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W. F. Durside (search for this): chapter 1.5
e, 170. Du Bose, Lt. K. C , 457. Ducie, Capt. R. W., 326. Duffey, Capt. Geo., 3. Duffy, Surg. C., 424. Duggan. Maj. L. B., 394. Duke, Lt. D. W., 348. Dunaway, Lt. J M., 213. Dungan, Col. R. H. 85, 230. Dunlap, Lt Geo. H., 238. Dunn, A. D. C., Ambrose, 69. Dunn, Capt., Thos. R , 449. Dunn, Lt. W B., 85. Dupree, Lt. J. C., 304. Dupuy, Surg. J. J., 109. Duquercron, F. H., 327. Durem, Lt. J. W., 160. Durham, Capt. P , 204, 209. Durrett, Lt. F. O., 432. Durside, Lt. W. F., 369. Duval, Lt. L. S., 305. Dyson, Lt. J. M., 369. Eades, Sergeant W. H., 28. Eanes, Lt. G. B., 347. Eakin, Capt. George N., 467. Eatmond, Chaplain T. J., 358. Eaves, Capt. J. M., 394. Early, Gen., IX; Division of, Staff of, 189. Edmunds, Capt. H., 72. Edmunds, Capt. N. E., 448. Edmunds, Capt T. R., 447. Edmunds, Capt. W. E., 10. Edmundson, Lt. W. J., 196. Edney, Capt. J. B., 424. Edwards, Lt. J. B., 421. Edwards, Maj. J. F., 70. Edwards, Capt. J. G., 358. Edward
W. H. Burroughs (search for this): chapter 1.5
J. S. 440. Brunson, Lt. W. H., 369. Buchanan, Maj. F. G., 286. Buffington, Lt. J. H., 304. Buckner, Capt. A. W., 161. Buckner, Capt., James, 231. Buist, Surg. J. S., 16, 46 Bullock, Capt. G. B., 204. Bullon, Lt. C. W., 432. Bumpass, Lt. B. B., 73. Burch, Capt. J. J,, 109. Burch, Lt. J., 234. Burgess, Lt. J. F., 146. Burk, Lt. F. M., 146. Burkeville, Va., XXV. Burns, Lt. H. M., 314. Burns, Maj., Ro., 160. Burns, Lt. W. P 304. Burnshaw, Chaplain Joel C., 95 Burroughs, Capt. W. H., 485, 486. Burson, Lt. E., 145. Burt, Lt. J. G., 170. Burt, Capt. S. H., 11, 12. Burton, Capt. J. Q., 146. Burton, Surg J. R., 146. Burwell, Surg., Blair, 71. Burwell, Lt. G W.,449. Burwell, Capt. John B., 238. Busbie, Lt. P. G., 94. Bush, Lt J. A., 296. Busie, Lt. A. J., 382. Butler, Col. A. S., 367. Butler, Chaplain G E., 161. Butler, Capt. H. A., 274. Butler, Asst. Surg. M. M., 86. Butterman, Asst. Surg. S., 190. Butts, Capt. E. S., 176. Butts, Surg. J.
J. H. W. Aldred (search for this): chapter 1.5
, 40th regt., 414. Ala. Infantry, 41st regt., 422. Ala. Infantry, 43d regt., 415, 422. Ala. Infantry, 44th regt., 152. Ala. Infantry, 47th regt., 146, 155. Ala. Infantry, 48th regt., 158. Ala. Infantry, 49th regt., 423. Ala. Infantry, 59th regt., 417. Ala. Infantry, 60th regt., 418, 422. Ala. Infantry, 61st regt., 245. Ala. Infantry, 5th Batt., 271, 456. Ala. Infantry, 23d Batt., 420, 422. Albemarle Artillery, 68. Albright, Lt. H. A., 15, 65. Alderman, Lt. J. H., 286. Aldred, Lt. J. H. W., 334. Aldrich, Lt A. A., 161. Alexander, Gen. E. P., 41, 43. Alexander, Ensign G. L., 110. Alexander, Capt. J. M., 296. Alexander, Lt. J. M., 160. Alexander, Lt. S. S., 334. Alexander, Lt. W. S., 124. Alford, Lt. J. W., 414. Alfriend, Lt. E. P., 109. Alison, Lt. H. J., 122. Alison, Lt. J. B., 212. Allen, Capt. D. C., 253. Allen, Capt., John, 286. Allen, Lt. John W., 382. Allen, Lt. L H., 96. Allen, Lt. R. A., 447. Allen, Capt. R. E, 71. Allen, Lt. R. W., 239.
John M. Richardson (search for this): chapter 1.5
eid, Capt. A. S., 238. Reid, Major F. R., 212. Reid, Capt. John C., 95. Reid, Surg. R. V., 212. Reid, Capt. R. W., 303. Reid, Capt. W. L. J., 185. Remson, Lt. T. H., 110. Rensher, Capt. R. H., 2. Respard, Lt. H. N., 304. Reynolds, Capt. P., 262. Rice, Lt. A. H., 213. Rice, Capt. D K., 161. Rice, Major J. S., 284. Rice, Ass't Surg. T M. C.,333. Rice's Station, XXVI. Richard, Capt. J. C., 304. Richardson's Batt. Art., 45, 62. Richardson, Capt. B. F., 275. Richardson, Capt. J. M.,403. Richmond, Evacuation of, IV Richmond, Ass't Surg. J. M., 369. Rickenbaker, Lt T. E., 121. Riddle, Lt. J. B. F., 204. Ridley, Lt. R. B., 246. Riler, Capt. C. T., 383. Riley, Capt. T M., 239. Rinaldi, Capt. B. F., 359. Ringgold Battery, 59 Ripley, Lt. L., 334. Ritter, Capt., Wade, 271. Rives, Lt. G. S., 10. Robbins, Capt. A. F., 238. Robbins, Capt. F. C., 144 Robbins, Major W. M., 144. Robert, Chaplain P. G., 431. Roberts, Capt. J. A., 383. Roberts, Lt. J
W. S. Hannah (search for this): chapter 1.5
t. P. H., 73 Halstead, Asst. Surg. G. W., 450. Ham, Capt. J. H., 146. Hamby, Lt. J. B., 170 Hamblet, Lt. J. C., 441. Hamby, Lt. V. A., 95. Hamer, Lt. H. M., 18. Hamilton, Capt. E. J., 2. Hamilton, Maj J. F., 402. Hamilton, Lt. L J., 122. Hamlin, Lt. L. E., 450. Hammond, Col. G. W., 294. Hammond, Maj. H., 367. Hammond, Capt. W., 71. Hampton Legion, 476. Hancock, Lt. R. D., 253. Hane, B. T., 5th S. C. Cav , 473. Hankins, Maj. P. R., 286. Hankins' Art , 7. Hannah, Lt. W. S., 432. Hardage, Capt., Thos., 95. Hardaway, Col. R. A., 16; Artillery Battalion of, 29, 30, 33, 34 Hardee, Capt. W. H., 286. Hardee, Capt. W. W., 413. Harden, Asst. Surg. J. H. 83. Harding, Capt., Ro. C., 274. Hardwicke, Capt. C. W., 94. Hardwicke, Capt. W. W., 17, 28. Hardy, Lt. L. M., 327. Hardy, Adjt. W. P, 122, 136. Hardy, Asst. Surg. W. R., 227. Haslett, Capt. S. T., 185, 189. Harman, Lt. J. B.,313. Harpe, Capt. R. M.,383. Harper, Lt. C., 275. Harper, Lt. C.
ker, Capt. C. H., 333. Walker, Capt. D. N., 13-15. Walker, Ass't Surg. B. F., 304. Walker, Ass't Surg. F., 347. Walker, Capt. J. A., 212. Walker, Gen. J. A., IX; Staff, 189. Walker, Lt. J. T., 124. Walker, A. D. C., J. W., 303. Walker, Lt. N. H., 16. Walker, Capt. N. J., 326. Walker, Adj't O. K., 212. Walker, Lt. P. A., 327. Walker, Lt. R. S., 421. Walker, Lt. T. J., 314. Walker, Capt. W. T., 333. Walker, Gen. W. H.; Brigade of, 402. Wall, Capt. W. C., 204. Wall, Capt. W. J., 326. Wallace, Capt. T. P., 70. Walkup, col. S. H., 275. Walters, Capt. G., 421. Walters, Capt. J. M., 10. Walton, Lt. D. H., 85. Walthall, Lt. L. B., 71. Waralany, Maj. A. B., 368. Ward, Surg. B. F., 284. Ward, Capt. F. X., 357. Ward, Capt. J. L., 71. Wardlaw, Adj't J. J., 121. Wardlaw, Capt. W. C., 122, 144. Ware, Lt. M. H., 413. Waring, Capt. P. C., 441. Warm, Lt. Henry W., 96. Warren, Lt. J. P., 72. Warren, Surg. L. P., 296. Warren, Ass't Surg. M. S., 10. Wa
J. H. Doyle (search for this): chapter 1.5
Dillingham, Capt., Geo. W., 70. Dimmock, Capt. C. H., 2. Dinkins, Capt. T. W., 479. Dixon, Asst. Surg., John, 413. Dixon, Lt. J. W., 246. Doak, Surg. A. V., 473. Doak, Lt. H. M., 457. Dobson, Capt. E. L., 382. Doby, Lt., John, 123. Dodson, Capt. G. T., 287. Donald's Artillery, 45, 48. Donaldsonville Art., 62. Donnald, Lt--Col. D. G., 121. Donough, Capt. H. T., 213. Douglas, Lt. A. S., 368. Douglas, Maj., H. Kyd, 189. Douglas, Capt. J. T., 122. Dowling, Lt., Aaron, 171. Doyle, Surg. John N., 146. Dozier, Lt. F. G., 449. Dozier, Lt. J. L., 304. Dozier, Asst. Surg. L. F., 13. Draper, Capt. W. W., 314. Drew, Surg. E. S., 14, 56. Drewry, Capt. J. W., 40. Dribling, Lt., Chas. L., 85. Druman, Lt. J. S., 123. Du Bose's Brigade, 170. Du Bose, Lt. K. C , 457. Ducie, Capt. R. W., 326. Duffey, Capt. Geo., 3. Duffy, Surg. C., 424. Duggan. Maj. L. B., 394. Duke, Lt. D. W., 348. Dunaway, Lt. J M., 213. Dungan, Col. R. H. 85, 230. Dunlap, Lt G
P. B. Litty (search for this): chapter 1.5
ly, Capt. S. S , 296. Lilly, Asst. Surg. W. H., 296. Linch, Capt. W. D., 95. Lineberger, Lt. D. W., 413. Lineberger, Capt. T. J., 358. Lindsay, Adj't J. H., 263. Lindsay, Lt. M. M., 359. Lippett, Surg. C. E., 71. Lipscomb, Courier J. E., 14. Lipscomb, Lt., Smith, 403. Lipsey, Lt. T. A., 123. Little, Chaplain, James, 304. Little, Ensign J. W. F., 109. Little, Lt. R. J., 246. Little, Capt. R. D., 109. Littlefield, Maj. J. H.. 160. Littlepage, C. S. Navy, W. B., 450. Litty, Lt. P. B., 185. Lively, Lt. G. P., 431. Lloyd, Lt. M B., 145. Lockett, Lt. D. S., 382. Lockett, Lt. P., 72. Lockhart, Capt. R. B., 421. Lofton, Lt. B. H., 108. Logan, Lt. B. F., 204. Logan, Asst. Surg. John E., 253. Logan, Surg. J. H., 402. Logan, Lt. N., 334. Lomax, Chaplain A. A., 327. Long, Gen. A. L., 13; Men on duty at Headquarters of, 18. Long, Lt. H. W.,304. Longbridge, Lt., James, 145. Longstreet, Gen., James, x, 69. Louisiana Brigade, 130. La. Inf., 1st regt., 23
W. T. Tannehill (search for this): chapter 1.5
Sullivan, Lt. J. J., 313. Sultive, Capt. J. W., 94. Surrender, Incidents of the, XVII, et seq.; terms of, XVI. Surry Light Artillery, 27. Sussdorf, Ass't Surg. A. P., 432. Sutherland, Lt. A. P, 432. Sutton, Surg. W. T., 196. Swanson, Capt. S. F., 85. Sykes, Capt., W. Scott, 348. Symington, Capt. T. A., 70. Symington, Capt. W. S., 70. Tabb, Col. W. B., 432. Taft, Lt. G. E., 276. Talcott, Col. T. M. R., 467. Taliaferro, Capt. H. B., 71. Tannahill, Capt. E. D., 3. Tannehill, W. T., 3. Tanner, Major N. M., 238. Tanner's Battery, 465. Tapscott, Lt. J. B., 2. Tarpley, Capt. T. W., 287. Tate, Ass't Surg. H. W., 197. Tate, Surg. J. L., 286. Tate, Capt. J. M., 358. Tayloe, Col. George E., 333. Taylor, Major E., 69. Taylor, E. B., 18. Taylor, Lt. E. P., 95. Taylor, Lt. J. F., 3, 431. Taylor, Lt. J. L., 304. Taylor, Capt. J. M., 204, 210. Taylor, Lt. J. M., 305. Taylor, Lt. M. F., 69. Taylor, Maj. R. B., 347. Taylor, Lt. R. P., 73. Taylor, Col.
W. A. Batchelor (search for this): chapter 1.5
apt. J. G., 368. Barnwell, Maj. J. G., 12. Barr, Surg. H., 473. Barron, Lt. J P., 231. Barron, Lt. W. S., 369. Barrett, Lt. A. N., 424. Barrett, Chaplain E. B , 394. Barry, Surg. A. R., 72. Bart, Col. W. G., 403. Bartlett, Capt. A. A., 284. Bartlett, Ass't Surg. T. B., 473. Barton's Brigade, 444. Barton, Capt. R. D., 189. Baskerville, Lt., Charles, 449. Bason, Capt. J. D., 382. Bass, Col. F. S., 160, 170. Bass, Adj't M. F., 94. Bass, Ass't Surg. S., 359. Batchelor, Capt. W. A., 333. Bates, Lt., Benj., 449; Invalids Batt., 461. Bates, Ass't Surg. C. A., 94. Battle's Brigade, 238. Battle, Lt., Dorsey, 196. Battle, Lt. J. S., 252. Baugh, Lt. W. F, 348. Baum, Lt., Adam, 49. Baylor, Lt. C. W., 85. Baxter, Lt. H., 213. Bazemore, Lt. M. D., 96. Beale's Cavalry Brigade, 10. Beall. Capt. H. A., 333. Beall, Capt. J. N., 246. Beam, Capt. W. P., 382. Bean, Lt. W. H., 94. Bean, Lt. M. L., 253. Beard, Capt., John, 196. Beard, Surg. W. F.,
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