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Kingston, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.24
urgeon 2nd Brigade, Cheatham's Division, 33rd Tennessee Regiment, appointed by Secretary War to rank Nov. 21, 1861, Feb. 29, 1864, 33rd Tennessee Regiment. Ashbrook, A. M., Assistant Surgeon, Jan. 4, 1864. Ordered to report to E. A. F. Jan. 22, 1864, ordered to report to S. H. Stout, Medical Director of Hospitals. Avent, Benjamin W., Surgeon, com'd July 19, 1861. Ordered to report to Surgeon Foard Feb. 28, 1863, with wounded at Murfreesboro, May 31, 1863, Floater, July 10, 1863, Kingston, Ga., in charge hospitals. Abernathy, Jones C., Assistant Surgeon, passed Board, Mobile, May 12, 1862, com'd to rank May 12, 1862 (Exam.). Dec. 31, 1862, 32nd Alabama Regiment, Nov. 30, 1863, 32nd and 58th Alabama, March 31, 1864, 43rd Georgia Regiment. Abercrombie, George W., Assistant Surgeon, passed Medical Board Dec. 1, 1862. Dec. 31, 1862, 1st Alabama Cavalry, April 30, 1864, 1st Alabama Cavalry. Anderson, William Henry, Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary War to rank Oct.
Bentonville (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.24
ies as Medical-Inspector during the summer of 1864, and by request of the Surgeon in charge, Dr. Hancock, and the attending Surgeons, Drs. Cabell, Hoyt, Thom and Wellford, he performed a large part of the capital operations at the immense hospital after the battle of Rapidan, Spotsylvania Courthouse and Cold Harbor. He subsequently accompanied General Bragg to North Carolina as Medical-Director of that department, and was present on the field at the battle of Averysboro, and also that of Bentonville, where a mere handful of Confederates under General J. E. Johnston made their last unsuccessful fight for independence. Still adhering to the fortunes of his friend and chief, General Bragg, he joined the retreating column of government officials, with President Davis at its head, and continued with them until the formal dissolution of the Confederate Cabinet, at Washington, Ga., and the dispersion of its members. He returned to New Orleans in the succeeding fall and resumed his positio
Ohio (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.24
t Murfreesboro Nov. 16, ‘62, Sept. 2d ordered to report to General Van Dorn for duty with 32d Tennessee, Jan. 3, ‘64, Senior Surgeon Brigade, Headquarters A. T., Dalton. April 30, ‘64, 32d Tennessee. Gannaway, John, Surgeon, A. and I. G. O., S. O., No. 59, dated Richmond March 14, ‘62. Ordered to be dropped from the rolls by Secretary of War. Garnet, O. V., contract $80, made by J. L. Moore Oct. 11, ‘62. Dec. 31, ‘62, Harrodsburg, Ky., Jan. 31, ‘63. On duty at Foard Hospital, Chattano0, 1863, ordered to report to Medical-Director Ramsay by letter. Hulse, J. J., Surgeon. Headquarters Dist. Gulf, May 18, ‘63, ordered to report to Surgeon A. J. Foard May 22, 63. Ordered to report to Com'dg Officer 18th Regiment. Hudson, W. O., Surgeon. Sept. 30, ‘63, 4th Alabama. Oct. 31, 63, no change. Huddleson, J. L., contract. Contract made by Col. Gillespie, Sept. 30, ‘63, 2d Tennessee Cavalry, Oct. 31, ‘63 no change. Hughes, Brice M., contract $100, made b
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.24
, Surgeon. Born at Lexington, Ky., January 3, 1827. Died in New Orleans, La., May 26, 1892. Succeeded, 1868, Prof. Nott in the Chair of Anatomy, University of Louisiana, and removed to New Orleans. This school was at that time one of the largest in the country, and with such distinguished professors as the late Warren Stone, M. Cabinet, at Washington, Ga., and the dispersion of its members. He returned to New Orleans in the succeeding fall and resumed his position in the University of Louisiana, and was immediately chosen dean of the medical faculty. In 1873, upon the resignation of Professor Warren Stone from the chair of surgery, he became his succes report to P. D. Bowles, relieved with Colonel P. D. Bowles and ordered to Gen. Hardee. April 21, ‘64, Medical-Inspector Department of Alabama, Mississippi and E. Louisiana. Turner, Matthew, Assistant Surgeon. Passed Board at Mobile Dec. 1, ‘61. Dec. 31, ‘62, 22d Alabama. Com'd Oct. 6, ‘61. Turner, Samuel F., Surgeon. Pa
Columbus (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.24
31, ‘63, 3d and 5th Confederate Regiments. Passed Board at Columbus, Mississippi, June 30, ‘62. Aug. 30, ‘63, Dec, 31, ‘63, Jan. 31, ‘64, 3dWar, Aug. 25, ‘63, to rank from June 30, ‘62. Passed Board at Columbus, Miss., June 30, ‘62, May 31, ‘64, 5th Confederate Regiment. Crawfeadquarters A. T., Nov. 30, ‘63. Passed Board July 5, ‘62, at Columbus, Miss. April 30, ‘64, 50th Alabama. Grigsby, Edward, G., Assistantm Jan. 31, ‘62, to report to Surgeon-General. Passed Board at Columbus, Miss., Jan. 30, ‘62. March 31, ‘64, 2d Georgia Battalion. Hlay, J, Sept. 30, ‘63, Hindman's Division Hospital. Passed Board at Columbus, Miss., June 30, ‘62. Nov. 30, ‘63, 9th Mississippi. Jackson, Lafaew Orleans, Baton Rouge, and finally as Surgeon of the Port at Columbus, Miss. Lide, Wm. R., Assistant Surgeon. Passed Board at Shelbyvi ‘63. Wilkerson, W. W., Assistant Surgeon. Passed Board at Columbus, Miss., July 1, ‘62. Appointed by S
Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.24
ery. Ordered to 2d Tennessee Regiment. March 31, ‘64, 1st and 5th Arkansas Regiments, April 30, ‘64, 45th Mississippi Regiment. Crimes, Augustine C., Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary War, Dec. 4, ‘62, to rank from Aug. 16, ‘62. Chattanooga, Tenn., Aug. 17, ‘62, ordered to General Polk. Dec. 31, ‘62, 39th Alabama. Left in Murfreesboro by order Colonel of Regiment. Reported for duty March 28, ‘63, Headquarters A. T., Dalton, Feb. 18, ‘64. April 30, ‘64, 39th Alabama Regiment. chiey, A. F., Assistant Surgeon. Dec. 31, ‘62, 1st Louisiana Cavalry. Goldsby, miles W., Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War July 11, ‘63, to rank March 24, ‘63. Reported to Medical-Director Dec. 3,‘62, Camp Paroled Prisoners, Chattanooga, Tenn., April 2, ‘63, ordered to report to General Polk, April 22, ‘63, ordered to report to E. A. F., Medical-Director, April 22, ‘63, Eufala Battery. March 5, ‘64, ordered to be dropped from the rolls. Goodlett, Mil
Appomattox (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.24
nburgh he spent his vacations in visiting all the places of historical interest in Great Britain and on the Continent, embracing a tour through the Alps on foot. When the first notes of war between the States were sounded across the Atlantic in 1861, he returned at once to his native land, and on the personal recommendation of the late President Jefferson Davis, was assigned to duty in the Army of Northern Virginia, and served as surgeon in the famous Hood's brigade until the surrender at Appomattox. He attended the brigade in all its numerous battles and skirmishes, without a day's absence, endearing himself to his comrades. As the result of those gigantic conflicts in Virginia, Maryland and Penusylvania, he had a rich field in which to put into practice the sound surgical knowledge that he had imbibed from his masters in Europe, and soon became known as one of the most skillful operators in the Army of Northern Virginia. He was selected to take charge of General Hood, when that g
Marion, Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.24
h North Carolina. Knowlton, Knox, Assistant Surgeon. Passed Board at Shelbyville May 18, ‘63. Appointed by Secretary of War Sept. 2, ‘63, to rank from May 18, ‘63. Dec. 31, ‘62, 16th Tennessee Regiment, July 31, ‘63, 38th Alabama, Dec. 31, ‘63, Escort and Pioneer Corps Stuart's Division. Knott, J. J., Assistant Surgeon. Sept. 30, ‘63, 53d Georgia. Oct. 31, ‘63, no change. Knode, O. B., Surgeon. Dec. 3, ‘63, ordered to report to E. A. F., Medical-Director. Jan. 11, ‘64, sick at Marion, Ala. Kittrell, B. F., Assistant Surgeon. June 30, ‘64, 22d Miss. Nov., ‘64, left with wounded at Franklin, Tenn. Lampley, C. B., Surgeon. Dec. 31, ‘62, member Examining Board, Atlanta, Ga. Latham, Edward, Assistant Surgeon. Passed Board July 15,‘62. Appointed by Secretary of War, July 15, ‘62. Dec. 31, ‘62, 10th Mississippi. April 30, ‘64, 10th Mississippi. Resigned. Langenbecker, Charles, Surgeon. Nov. 20, ‘62, 13th La. Regiment. Left with wounde
Tarrant (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.24
Sept. 15, ‘63, and ordered to report to Major-General Walker. Oct. 31, ‘63, 27th Mississippi Regiment. Vaughan, J. W., Surgeon. June 30, ‘64, 1st and 4th Missouri Regiment. Transferred to Hospital Department by order General Maury. Villeret, F. F., Assistant Surgeon, corn. Feb. 26, ‘62, Eufaula Light Artillery. Transferred 50th Alabama Regiment. Vertrees, John L., Assistant Surgeon, corn. Nov. 24, ‘62, 6th Kentucky Regiment. Vaughan, G. W., Assistant Surgeon. June 30, ‘64, Tarrant's Battalion. Oct., wounded and sent to Hospital. Voorhies, A. H., Surgeon. June 30, ‘64, Acting Medical-Director Army Mississippi. Aug. 31, ‘64, Acting Medical-Inspector Army Tennessee. Sept. 4, ‘64, in the field. Assigned as Acting Medical-Director Stewart's Corps, temporarily. Vaughan, B. A., commissioned Surgeon March 15, ‘61, and assigned to the 14th Miss. Infantry, and after the surrender at Donaldson assigned to hospital service, and established and had charge
Gonzales, Gonzales County, Texas (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.24
e, and soon became known as one of the most skillful operators in the Army of Northern Virginia. He was selected to take charge of General Hood, when that gallant commander was desperately wounded at Chickamauga, and had him carried by faithful litter-bearers a distance of sixteen miles, to a farm-house, where he remained with him until he was restored. At the close of the war, Dr. Jones made his way back to Texas upon the steed that had borne him through all his campaigns, and located at Gonzales, where he has since continuously resided and practiced medicine. He has served on all the examining boards of his judicial district; is county physician and health officer of Gonzales; is a member of the Texas State Medical Association, and has been elected one of its vice-presidents and chairman of the section on surgery, and is also a member of the American Medical Association, and of the Ninth International Medical Congress. He was one of the first physicians and surgeons in the State
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