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Montgomery (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
J. T., 11. Mitchell, Lt. L. D., 334. Mitchell, Ass't Surg. T. K., 170. Mitchell, Col. W. S., 382. Mitchell. Surg. W. T., 238. Mittag, Lt., W. McK., 383. Mizel, Lt. L. W., 95. Moffett, Surg. G. B., 190. Moffett, Surg. L. H., 2. Moffett, Capt. W. D., 190, 194. Mois, Capt. R. L., 382. Mollere, Lt. C., 14, 62. Mollynette, Lt. D. M., 61. Moncure, Chaplain W. R. D., 73. Moncure, Lt. T. J., 467. Monroe, Lt. T. C., 313. Montague, Lt C. D., 17. Montgomery, Lt. A. D. , 381. Montgomery's Battery, 25. Montgomery, Capt. C. R., 17. Montgomery, Lt. J., 413. Montgomery, Ass't Surg. J. G., 314. Montgomery, Capt. J. H., 402. Montgomery, Lt. K. F., 124. Montgomery, Lt. W. A., 204. Montgomery, Lt. W N., 170. Montgomery, Surg. W. T., 275. Moody, Capt. Geo V.; Battery of, 44, 51. Moody, Gen. Y. M.; Brigade of, 413. Moon, Lt. J. H., 286. Moore, Lt. A. A., 432. Moore, Ass't Surg A. A., 122. Moore, Lt. A H., 433 Moore, Capt. B. W., 84. Moore, Lt. B. T.,
Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
Lt. E. P., 109. Alison, Lt. H. J., 122. Alison, Lt. J. B., 212. Allen, Capt. D. C., 253. Allen, Capt., John, 286. Allen, Lt. John W., 382. Allen, Lt. L H., 9 Campbell, Capt. W. W., 402. Cannady, Ass't Surg. J. G., 275. Cannon, Lt. D. C., 450. Cannon, Ass't Surg. J. L., 85. Cannon, Capt. W. J., 313. Canty, CapM , 89. Cochrane, Capt John M., 359 Cockrell, Lt. D. H., 84. Cody, Capt. D. C., 212. Coit, Lt. W. H., 15, 47. Coke, Asst. Surg L. C., 253. Coker, Lt. M. f, 144. Perdue, Lt., Hiram, 393 Perkins. Lt. James M., 348. Perrill, Lt. D. C., 275. Perrin, Major W. K., 431. Peterkin, Lt. George W., 413. Pettit, Capttiles, Capt. G. W., 213, 226. Stinson, Asst. Surg. J. B., 414. Stith, Capt. D. C., 2. Stith (Stitt), Lt. J. M., 275. Stith (Stitt), Capt. W. E., 238. Stoakes, Lt. J. F., 16. Stockton, Lt. B. H., 286. Stokes, Chaplain D. C., 95. Stokes, Capt. H. E ,304. Stokes, Capt. J. W., 421. Stone, Capt. A. W., 358. Stone,
Marshall (Colorado, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
303. Maltbie, Col. R., 212. Mann, Ass't Surg. Chas. T., 177. Mann, Lt. E. J., 347. Manley's Battery, 64. Manly, Lt., Wm. H., 122 Manning, Col. P. T., 69. Manning, Maj. W. H., 230. Manson, Capt. J. R., 347. Market, Lt. J. M., 421. Markous, Lt., Frank, 186. Marks, Ass't Surg. T. M., 2. Marks, Lt. T. S., 424. Marine Corps, 4, 7, 459. Marlar, Lt., Joseph, 284. Marriott, Ass't Surg. H., 450. Marrow, Maj. W. C., 3. Marsden, Lt. B A., 449. Marsh, Lt. A. L., 358. Marshall, Col. Chas., XVII. Martin, Lt. E., 305. Martin, Lt., Thos., 314. Martin, Maj. T. A., 381. Martin, Lt. T. W. A., 124. Martin, Maj. W. H., 160. Martin, Col. W. J., 295 Martz, Col. D. H. Lee, 85, 91. Maryland Battery, 1st, 38. Maryland Battery, 2d, 465. Maryland Battery, 4th, 55. Maryland Inf., 2d Regiment, 294. Mason, Surg. E., 431. Mason, Capt. John, 13. Mason, Lt. W. T., 4. Massey, Lt. M. V., 313. Massey, Lt. S. H. B., 94. Massey, Chaplain W. E., 313. Massie,
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
., 263. Ashford, Col., John, 383. Ashley, Lt. Geo., 287. Askew, Lt. H. Q., 314. Atkins, Lt. J. S26. Crumples, Maj. L. H, 413. Cullen, Capt. Geo., 190, 192. Cullen, Surg. J. S. D., 69. Cullin457. Ducie, Capt. R. W., 326. Duffey, Capt. Geo., 3. Duffy, Surg. C., 424. Duggan. Maj. L. B., Georgia Infantry, Phillips' Legion, 175. Georgia soldiers at 2d Corps Headquarters, 187-8. , 21. Hawes, Capt., Thos. D., 110. Hawks, Lt. Geo., 449. Haves, Lt. J ,56 Hayes, Lt. J. N., 313. Killion, Lt., James, 313. Kimbrough, Capt. Geo., 96. Kimbrough, Capt. W. B., 246. Kincaid, Lt D., 72. Lee, Midshipman D. M., 3. Lee, Capt. Geo., 238. Lee, Lt. J., 263. Lee, Gen. R. E., i, I 403. Norment, Col. G. M., 383. Norris, Capt. Geo., 432. Norris, Capt. J. W., 161. Norris, Lt. Wattalion of, 5,6, 45,64, 65. Poindexter, Lt. Geo., 13, 51. Pointer, Capt. L. 41. Poisson, Capt.Horace, 286. Rees, Lt. A. J., 170. Reese, Lt. Geo., 145. Reese's Battery, 26. Reeve, D. J B.,
Colorado (Colorado, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
, 357. Bolton, Chaplain J. H., 263. Bolton, Lt. J. W., 286. Bond, Capt., Antrobus, 71. Boone, Capt., Thos. D., 253. Boone, Lt. W. R., 286. Borland, Capt., Euclid, 347. Bost, Capt. R. A., 275. Bost, Maj., Thos. L., 359. Bostic, Lt. T. J., 263. Boteler, Col. A. R, 185. Boulware, Ass't Surg. J. R., 123. Bowen, Hos. Stew'd A. H., 46. Bowen, Capt. B. A., 314. Bowen, Capt. D., 326. Bowen, Lt. James F., 96. Bowen, Col. R. E., 121. Bower, Lt. C. A., 13, 49. Bowers, U. S. A. Col., XVIII. Bowie, Lt. R. E., 122. Boyd, Lt., E. Holmes, 84. Boyd, Capt. J. W., 109. Boyd, Capt. J. B., 160. Boyd, Lt. R. M., 473. Boyd, Lt., Warren, 122. Boyette, Lt., Lary, 253. Boykin, Maj. E. M., 479, 484. Boykin, Ensign L., 213. Boykin, Capt. R. B., 1o. Boyle, Ass't Surg. D. S., 305. Box, Lt., Leroy. F., 314. Bozeman, Surg. J. J., 476. Bradford, Capt. J., 467. Bradley, Lt. S. B., 383. Bradshaw, Lt. C. H., 450. Brailsford, Maj. E. D., 367. Brahan, Lt. H., 160. Branch
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
dwards, Capt. J. G., 358. Edwards, Lt J. R., 145. Edwards, Lt. W. A., 3. Eley, Capt. S. B., 348. Elder, Maj., Thos. C.,303. Eldridge, Lt. B., 160. Eller, Capt. J. F., 263 Elliott, Lt. J T. E., 123. Elliott, Lt. M. S., 2. Elliott, Capt. S. C., 303. Elliott, Lt., 424. Ellis, Lt. A. J., 296. Ellis, Lt., Henly, 85. Ellis, Capt. J. W., 433. Elmore, Capt. W. F., 432. Emanuel, Lt. H. M., 108. Emell, Maj. W. T., 253. Emory, Surg. A. G., 286. Emrich, Col John P., 313. Engelhard, Maj Capt. H., 231. Pressley, Lt. H., 95. Preston, Capt. J. A., 86. Preston, Lt. W. J. M , 394. Preston, Capt T. S., 432. Prevatt, Lt. A. J., 304. Price, Capt. B. Z., 14, 57. Price's Battery, 45, 57. Price, Capt. H. F., 275. Price, Capt. S. C., 71. Price, Lt. W. F.,85. Price, Surg. W. H., 170. Prichard, Capt. W. B., 72. Pritchard, Lt. H., 185. Prince, Capt. J. H., 314. Prior, Lt. T. J., 145. Privett, Capt. M. G., 303. Propst, Lt. John N., 413. Prosser, Surg. L. H., 213. P
Headquarters (Washington, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
ions of corn to, VI; heroism and sufferings of, XXV; number surrendered, XXVII. Army Corps, 1st (Longstreet's), Officers of, 69. Army Corps, 2d (Gordon's), 185; detailed men of, 186, 454; at Field Hospital, 186; in Q.-M. department, 186; Ala. troops at, 187, 188; Provost Guard of, 187-189, 271, 273. Army Corps, 3d, Officers of, 69. Arnall, Lt. Charles S., 85. Arnold, Maj. John W., 95, 101. Arnold, Col. R. B., 476. Artillery Corps, 12, 456; 1st Corps, officers and men at Headquarters, 41; Ordnance Train, men with, of 1st and 3d Corps, 44. Artillery, 10th Va. Batt., 441. Artillery, 18th Va. Batt., 442. Artillery, 19th Va. Batt., 441. Ashcroft, Capt. T. E., 263. Ashford, Col., John, 383. Ashley, Lt. Geo., 287. Askew, Lt. H. Q., 314. Atkins, Lt. J. S., 247. Atkins, Capt. M. J., 458. Atkinson, Surg. A., 189. Atkinson, Lt. J. J., 160. Atwell, Capt. W. H., 274. Auld, Lt. J. M., 304. Austin, Lt. W. A., 275. Averett, Capt. J. T., 71. Aycock, J. C., La
New Jersey (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
. B., 449. Harvey, Robert, 28. Harvie, Capt. L. E., 467. Harvie, Major W. O., 2. Hasell, Lt. N. J., 368. Haskell, Col. A. C., 472, 479, 484. Haskell, Capt. J. C , 41. Haskell, Lt.-Col. J. C ., 286. Miller, Maj. W. H., 413. Mills, Lt. G. G., 383. Mills, Capt., James, 413. Mills, Lt. N. J., 160. Milner, Lt. C. W., 72. Milstead, F. D., 18. Mims, Maj. W. J., 421. Minitree, Col. Jame Sanderlin, Capt. G. W., 358 Sanders, Lt. A. N., 359. Sanders, Surg. W. H., 314. Sandlin, Lt. N. J., 231. Sanford, Col, J. W. A., 413. Sanford, Capt. T. V., 94. Sapps, Lt. N. W., 204. Sartai Walker, Lt. J. T., 124. Walker, A. D. C., J. W., 303. Walker, Lt. N. H., 16. Walker, Capt. N. J., 326. Walker, Adj't O. K., 212. Walker, Lt. P. A., 327. Walker, Lt. R. S., 421. Walker, Lt. itehead, Col. R. O., 347. Whiting, Major H. A., 218. Whitley, Lt. N. C., 275. Whitlock, Capt. N. J., 238. Whitner, Capt. J. H., 402. Whitney, S. M., 120. Whitesides, Ass't Surg. T. D., 121.
Babcock (Washington, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
, 18th Va. Batt., 442. Artillery, 19th Va. Batt., 441. Ashcroft, Capt. T. E., 263. Ashford, Col., John, 383. Ashley, Lt. Geo., 287. Askew, Lt. H. Q., 314. Atkins, Lt. J. S., 247. Atkins, Capt. M. J., 458. Atkinson, Surg. A., 189. Atkinson, Lt. J. J., 160. Atwell, Capt. W. H., 274. Auld, Lt. J. M., 304. Austin, Lt. W. A., 275. Averett, Capt. J. T., 71. Aycock, J. C., Lane's Regiment, 45. Ayres, Capt. L. L., 121. Babbitt, Maj., Amzi, 144. Babbitt, Lt. C. W., 467. Babcock, U. S. A., Gen., XII. Badgett, Capt. J. W., 253. Bagby, Lt., Jno. R., 17, 35. Bagnall, Ass't Surg., R. D., 333. Bagwell, Lt. E. R., 432. Bagwell, Sgt. F. P. 433. Bagwell, W. H., 18. Bailey, Surg. A. W., 121. Bailey, Lt. C. R., 432. Bailey, Capt. J. H., 348. Bailey, Surg. W. H., 368. Baird, Capt. E. R., 70. Baker, Lt., Ben., 160. Baker, Lt. B. F., 190. Baker, Surg. P. B., 347. Baker, Chaplain R. M., 71. Baker, Lt., T. Pickens, 121. Baldwin, Lt.-Col. B. G., 3. Baldwin, As
Amelia Court House (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
., 122. Alison, Lt. J. B., 212. Allen, Capt. D. C., 253. Allen, Capt., John, 286. Allen, Lt. John W., 382. Allen, Lt. L H., 96. Allen, Lt. R. A., 447. Allen, Capt. R. E, 71. Allen, Lt. R. W., 239. Allen, Capt. W. C., 96. Allen, Lt. W. L., 177. Allen, Lt. W. S., 369. Allensworth, Maj. A. J., 286. Allensworth, Capt. G., 73. Allison, Capt. W. B., 403. Allyn, Lt. J. T., 16. Alman, Col. W. T., 95, 97. Alsop, B., 18. Alston, Capt. B. P., 123. Ambulance Corps, 446, 457. Amelia C. H., VI, XXV. Anderson, Lt. A. B., 72. Anderson's Corps, XXVI. Anderson, Maj. D. W., 85. Anderson, Lt. F. M., 144. Anderson, Gen. G. T., 94. Anderson, Lt. J. C., 368. Anderson, Ass't Surg. I. W., 284. Anderson, Capt. J. E., 160. Anderson, Capt. R. T., 395. Anderson, Capt. T. A., 161. Andrews, Capt. S. M., 395. Andrews, Lt. W. M., 382. Angel, Lt. J. C., 17. Angerman, Lt. W. H., 358. Anthon, Lt. L., 122. Appleton, Lt., Thos. N., 146. Appomattox C. H., Engagement at, x.
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