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Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 1.42
d on the coast survey by the United States Government for many years previous to the war, and was a man of marked ability. Since the close of hostilities he has been employed by the United States Government in the Bureau of Hydrography at Washington, D. C. Captain Samuel A. Ashe was the assistant to Captain Bolles in the laboratory and was a most valuable officer in that department.) Lieutenant-Colonel J. A. DeLagnel, Lieutenant-Colonel F. L. Childs, Captain Samuel A. Ashe, Captain John L. Holmes, Captain J. E. P. Dangerfield, Dr. Benjamin Robinson, as surgeon of post; T. J. Robinson, as superintendent of laboratory, from his long experience in that branch of business in Washington, D. C., Captain J. E. P. Dangerfield was made military storekeeper and paymaster by Major Booth from long experience at the arsenal and armory at Harper's Ferry. Thomas C. DeRosset acted as Secretary in Colonel Child's office, Mr. Robert Johnson was chief clerk, and E. P. Powers assistant to Johnson.
Appomattox (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.42
post, and constituted a part of this battalion until they were ordered to report at Wilmington to Major-General Whiting. Captain DeRosset left Fayetteville with 118 rank and file. On reaching the city of Wilmington, Company G of this battalion was thrown with Company B, as a battalion, with Captain DeRosset in command. Captain DeRosset had been severely wounded twice in the battles in Virginia, and was again wounded at Averasboro, N. C., in 1865, a few days days before the surrender at Appomattox. Company C-10 men, rank and file. Captain—George W. Decker. First Lieutenant—Charles R, Banks. Second Lieutenant—Charles E. Roberts. Third Lieutenant—Alonzo Garrison. Company D—73 men, rank and file. Captain—William P. Wemyes. First Lieutenant—James F. Woodward. Second Lieutenant—Samuel J. Walton. Third Lieutenant—Malcolm McInnis. Company E—61 men, rank and file. Captain—Martin VanBuren Talley. First Lieutenant—Robert F. Epps. Se
Raleigh (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.42
Fayetteville Arsenal. [from the Wilmington (N. C.) Messenger, March, 1896.] history of the Sixth (N. C.) Battalion Armory Guards. Hon. Walter Clark, Raleigh, N. C.: Dear Sir—In obedience to your request, I beg leave respectfully to write a sketch of the 6th Battalion Armory Guard, stationed at the Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory during the war between the States. It may be well to give a brief sketch of the Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory as a matter of historical record, touching the construction of the various buildings (as there is not a vestage of it left), having been totally destroyed by General Sherman on his famous march through the Carolinas. The Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory was located on what is known as Hay Mount, which overlooks the historic old city of Fayetteville, and was constructed by the United States Government previous to the war, under the immediate supervision of Mr. William Bell, as architect; but in charge of various army officers of high dist
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 1.42
was accomplished without the firing of a gun, except the salute by Lieutenant DeLagnel's battery on hauling down the United States Flag. Lieutenant DeLagnel, with his command, marched out of the enclosure with their small arms and equipments, and the State troops marched in and took possession. The State troops were kept on guard until the Confederate States' forces took charge. Returned South. Lieutenant DeLagnel took the steamer for Wilmington, and shipped by vessel for New York, where he gave up his command, and resigned his United States commission, and returned South and joined the Confederate army, and was one of the most distinguished and gallant officers in the service. He was severely wounded, I think, at the battle of aspy, William Hewitt, and George W. Decker. Sergeant Stephens deserves special mention at my hands. He was an old United States sergeant, and joined the Southern army at great peril. He was one of the most methodical and accurate accountants I
Wilmington, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.42
Fayetteville Arsenal. [from the Wilmington (N. C.) Messenger, March, 1896.] history of the Sixth (N. C.) Battalion Armory Guards. Hon. Walter Clark, Raleigh, N. C.: Dear Sir—In obedience to your request, I beg leave respectfully to write a sketch of the 6th Battalion Armory Guard, stationed at the Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory during the war between the States. It may be well to give a brief sketch of the Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory as a matter of historical record, touching the construction of the various buildings (as there is not a vestage of it left), having been totally destroyed by General Sherman on his famous march through the Carolinas. The Fayetteville Arsenal and Armory was located on what is known as Hay Mount, which overlooks the historic old city of Fayetteville, and was constructed by the United States Government previous to the war, under the immediate supervision of Mr. William Bell, as architect; but in charge of various army officers of high dist
Old Point (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.42
premises. Handsome, two-story brick and stone buildings for officers' quarters and the accommodation of the troops adorned the front and sides, while in the centre, rear and both sides were large commodious buildings, used for the storing of small arms, fixed ammunition, commissary and quartermaster supplies. In the centre of the enclosure were the gun-carriage and machine-shops, the former with Mr. T. S. Barratt as superintendent, who had served the United States Government formerly at Old Point Comfort for a number of years before the war, while in the rear part of this enclosure was a large rifle-factory, containing all of the rifle-works brought from Harper's Ferry, Va., and handsome frame dwellings for various officers' quarters. With the exception of these last, all the other buildings were constructed of brick, trimmed with stone. Mr. Bell continued during the entire war as architect of all buildings, and was a Scotchman of national reputation. Some 100 yards from the r
Greensboro (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.42
rgeon of post; T. J. Robinson, as superintendent of laboratory, from his long experience in that branch of business in Washington, D. C., Captain J. E. P. Dangerfield was made military storekeeper and paymaster by Major Booth from long experience at the arsenal and armory at Harper's Ferry. Thomas C. DeRosset acted as Secretary in Colonel Child's office, Mr. Robert Johnson was chief clerk, and E. P. Powers assistant to Johnson. In the military storekeeper's office was William J. Woodward, who was placed in the ordnance department by Major Booth and General J. Gorgas, Chief of the Ordnance Bureau at Richmond, and he was one of the most efficient officers at the post. On the approach of General Sherman's army all work, of course, was suspended, and the entire command, after removing all the machinery possible, together with the large amount of supplies, were ordered in camp, and remained there until the surrender of Greensboro. Matthew P. Taylor, Major 6th Battalion, Armory Guard.
Flea Hill (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.42
A. DeLagnel, a company of United States Artillery, who held the post up to the day, when, by order of Governor John W. Ellis, General Walter Draughon, in command of the State militia, was ordered to take possession of the arsenal. General Draughon gathered his forces, consisting of the Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry Company, under command of Major Wright Huske; the Lafayette Light Infantry, under command of Captain Joseph B. Starr, and organized other companies from Cross Creek, Flea Hill, Rock Fish, and .Que Whiffle districts, representing branches of the artillery, cavalry and infantry service, numbering in all about 500 men. General Draughon ascended the hill and halted his command just outside of the arsenal enclosure, and made a formal demand of the surrender of this property in the name of his Excellency, John W. Ellis, Governor of the State. Lieutenant DeLagnel accompanied General Draughon where he could make an inspection of his command, when the following conver
Averasboro (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.42
enant—Ritter. This command was organized and drilled at this post, and constituted a part of this battalion until they were ordered to report at Wilmington to Major-General Whiting. Captain DeRosset left Fayetteville with 118 rank and file. On reaching the city of Wilmington, Company G of this battalion was thrown with Company B, as a battalion, with Captain DeRosset in command. Captain DeRosset had been severely wounded twice in the battles in Virginia, and was again wounded at Averasboro, N. C., in 1865, a few days days before the surrender at Appomattox. Company C-10 men, rank and file. Captain—George W. Decker. First Lieutenant—Charles R, Banks. Second Lieutenant—Charles E. Roberts. Third Lieutenant—Alonzo Garrison. Company D—73 men, rank and file. Captain—William P. Wemyes. First Lieutenant—James F. Woodward. Second Lieutenant—Samuel J. Walton. Third Lieutenant—Malcolm McInnis. Company E—61 men, rank and file. Captain—
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.42
while in the rear part of this enclosure was a large rifle-factory, containing all of the rifle-works brought from Harper's Ferry, Va., and handsome frame dwellings for various officers' quarters. With the exception of these last, all the other bui As this is a matter of history, as I understand it, it will not be amiss to give the names of these pioneers from Harper's Ferry, who left their homes and followed the Southern flag, and cast their lot with the Southern cause. They were patriotslishmen, whose names I have been unable to get, who also deserve especial mention at my hands for similar service. Harpers Ferry men. James Merrick, John Hewett, Otho Hewett, William Martin, William Copeland, Philip Schavman, William Nicholsongerfield was made military storekeeper and paymaster by Major Booth from long experience at the arsenal and armory at Harper's Ferry. Thomas C. DeRosset acted as Secretary in Colonel Child's office, Mr. Robert Johnson was chief clerk, and E. P. Po
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