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Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.37
rren in advance, would meet our troops with gallant A. P. Hill in the lead, General Lee having anticipated this movement, and there commenced a series of battles which lasted for days. General Grant had consolidated the numerous divisions into three corps—Hancock, a brilliant soldier, whom we met so often, commanding the Second Corps; Warren, who tried to run over us at Five Forks, with Sheridan's cavalry, commanding the Fifth, and Sedgwick, a popular officer, whose fame was eclipsed at Fredericksburg, just previous to the battle of Chancellorsville, commanding the Sixth, with General Phil. Sheridan to manage the cavalry, and to do all the destroying of growing crops that he and his bold troopers could in the short space of time he was to remain in the Valley. It is said that Grant's army would fill any road in the State for more than a hundred miles with his soldiers, trains of wagons &c. This was something like the force that the Confederate commander was to meet in the jungles of
Crenshaw (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.37
The Crenshaw Battery. [from the Richmond, Va., star, January 15, 1894.] Its service during its return from Gettysburg at falling Waters, Brandy Station, Spotsylvania Courthouse, Jericho Ford, and Second Cold Harbor Reviewed. [Mr. J. C. Goolsby, who is contributing a serial of graphic and entertaining articles to the Staourteen years old. He gallantly followed the fortunes of his command to the close of the war, being among those who surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse.] The Crenshaw Battery commenced its memorable retreat from the disastrous heights of Gettysburg during a hard rain on the night of the Fourth of July as we started on our marchmond, but the ever watchful eye of Lee had arranged things differently, and the advance of Warren's corps was met and repulsed by the troops of A. P. Hill. The Crenshaw battery reached Spotsylvania Courthouse late in the evening and went into position just to the left and rear of that building for the night, when early next morn
Hagerstown (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.37
orrible condition, the men discussing the battle and its effect, occasionally being interrupted by the report that the Federal army were marching to intercept us and cut us off from the main force, which were moving on another road. We reached Hagerstown after a long and toilsome march, where we halted and awaited the approach of the enemy. The Potomac was swollen to a considerable height, occasioned by the heavy rains, which prevented our crossing. It was while we were here that the news cn which General Pettigrew, a gallant brigade general of Hill's corps, was killed before we succeeded in driving him back where he was glad to be out of our reach. It was said a Council of war was called by General Meade while we lay near Hagerstown to discuss the situation, and it was decided not to hazard an attack. There were numerous cavalry skirmishes on our trip back to Virginia, but no general engagement by the army. Although our troops were still sanguine of the ultimate success
Brandy Station (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.37
The Crenshaw Battery. [from the Richmond, Va., star, January 15, 1894.] Its service during its return from Gettysburg at falling Waters, Brandy Station, Spotsylvania Courthouse, Jericho Ford, and Second Cold Harbor Reviewed. [Mr. J. C. Goolsby, who is contributing a serial of graphic and entertaining articles to the Star on the service of the redoubtable Crenshaw Battery, from Richmond, Va., enlisted in this organization when he was only fourteen years old. He gallantly followed the furring worthy of mention. As the fall of the year was now at hand it was soon apparent that we would spend the winter somewhere near the Rapidan. But we are suddenly interrupted by the report that the enemy were tearing up the railroad near Brandy Station, on the Orange and Alexandria railroad, and we were hurried forward to meet them, and a battle ensued, in which we had several men badly wounded, among them Jack Moyers, who lost a leg. We succeeded in driving them back. As winter was now
Bermuda Hundred (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.37
ral George B. McClellan. But oh, what changes! Then our uniforms were bright, and everything pointed, as I then thought, to certain victory; but now the thin, emaciated form of the Confederate soldier told in language too plain the sufferings he was then undergoing for the want of proper sustenance. And now, before closing this letter, let me say that Grant had certainly played the last card known in the art of warfare— Attrition for all it was worth. For he confessed to a loss before reaching the south side of the James of more than the Army of Northern Virginia had in the field. After pontooning the James, the army of Grant was now where it might have been at any time without the loss of a single man. But here he is near Bermuda Hundred, and is soon to lay siege to Petersburg, it having been proven to his satisfaction that the Cockade City could not be captured by an attack in front, and that our southern connections were safe, at least for the present. But here I sto
Potomac River (United States) (search for this): chapter 1.37
valry, under Kilpatrick, who came up with our wagon train, attacked it, and were beaten off by Stuart. We moved on over the roads, which were in a horrible condition, the men discussing the battle and its effect, occasionally being interrupted by the report that the Federal army were marching to intercept us and cut us off from the main force, which were moving on another road. We reached Hagerstown after a long and toilsome march, where we halted and awaited the approach of the enemy. The Potomac was swollen to a considerable height, occasioned by the heavy rains, which prevented our crossing. It was while we were here that the news came—how I know not—that the Confederacy had been recognized by France, and that other European powers were ready to do the same; that our ports were to be opened to the world, and our independence was soon to be an assured fact. How joyous was this news, with what delight and pleasure was it told and retold by the men. Meade's whole army was now g
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.37
The Crenshaw Battery. [from the Richmond, Va., star, January 15, 1894.] Its service during its return from Gettysburg at falling Waters, Brandy Station, Spotsylvania Courthouse, Jericho Ford, and Second Cold Harbor Reviewed. [Mr. J. C. Goolsby, who is contributing a serial of graphic and entertaining articles to the Star on the service of the redoubtable Crenshaw Battery, from Richmond, Va., enlisted in this organization when he was only fourteen years old. He gallantly followed the Richmond, Va., enlisted in this organization when he was only fourteen years old. He gallantly followed the fortunes of his command to the close of the war, being among those who surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse.] The Crenshaw Battery commenced its memorable retreat from the disastrous heights of Gettysburg during a hard rain on the night of the Fourth of July as we started on our march, and everything looked terribly dark, but the troops were in good spirits, and though the Federal army had achieved their first victory, they had not the nerve to attempt to follow it up by an onward movement.
North Anna (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.37
to be fulfilled. After several brilliant charges on the part of both armies, notably the one of the Second corps (Hancock commanding), in which our General Edward Johnson was captured, with a large number of prisoners, which gave to the enemy only a temporary advantage, as our works were speedily retaken, the Man of Destiny started on another flank movement, and soon both armies were manoeuvering for position, this time to halt near Hanover Junction, where Grant attempted to cross the North Anna river, the outcome of which was the battle of Jericho Ford, where our company lost two more men—George Young, heretofore mentioned as the genial, whole-souled companion whose chief delight was in making others happy, being mortally wounded, and big Caldwell killed. Poor Caldwell, you, too, have proven your loyalty to the cause which resulted in the unholy sacrifice of so many noble and fearless men. This battle was fought in rather a different way from any other this company ever participat
France (France) (search for this): chapter 1.37
ccasionally being interrupted by the report that the Federal army were marching to intercept us and cut us off from the main force, which were moving on another road. We reached Hagerstown after a long and toilsome march, where we halted and awaited the approach of the enemy. The Potomac was swollen to a considerable height, occasioned by the heavy rains, which prevented our crossing. It was while we were here that the news came—how I know not—that the Confederacy had been recognized by France, and that other European powers were ready to do the same; that our ports were to be opened to the world, and our independence was soon to be an assured fact. How joyous was this news, with what delight and pleasure was it told and retold by the men. Meade's whole army was now gathering thick and fast, flushed with victory, and just in our front were the angry, surging waters of the Potomac, leaping high in their endeavor to get over their banks-all nature seeming to conspire in our Over
Louisa (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.37
ort that the enemy were tearing up the railroad near Brandy Station, on the Orange and Alexandria railroad, and we were hurried forward to meet them, and a battle ensued, in which we had several men badly wounded, among them Jack Moyers, who lost a leg. We succeeded in driving them back. As winter was now approaching, we were ordered to the south side of the Rapidan, and soon we were preparing for winter quarters, the selected spot being in the celebrated Green Springs neighborhood of Louisa county, where we remained during the winter. It .was here we went through the form of enlisting for the war. Our time was spent here very quietly—this being our second winter in the army. In the meantime, General Grant had been made commander of the United States Army, and was to take personal command of the Army of the Potomac, General Meade taking a back seat, or rather a subordinate position. Thus everything pointed to an early spring campaign, and everything possible that was honorable
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