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Gravely Run (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.7
at Appomattox. I was at that time captain of Company F, 8th Virginia Infantry, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division. In this account I shall speak of this division in general, and of Hunton's Brigade in particular. It should be borne in mind that our brigade was not involved in the disaster that befell the rest of our division at Five Forks on the 1st day of April. We had been left behind when Pickett was ordered to support Fitz. Lee at Five Forks, and were engaged in the battle of Gravely Run on the 31st of March, fighting Warren's Corps, and keeping him from reinforcing Sheridan. That day Pickett and Fitz. Lee drove Sheridan back to Dinwiddie Courthouse. But the next day the tables were turned, and Sheridan, reinforced by two corps of infantry, assailed Pickett on all sides and drove him, with heavy loss and in great confusion, from the field. The result was that when we rejoined him that evening our brigade was, perhaps, the larger half of the division. We had more men p
Lynchburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.7
r forces and turn first upon one and then upon another of the pursuing armies. This plan would doubtless have been carried out but for the inexcusable failure of our government at Richmond to have supplies at Amelia Courthouse on our line of retreat, as ordered by General Lee. The delay caused by the necessity of gathering supplies from the surrounding country was fatal to Lee's plans. The enemy gained on us, headed us off from Burkeville, and forced us to take the road to Farmville and Lynchburg. Forced the battle. No fighting of any consequence occurred until the 6th of April, when Sheridan, by rapid marching on a parallel line, got ahead of our division, struck the road on which we were moving, captured a portion of our wagon train, and forced the battle of Sailor's Creek. We had been on the march most of the night, and our men were weary and hungry, having been subsisting for two days or more on parched corn. At the time the battle began we (our brigade) were resting on
Sailor's Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.7
Battle of Sailor's Creek. [from the Richmond Dispatch, March 29, 1896.] Recollections of one who participated in it. A part taken by Hunter's Brigade. A charge that was an inspiring sight. No fear of the Cavalry. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Responding to your call of the 15th instant, I will give my own recollections of the battle of Sailor's Creek, which was fought on the 6th of April, 1865, just three days before the surrender at Appomattox. I was at that time captain of Company F, 8th Virginia Infantry, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division. In this account I shall speak of this division in general, and of Hunton's Brigade in partrching on a parallel line, got ahead of our division, struck the road on which we were moving, captured a portion of our wagon train, and forced the battle of Sailor's Creek. We had been on the march most of the night, and our men were weary and hungry, having been subsisting for two days or more on parched corn. At the time the
Big Lick (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.7
not catch Gray and myself, for they went right on in our direction. Twice, as the bullets whistled by us, we stopped to surrender, thinking that the cavalry was upon us, but seeing that they were occupied with stragglers in our rear we pressed on deeper into the forest. It was our first and last run. We were running, not from Federal cavalry, but from Federal prisons, which we knew were more to be dreaded than battle with Sheridan's men. It was nearly sundown when we came in sight of Mahone's Division, drawn up on the ridge which leads to the High Bridge, near Farmville. As we and other stragglers from that day's engagement appeared in sight a body of Confederate cavalry moved out to meet us, and to protect us from further pursuit. Crossing Sailor's creek on a little bridge we ascended the hill beyond, where Lee and Mahone were waiting and watching, and soon were in the bosom of what was left of the Army of Northern Virginia. C. F. James, Roanoke Female College, Farmville, Va.
Burkeville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.7
the Staunton or Dan, where Lee and Johnston could unite their forces and turn first upon one and then upon another of the pursuing armies. This plan would doubtless have been carried out but for the inexcusable failure of our government at Richmond to have supplies at Amelia Courthouse on our line of retreat, as ordered by General Lee. The delay caused by the necessity of gathering supplies from the surrounding country was fatal to Lee's plans. The enemy gained on us, headed us off from Burkeville, and forced us to take the road to Farmville and Lynchburg. Forced the battle. No fighting of any consequence occurred until the 6th of April, when Sheridan, by rapid marching on a parallel line, got ahead of our division, struck the road on which we were moving, captured a portion of our wagon train, and forced the battle of Sailor's Creek. We had been on the march most of the night, and our men were weary and hungry, having been subsisting for two days or more on parched corn. At
Appomattox (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.7
Battle of Sailor's Creek. [from the Richmond Dispatch, March 29, 1896.] Recollections of one who participated in it. A part taken by Hunter's Brigade. A charge that was an inspiring sight. No fear of the Cavalry. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Responding to your call of the 15th instant, I will give my own recollections of the battle of Sailor's Creek, which was fought on the 6th of April, 1865, just three days before the surrender at Appomattox. I was at that time captain of Company F, 8th Virginia Infantry, Hunton's Brigade, Pickett's Division. In this account I shall speak of this division in general, and of Hunton's Brigade in particular. It should be borne in mind that our brigade was not involved in the disaster that befell the rest of our division at Five Forks on the 1st day of April. We had been left behind when Pickett was ordered to support Fitz. Lee at Five Forks, and were engaged in the battle of Gravely Run on the 31st of March, fighting Warren's
Farmville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.7
thering supplies from the surrounding country was fatal to Lee's plans. The enemy gained on us, headed us off from Burkeville, and forced us to take the road to Farmville and Lynchburg. Forced the battle. No fighting of any consequence occurred until the 6th of April, when Sheridan, by rapid marching on a parallel line, got ded than battle with Sheridan's men. It was nearly sundown when we came in sight of Mahone's Division, drawn up on the ridge which leads to the High Bridge, near Farmville. As we and other stragglers from that day's engagement appeared in sight a body of Confederate cavalry moved out to meet us, and to protect us from further pursnfederate cavalry moved out to meet us, and to protect us from further pursuit. Crossing Sailor's creek on a little bridge we ascended the hill beyond, where Lee and Mahone were waiting and watching, and soon were in the bosom of what was left of the Army of Northern Virginia. C. F. James, Roanoke Female College, Farmville, Va.
Fitzhugh Lee (search for this): chapter 1.7
st day of April. We had been left behind when Pickett was ordered to support Fitz. Lee at Five Forks, and were engaged in the battle of Gravely Run on the 31st of Mren's Corps, and keeping him from reinforcing Sheridan. That day Pickett and Fitz. Lee drove Sheridan back to Dinwiddie Courthouse. But the next day the tables wer war. We were falling back to an interior line behind the Staunton or Dan, where Lee and Johnston could unite their forces and turn first upon one and then upon anot to have supplies at Amelia Courthouse on our line of retreat, as ordered by General Lee. The delay caused by the necessity of gathering supplies from the surrounding country was fatal to Lee's plans. The enemy gained on us, headed us off from Burkeville, and forced us to take the road to Farmville and Lynchburg. Forced the. Crossing Sailor's creek on a little bridge we ascended the hill beyond, where Lee and Mahone were waiting and watching, and soon were in the bosom of what was lef
C. F. James (search for this): chapter 1.7
d not catch Gray and myself, for they went right on in our direction. Twice, as the bullets whistled by us, we stopped to surrender, thinking that the cavalry was upon us, but seeing that they were occupied with stragglers in our rear we pressed on deeper into the forest. It was our first and last run. We were running, not from Federal cavalry, but from Federal prisons, which we knew were more to be dreaded than battle with Sheridan's men. It was nearly sundown when we came in sight of Mahone's Division, drawn up on the ridge which leads to the High Bridge, near Farmville. As we and other stragglers from that day's engagement appeared in sight a body of Confederate cavalry moved out to meet us, and to protect us from further pursuit. Crossing Sailor's creek on a little bridge we ascended the hill beyond, where Lee and Mahone were waiting and watching, and soon were in the bosom of what was left of the Army of Northern Virginia. C. F. James, Roanoke Female College, Farmville, Va.
John T. James (search for this): chapter 1.7
tunate as General Terry to get it back in time to make his escape. Not being able to make a good run his safety was in surrender. He released us all from his authority, saying that if we did not wish to surrender we could go. There was an immediate scattering of the head of the regiment, some going down a ravine, and others bearing to the right. How many tried to escape I do not know. Only some twenty-five or thirty of our regiment succeeded. Among these were Captain John Gray, Lieutenant John T. James, Sergeant Thompson Furr, and Private James Van Horn. Captain Gray and myself kept close together. I had held on to my big navy revolver, and we did not mean to surrender to any one or two pursuers. Our escape was very narrow. Captain Bichsler was captured when we were in full view of him, not over fifty yards off, according to his statement, and he always wondered why the same fellows did not catch Gray and myself, for they went right on in our direction. Twice, as the bullets
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