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Baldwin (Colorado, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.30
allantry of, 40. Anderson, Col. Archer, 386. Appeal-Avalanche, The, Memphis, Tennessee, cited, 63. Arkansas Post. Its fall Jan. 11, 1863; report of Col R. R. Garland, 10. Arnold, Wm., 158. Artillery, C. S., Its prowess, 319. Association of the Army of No. Va. Proceedings at the Annual Meeting, Dec. 13, 1894; officers of, 334; some present at, 281 Atkinson, Col., John Wilder, 49. August, Col., Thos, P., 49. Aylett, Col Wm. R. His address; Women of the South, 54. Baldwin, Col. John B., Inspector-General of Virginia, 48. Bennett, Hon. R. T., late Colonel 14th N. C. Infantry, C. S. A., 81. Bernard, George S., 69. Blockades, Importance of, 89. Blue and Gray, Blending of the, 67. Boynton, Gen. H. V., 67. Bronaugh, Wm., 46. Brown. Col., Commandant of Fort Pulaski, 140. Buchannan, C. S. N., Admiral Franklin, 77. Burgwyn, Col. H. K.; killed, 123. Burnside, Gen. A. E., 130. Cadets Va. Military Institute, 341. Cardwell, Col. D., 147. Cary, Co
Staunton, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.30
, Battle of, 308. Mills, Col., Roger Quarles, 67. Missionary Ridge, Reminiscences of the gallant assault on, 68. Moffett, Col. George H , 161. Morale of the Confederate, 81. Morelly's Code of Nature, 84. Morris Island. Confederate Prisoners under Confederate fire on, 127. Morrison, Col. Emmett M., 20. Naval Warfare, How the Southern Confederacy changed it, 75; accomplishments of C. S. Navy in, 87. News and Courier, Charleston, S. C., The, cited, 147. News, The Staunton, Va., cited, 73. Views, The Winchester, Va., cited, 41. Newton, Virginius, late Midshipman C. S. Navy, 87. North Carolina, Representatives of at the Unveiling of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, 377. North Carolina, University of, 84. O'Ferrall, Gov., Chas. T. His Staff at the Unveiling of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, 343. Page, Lt., Mann, 308. Parker, M. D., Major Wm. W., 127. Peace Convention, Chief-Justice. Chase on the, 25. Pearson, Frank, a gallant Fede
Williamsburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.30
Veteran Camps at the Unveiling of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, 347 Virginia Cavalry, 14th, Co. H; Survivors of, 74. Virginia Infantry, 15th, Co. A; Annotated Roll of, 48. Virginia, Magnanimity of, 366. Waid, Capt. James D., 21. War for the Union. Losses in its battles, 40. War Talks of Confederate Veterans, 69. Washington, D. C. Menaces by Early, 298-301. Washington Monument, Mary, 56. Waynesboroa, Battle of, 311. Weed, Thurlow, 38. Wheeler, Hon., Joseph, 24. Wilderness, Battle of the, 289. Williamsburg, Va. Battle of, June 1, 1862. Erroneous statements as to corrected, 106, 287. Wilson, R. R., 157. Winchester, Va., Battle of, 304. Winchester, Va. Confederate Dead in its Stonewall Cemetery; ladies in charge of lots, 47; Memorial Services June 6, 1894, 41. Women of all time, 56. Women of the South, 82. A Monument to plead for by Col. W. R. Aylett, and pledged by the Richmond Howltzers, 54. Woolfolk, Col. Escape of, 136.
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.30
. R., Dept. Ill.; its criticism of Dr. Cave's oration, 381. Confederate and Federal Forces, disparity between, 95. Confederate Generals who died in poverty, 65; senior, now living, 388. Confederate Heroism, 54, 63. Confederate Memorial Literary Society, 387. Confederate Morals, 81, 107, 367. Confederate Prisoners; hardships of; placed under Confederate fire, 127. Confederate States, Medical officers of, 165. Confederate Supplies, Want of, 90. Constitution, The, Atlanta, Ga., cited, 122. Constitution of the U. S. nullified, 27. Kent and Rawle on the, 83. Cox, Mrs., Lucy Ann, a Confederate heroine, 54. Courier, Bristol, Va., cited, 127. Crawford, Hon W. H., 83. Crouch, Nicholas M., 377. Cullingworth, Col., Wm. H., 349. Daniel, Hon. John W. His able tribute to Gen. Jubal A. Early, 288. Delaware, Fort, Prisoners at, 144. De Renne, Mrs., Mary. Her admirable collection of Confederate Memorials, 389. Dispatch, The, Richmond, Va., cited, 20,
Morrison (Colorado, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.30
, 24th Virginia Infantry, C. S. A., 106. Mavourneen, Kathleen, 377. Medical Officers of the Army of Tennessee, C. S. A., by Joseph Jones, M. D., Ll.D., Surgeon-General U. C V., 165. Middletown, Battle of, 308. Mills, Col., Roger Quarles, 67. Missionary Ridge, Reminiscences of the gallant assault on, 68. Moffett, Col. George H , 161. Morale of the Confederate, 81. Morelly's Code of Nature, 84. Morris Island. Confederate Prisoners under Confederate fire on, 127. Morrison, Col. Emmett M., 20. Naval Warfare, How the Southern Confederacy changed it, 75; accomplishments of C. S. Navy in, 87. News and Courier, Charleston, S. C., The, cited, 147. News, The Staunton, Va., cited, 73. Views, The Winchester, Va., cited, 41. Newton, Virginius, late Midshipman C. S. Navy, 87. North Carolina, Representatives of at the Unveiling of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, 377. North Carolina, University of, 84. O'Ferrall, Gov., Chas. T. His Staff at the
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.30
D., Surgeon-General U. C V., 165. Middletown, Battle of, 308. Mills, Col., Roger Quarles, 67. Missionary Ridge, Reminiscences of the gallant assault on, 68. Moffett, Col. George H , 161. Morale of the Confederate, 81. Morelly's Code of Nature, 84. Morris Island. Confederate Prisoners under Confederate fire on, 127. Morrison, Col. Emmett M., 20. Naval Warfare, How the Southern Confederacy changed it, 75; accomplishments of C. S. Navy in, 87. News and Courier, Charleston, S. C., The, cited, 147. News, The Staunton, Va., cited, 73. Views, The Winchester, Va., cited, 41. Newton, Virginius, late Midshipman C. S. Navy, 87. North Carolina, Representatives of at the Unveiling of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, 377. North Carolina, University of, 84. O'Ferrall, Gov., Chas. T. His Staff at the Unveiling of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, 343. Page, Lt., Mann, 308. Parker, M. D., Major Wm. W., 127. Peace Convention, Chief-Justice. Chas
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 1.30
died in poverty, 65; senior, now living, 388. Confederate Heroism, 54, 63. Confederate Memorial Literary Society, 387. Confederate Morals, 81, 107, 367. Confederate Prisoners; hardships of; placed under Confederate fire, 127. Confederate States, Medical officers of, 165. Confederate Supplies, Want of, 90. Constitution, The, Atlanta, Ga., cited, 122. Constitution of the U. S. nullified, 27. Kent and Rawle on the, 83. Cox, Mrs., Lucy Ann, a Confederate heroine, 54. Cle, 1. Pollard, Commander, Thos. P., 386. Prison Experience of a Confederate Officer, by Col. A. Fulkerson, 127. Raleigh, N. C., Monument to the Confederate Dead at, 81. Randolph, Major Norman V., 387. Records and Relics of the Confederate States— National Repository for—Richmond the place, 387. Revolution, The first, losses in its battles, 40. Reynolds, Gen., Joseph, 68. Richardson, Hon., David Crockett, 353, 355, 358. Richmond, a City of Monuments, 54. Ritter, Capt., Wm
Missionary Ridge, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.30
Brigade, 98. Maryland Artillery, C. S. A.. History of the 3d Battery, by Capt. Wm. L. Keith, 19. Maryland Veterans at the Unveiling of Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, 352. Maury, Gen., Dabney Herndon, 75 Maury, Col. Richard L., 24th Virginia Infantry, C. S. A., 106. Mavourneen, Kathleen, 377. Medical Officers of the Army of Tennessee, C. S. A., by Joseph Jones, M. D., Ll.D., Surgeon-General U. C V., 165. Middletown, Battle of, 308. Mills, Col., Roger Quarles, 67. Missionary Ridge, Reminiscences of the gallant assault on, 68. Moffett, Col. George H , 161. Morale of the Confederate, 81. Morelly's Code of Nature, 84. Morris Island. Confederate Prisoners under Confederate fire on, 127. Morrison, Col. Emmett M., 20. Naval Warfare, How the Southern Confederacy changed it, 75; accomplishments of C. S. Navy in, 87. News and Courier, Charleston, S. C., The, cited, 147. News, The Staunton, Va., cited, 73. Views, The Winchester, Va., cited, 41.
Chancellorsville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.30
7. Bronaugh, Wm., 46. Brown. Col., Commandant of Fort Pulaski, 140. Buchannan, C. S. N., Admiral Franklin, 77. Burgwyn, Col. H. K.; killed, 123. Burnside, Gen. A. E., 130. Cadets Va. Military Institute, 341. Cardwell, Col. D., 147. Cary, Col. John B., 386. Cassville, Battle of, 6. Causes of the War; Slavery and States' Righs; Exposition by Hon. Jos. Wheeler, 24. Cave, D. D., Rev. Robert C. His noble vindication of the South, 359. Cedar Creek, Battle of, 306. Chancellorsville, Battle of, 288. Chew's Battery; Its glorious career, 41. Chickamauga; Marking the battle-field of, 127. Christian, Hon., Geo. L. His just remarks introducing Hon. John W. Daniel, 386. Clark, Rev T. D. D., prayer by, 41. Clarke, Capt. Maxwell T., 348. Coercion, Federal, 36. Collier, Hon. C. F., 69. Colston, Capt. F. M,, 377. Columbia Post, G. A. R., Dept. Ill.; its criticism of Dr. Cave's oration, 381. Confederate and Federal Forces, disparity between, 95.
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.30
D., 352. Hollywood Memorial Association. Their sacred labors, 388. Hooker, Hon. Charles E., 46. Howitzers, Richmond, 54. Howlett House, Recapture of the, in 1864, 20. Hunter, Captain in the 41st Virginia Infantry, killed, 105. Ironclads in the C. S. Navy, 75; in the English and French Navies, 77. Jackson, Stonewall, as a school-boy, as a teacher, and on entering the war, by R. R. Wilson, 157-162. Johnson, Gen. Bradley T., 347. Johnston, Gen. J. E. His campaigns in Georgia, i. Jones, Jr., Ll. D., Col. Chas. C., soldier, scholar, historian, and lawyer, 165. Jones, D. D., Rev. John William. Prayer by, 282. Jones, M. D., Ll. D., Joseph. Surgeon-General U. C. V., 14, 165. Laughton, Jr., Capt. John E., 98. Law, Mrs. Sallie Chapman Gordon, 63. Lee Camp, C. V. Its dignified reply to Columbia Post, G. A. R., 383. Lee, Gen. Fitzhugh His Staff at the Unveiling of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, 342. Lee, Gen., Robert Edward, 70. Letcher,
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