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Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.9
The Purcell battery from Richmond, Va. [from the Galveston, Texas, news, November, 1899.] Its gallant conduct at the battle of Cedar Run. After helping McClellan to change his base from the Pamunkey to James river (in which operation our battery lost in killed and wounded sixty-five men out of less than one hundred), we were ordered from Malvern Hill to Richmond to refit and recruit. After several weeks' rest, we were attached to Jackson's flying column, and sent to meet the army oJames river (in which operation our battery lost in killed and wounded sixty-five men out of less than one hundred), we were ordered from Malvern Hill to Richmond to refit and recruit. After several weeks' rest, we were attached to Jackson's flying column, and sent to meet the army of the Potomac, commanded by General John Pope, who, the Northern press declared, would prove more than a match for Stonewall Jackson, and had been sent to Virginia to teach him (Jackson) the art of war. Arriving at Orange Courthouse about August 8th, we took a short rest, and on the afternoon of the 9th crossed the Rapidan at Morton's Ford. A. P. Hill's division, to which we were attached, was marching in columns through a wooded country, over a very rough road. Our battery was about the ce
Jackson County (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.9
The Purcell battery from Richmond, Va. [from the Galveston, Texas, news, November, 1899.] Its gallant conduct at the battle of Cedar Run. After helping McClellan to change his base from the Pamunkey to James river (in which operation our battery lost in killed and wounded sixty-five men out of less than one hundred), we were ordered from Malvern Hill to Richmond to refit and recruit. After several weeks' rest, we were attached to Jackson's flying column, and sent to meet the army of the Potomac, commanded by General John Pope, who, the Northern press declared, would prove more than a match for Stonewall Jackson, and had been sent to Virginia to teach him (Jackson) the art of war. Arriving at Orange Courthouse about August 8th, we took a short rest, and on the afternoon of the 9th crossed the Rapidan at Morton's Ford. A. P. Hill's division, to which we were attached, was marching in columns through a wooded country, over a very rough road. Our battery was about the cen
Malvern Hill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.9
The Purcell battery from Richmond, Va. [from the Galveston, Texas, news, November, 1899.] Its gallant conduct at the battle of Cedar Run. After helping McClellan to change his base from the Pamunkey to James river (in which operation our battery lost in killed and wounded sixty-five men out of less than one hundred), we were ordered from Malvern Hill to Richmond to refit and recruit. After several weeks' rest, we were attached to Jackson's flying column, and sent to meet the army of the Potomac, commanded by General John Pope, who, the Northern press declared, would prove more than a match for Stonewall Jackson, and had been sent to Virginia to teach him (Jackson) the art of war. Arriving at Orange Courthouse about August 8th, we took a short rest, and on the afternoon of the 9th crossed the Rapidan at Morton's Ford. A. P. Hill's division, to which we were attached, was marching in columns through a wooded country, over a very rough road. Our battery was about the cent
Va. [from the Galveston, Texas, news, November, 1899.] Its gallant conduct at the battle of Cedar Run. After helping McClellan to change his base from the Pamunkey to James river (in which operation our battery lost in killed and wounded sixty-five men out of less than one hundred), we were ordered from Malvern Hill to Richmond to refit and recruit. After several weeks' rest, we were attached to Jackson's flying column, and sent to meet the army of the Potomac, commanded by General John Pope, who, the Northern press declared, would prove more than a match for Stonewall Jackson, and had been sent to Virginia to teach him (Jackson) the art of war. Arriving at Orange Courthouse about August 8th, we took a short rest, and on the afternoon of the 9th crossed the Rapidan at Morton's Ford. A. P. Hill's division, to which we were attached, was marching in columns through a wooded country, over a very rough road. Our battery was about the centre of the column. As soon as the h
Stonewall Jackson (search for this): chapter 1.9
by General John Pope, who, the Northern press declared, would prove more than a match for Stonewall Jackson, and had been sent to Virginia to teach him (Jackson) the art of war. Arriving at OrangJackson) the art of war. Arriving at Orange Courthouse about August 8th, we took a short rest, and on the afternoon of the 9th crossed the Rapidan at Morton's Ford. A. P. Hill's division, to which we were attached, was marching in columns thsend Pegram's rifled guns to the front. Going forward, we soon came to the open country, where Jackson and our chief of artillery, General R. L. Walker, met us and pointed out the position we were to take and the work we were to do. In an old stubble-field on a little knoll we unlimbered, and Jackson in person directed Pegram to throw shells into a distant woods. We opened fire as directed, usit in the very faces of the men, and begging: Don't let the enemy have these guns or this flag; Jackson is looking at you. Go in, men; give it to them. The column faltered and went back and reform
Willie Pegram (search for this): chapter 1.9
or participate in the fighting, at which our boy captain—little Willie Pegram—was very much chagrined. But his chance was soon to come. In a short time an order came to send Pegram's rifled guns to the front. Going forward, we soon came to the open country, where Jackson and our eld on a little knoll we unlimbered, and Jackson in person directed Pegram to throw shells into a distant woods. We opened fire as directed, rds. The situation looked desperate, as we had no support near by. Pegram ordered double charges of canister, and seizing the flag, he went fthing to do was to leave this gun and save the rest, if we could. Pegram did not think so, and he quickly gave the order: Action, front! rcements coming up, we soon had our old position back. After this, Pegram heard the men discussing how near we came to losing the gun. He merd the prize. What Napoleon said of Ney might well be said of Willie Pegram, the boy artillerist: What a man! What a soldier! Of boyish f
N. P. Banks (search for this): chapter 1.9
ttached, was marching in columns through a wooded country, over a very rough road. Our battery was about the centre of the column. As soon as the head of our troops emerged from the woods into the open fields of Culpeper, they were attacked by Banks's corps. After a short but desperate conflict, Banks fell back, and the fighting ceased. We had been posted in the woods, and did not see or participate in the fighting, at which our boy captain—little Willie Pegram—was very much chagrined. BuBanks fell back, and the fighting ceased. We had been posted in the woods, and did not see or participate in the fighting, at which our boy captain—little Willie Pegram—was very much chagrined. But his chance was soon to come. In a short time an order came to send Pegram's rifled guns to the front. Going forward, we soon came to the open country, where Jackson and our chief of artillery, General R. L. Walker, met us and pointed out the position we were to take and the work we were to do. In an old stubble-field on a little knoll we unlimbered, and Jackson in person directed Pegram to throw shells into a distant woods. We opened fire as directed, using 1 and 2-second shells—no enem
R. Lindsay Walker (search for this): chapter 1.9
elds of Culpeper, they were attacked by Banks's corps. After a short but desperate conflict, Banks fell back, and the fighting ceased. We had been posted in the woods, and did not see or participate in the fighting, at which our boy captain—little Willie Pegram—was very much chagrined. But his chance was soon to come. In a short time an order came to send Pegram's rifled guns to the front. Going forward, we soon came to the open country, where Jackson and our chief of artillery, General R. L. Walker, met us and pointed out the position we were to take and the work we were to do. In an old stubble-field on a little knoll we unlimbered, and Jackson in person directed Pegram to throw shells into a distant woods. We opened fire as directed, using 1 and 2-second shells—no enemy in sight. Three hundred yards in front of us was a heavy growth of green corn, extending for a mile or more over beautifully undulating ground. To the left was the road by which we had come, and the only lin<
y, look for my dead body in front of it. And he kept his word. From a private in an infantry company, he rose to be a colonel of artillery, and commanded at one time, as high as sixty guns in battle. He never lost a single piece until the final break — up at Five Forks. He died, aged 22, in Gilliand Field, in a little redoubt, by the side of the first gun the enemy had ever captured from his command, and his eyes were closed in death 'ere they claimed the prize. What Napoleon said of Ney might well be said of Willie Pegram, the boy artillerist: What a man! What a soldier! Of boyish form and face, in camp and on the march he had the voice and manners of a school-girl. Kind and gentle to his men, still a stern disciplinarian, requiring every one to do his whole duty. Amid the roar of his guns on the battlefield he became a giant in voice and stature, and seemed to know in the hottest battle just which gun was doing the best work, even when he had forty in action, and never
m Malvern Hill to Richmond to refit and recruit. After several weeks' rest, we were attached to Jackson's flying column, and sent to meet the army of the Potomac, commanded by General John Pope, who, the Northern press declared, would prove more than a match for Stonewall Jackson, and had been sent to Virginia to teach him (Jackson) the art of war. Arriving at Orange Courthouse about August 8th, we took a short rest, and on the afternoon of the 9th crossed the Rapidan at Morton's Ford. A. P. Hill's division, to which we were attached, was marching in columns through a wooded country, over a very rough road. Our battery was about the centre of the column. As soon as the head of our troops emerged from the woods into the open fields of Culpeper, they were attacked by Banks's corps. After a short but desperate conflict, Banks fell back, and the fighting ceased. We had been posted in the woods, and did not see or participate in the fighting, at which our boy captain—little Willie
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