kept very busy, and we heard of the death of several of our comrades in the general hospital