tenant, killed, 316
Magruder: Colonel John Bowie, Sketch of, 205.
Marshall, Colonel, Thomas, killed, 15.
Marye's Heights, 225.
Mason, Wiley Roy, 338
Massachusetts advocated secession, 65.
Massie, Captain LIV., killed, 9
Matthews, James P.. 26
Mattison, J. W., 157.
Mauk, Sergeant John H., 26.
Maury, General D. General T. L., 283.
Sailor's Creek, Battle of, 324.
Sanders, Palmer, killed, 141.
Scott, Colonel W. C., 44.
Secession, Right of, 61, 114; advocated by Massachusetts, 65; by the N. Y. Tribune, 67; cause of, 81.
Seddon, James A., 317.
Sedgwick, General, John, killed, 37.
Seward, W. H., 375.
Sharpsburg, Battle of, 49,asualties in, at Sharpsburg, 50; 21st and 48th, 147.
Virginia Military Institute and other buildings burnt by General Hunter, 179.
Virginia to the aid of Massachusetts, 68.
Wade, Ben. F., 367.
Walker, Major D. N., 51, 328.
Walker, Major, John Stewart, killed, 49.
Walker, General, R. Lindsay, 327.
Wheeler, General, Jo
e, Prof. J. P. Address by, 352, 359
McDowell, Battle of, 43.
McLaws, General L., 55.
McCaw, Dr J. B., 335.
McMasters, Lieutenant, killed, 316
Magruder: Colonel John Bowie, Sketch of, 205.
Marshall, Colonel, Thomas, killed, 15.
Marye's Heights, 225.
Mason, Wiley Roy, 338
Massachusetts advocated secession, 65.
Massie, Captain LIV., killed, 9
Matthews, James P.. 26
Mattison, J. W., 157.
Mauk, Sergeant John H., 26.
Maury, General D. H., Sketch of, 335; comrades at West Point, 336; in the Mexican war 337; last days in the U. S. army, 339; in tile C. S. army, 341; funeral services of, 347; tributes to, 349
Maury, Jr., D H., 345.
Maury, Captain, John Minor, 335.
Maury, Commodore M. F., 335.
Maury, Mrs., Nannie Mason, 338.
Maury, Colonel R. L., 335.
Mayo, Mayor, Joseph, 20.
Mechanicsville, Battle of, 160.
Merritt, General, Wesley, 273, 315.
Metts, Captain James I., 92.
Minor, B. B., Ll.D., Address on Judge Wm. Brockenbrough, 350.
Minor, Dr C.
Adams, John Quincy, 65.
Alexander, General E. P., 56.
Alien and Sedition Laws, 64.
Allen, C. T., 44.
Appomattox, Last volley fired at, 92; Wants of Confederates at, and their unyielding spirit, 322, 323.
Atkinson J. M. P., 45.
August, Colonel T. P., wounded, 49.
Balaklava, The valor of the thin red line at, surpassed, 170.
Baldwin, Colonel B. G., 117.
Barksdale, General, Wm., 234.
Beall, Captain John Y., 130.
Beers, James H., Devotion of, 17.
Blackman, W. H. H., 108.
Blacknall, Colonel C. C., 175.
Blanchard, General A. G., 206.
Blow, Captain W. N., 380.
Bloxham, Governor W. D., Address of, 124.
Bouldin Captain E. E., 182.
Brock, R. A., 349.
Brockenbrough, Judge, Wm., Addresses on the life of, his descent, and exalted character, 351, 359.
Brown, John, Raid of, 79.
Burnside, General A. E., 234.
Cabell, Colonel, H. Coalter, 327.
Campbell, Sir, Colin, 171.
Carter, Captain R. R.. 221.
Catlett's Station, Raid on, 303
Cedar Creek
, W. H. H., 108.
Blacknall, Colonel C. C., 175.
Blanchard, General A. G., 206.
Blow, Captain W. N., 380.
Bloxham, Governor W. D., Address of, 124.
Bouldin Captain E. E., 182.
Brock, R. A., 349.
Brockenbrough, Judge, Wm., Addresses on the life of, his descent, and exalted character, 351, 359.
Brown, John, Raid of, 79.
Burnside, General A. E., 234.
Cabell, Colonel, H. Coalter, 327.
Campbell, Sir, Colin, 171.
Carter, Captain R. R.. 221.
Catlett's Station, Raid on, 303
Cedar Creek, Battle of, 13
Cedar Run, Battle of, 89, 144.
Chambersburg, Pa., 273.
Chancellorsville, Battle of, 218.
Chandler, Zach W., 73.
Chapman, Rev., Captain Sam, 314.
Charlestown, Engagement at, 2.
Chase, Salmon P., 368, 369.
Cheat Mountain, Advance on, 42.
Clinkscale, Dr., Frank, killed, 162.
Cold Harbor, Battle of, 162, 218.
Confederate, Ability of generals, 290; Supreme Court—there was none, 307; Soldiers, privations of, 323; their amusements, 325; conduct after the s
junior, 20.
Fisher's Hill, Battle of, x.
Fleming, Captain C. S., Sketch of, 192.
Fleming, ex-Governor F. P., Address of, 113.
Florida, The Confederate Dead of-Monument to at Jacksonville, 109; description of. 117; troops from, in the C. S. Army, 118; brigade at Gettysburg, 192; casualties in, 202.
Fort Necessity, 171.
Fredericksburg, Battle of. 231.
Fremont, John C.. 366, 368.
Freitchie myth, The Barbara, 287.
Front Royal, Battle of, 15.
Gaines, Dr. J. M., 241.
Gaines' Mill, Battle of, 161.
Garnett, Ll.D., Captain J. M., Diary of, 1, 177.
Garnett, Hon. M. R. H., Address on, 155.
Garnett, General R. S., killed, 41.
Garnett, Hon. T. S, Addresses of, 151, 155.
Gettysburg Battle, discussed, 52; the Florida brigade at, 192, 241.
Getz, David, Murder of, 372.
Grabill, John H., 374.
Grant, General U. S., 266.
Greeley, Horace, 366.
Green, Dr. B. W.; 222.
Green, Judge John W., 355.
Hagerstown and Williamsport, Md., C. S. sick and wounded
Adams, John Quincy, 65.
Alexander, General E. P., 56.
Alien and Sedition Laws, 64.
Allen, C. T., 44.
Appomattox, Last volley fired at, 92; Wants of Confederates at, and their unyielding spirit, 322, 323.
Atkinson J. M. P., 45.
August, Colonel T. P., wounded, 49.
Balaklava, The valor of the thin red line at, surpassed, 170.
Baldwin, Colonel B. G., 117.
Barksdale, General, Wm., 234.
Beall, Captain John Y., 130.
Beers, James H., Devotion of, 17.
Blackman, W. H. H., 108.
Blacknall, Colonel C. C., 175.
Blanchard, General A. G., 206.
Blow, Captain W. N., 380.
Bloxham, Governor W. D., Address of, 124.
Bouldin Captain E. E., 182.
Brock, R. A., 349.
Brockenbrough, Judge, Wm., Addresses on the life of, his descent, and exalted character, 351, 359.
Brown, John, Raid of, 79.
Burnside, General A. E., 234.
Cabell, Colonel, H. Coalter, 327.
Campbell, Sir, Colin, 171.
Carter, Captain R. R.. 221.
Catlett's Station, Raid on, 303
Cedar Creek,
John N., 296.
Dunn House, Quarters at the, 325.
Early, General J. A., 52, 266; Campaigns of 1864, 1.
Ebert, Valerius, 289.
Edwards, Colonel O., 319.
Ellerson's Mill, Battle of, 160.
England, Captain A. V., killed, 50.
Essex county, Va., worthies, 354, 355.
F Company, 21st Virginia, 144; junior, 20.
Fisher's Hill, Battle of, x.
Fleming, Captain C. S., Sketch of, 192.
Fleming, ex-Governor F. P., Address of, 113.
Florida, The Confederate Dead of-Monument to at Jacksonville, 109; description of. 117; troops from, in the C. S. Army, 118; brigade at Gettysburg, 192; casualties in, 202.
Fort Necessity, 171.
Fredericksburg, Battle of. 231.
Fremont, John C.. 366, 368.
Freitchie myth, The Barbara, 287.
Front Royal, Battle of, 15.
Gaines, Dr. J. M., 241.
Gaines' Mill, Battle of, 161.
Garnett, Ll.D., Captain J. M., Diary of, 1, 177.
Garnett, Hon. M. R. H., Address on, 155.
Garnett, General R. S., killed, 41.
Garnett, Hon. T. S, Addresses o
tain W. N., 380.
Bloxham, Governor W. D., Address of, 124.
Bouldin Captain E. E., 182.
Brock, R. A., 349.
Brockenbrough, Judge, Wm., Addresses on the life of, his descent, and exalted character, 351, 359.
Brown, John, Raid of, 79.
Burnside, General A. E., 234.
Cabell, Colonel, H. Coalter, 327.
Campbell, Sir, Colin, 171.
Carter, Captain R. R.. 221.
Catlett's Station, Raid on, 303
Cedar Creek, Battle of, 13
Cedar Run, Battle of, 89, 144.
Chambersburg, Pa., 273.
Chancellorsville, Battle of, 218.
Chandler, Zach W., 73.
Chapman, Rev., Captain Sam, 314.
Charlestown, Engagement at, 2.
Chase, Salmon P., 368, 369.
Cheat Mountain, Advance on, 42.
Clinkscale, Dr., Frank, killed, 162.
Cold Harbor, Battle of, 162, 218.
Confederate, Ability of generals, 290; Supreme Court—there was none, 307; Soldiers, privations of, 323; their amusements, 325; conduct after the surrender, 333; valor and devotion of, 383.
Corinth, Battle of, 343.
Couch, General D.
nius, 220.
Newton, Wm B., 304.
Ordnance report of Grimes' division, April 10, 1865, 177.
Orr's S. C. Rifles, Sketch of, 157.
Page, Captain, Thomas Jefferson, Sketch of life and deeds of, 219.
Parker, Captain W. H., 137.
Parksley, Monument at, unveiled, 60.
Peace Congress of 1861, 70.
Peace Conference in 1865, 374.
Pegram Colonel W. R. J. 91.
Pegram, General, John, killed, 45.
Pendleton, General W. N., 52.
Perry, General E. A., 194.
Peters, Colonel, Winfield, of Baltimore, 26.
Peters Colonel W. E.. 273.
Petersburg. Battles before, in 1865, 28.
Phillips, Wendell, 368.
Pickett, General G E., 143, 208.
Poindexter, Charles, 334.
Point Pleasant, Battle of, 171.
Pollard Mrs. Rose, 335.
Poore, Ben Perley, 368.
Porter, Commodore D., 144.
Powell, Colonel, Wm. H.
Preston, Wm., 295.
Price, Dr. Henry M., 38.
Purcell Battery, Gallantry of, at Cedar Run, 89.
Quincey, Josiah, 65.
Ramseur, General S. D., killed, 7.
Reprisal or retaliation
life of, his descent, and exalted character, 351, 359.
Brown, John, Raid of, 79.
Burnside, General A. E., 234.
Cabell, Colonel, H. Coalter, 327.
Campbell, Sir, Colin, 171.
Carter, Captain R. R.. 221.
Catlett's Station, Raid on, 303
Cedar Creek, Battle of, 13
Cedar Run, Battle of, 89, 144.
Chambersburg, Pa., 273.
Chancellorsville, Battle of, 218.
Chandler, Zach W., 73.
Chapman, Rev., Captain Sam, 314.
Charlestown, Engagement at, 2.
Chase, Salmon P., 368, 369.
Cheat Mountain, Advance on, 42.
Clinkscale, Dr., Frank, killed, 162.
Cold Harbor, Battle of, 162, 218.
Confederate, Ability of generals, 290; Supreme Court—there was none, 307; Soldiers, privations of, 323; their amusements, 325; conduct after the surrender, 333; valor and devotion of, 383.
Corinth, Battle of, 343.
Couch, General D. N., 267.
Cox, General W. R., 92.
Craven, Commodore T. T., 223.
Creigh, David, Murder of, 183.
Custer, General George A., 255, 321, 329; his brutality,